Use AWK with delimiter to print specific columns - bash

My file looks as follows:
| Message | Status | Adress | Changes | Test | Calibration |
| Hello World | Active | up | 1 | up | done |
| Hello Everyone Here | Passive | up | 2 | down | none |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | Down | up | 3 | inactive | done |
| Message | Status | Adress | Changes | Test | Calibration |
| What's up? | Active | up | 1 | up | done |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive | up | 2 | down | none |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up | up | 3 | inactive | done |
I want to extract a specific column using AWK.
I can use CUT to do it; however when the length of each table varies depending on how many characters are present in each column, I'm not getting the desired output.
cat File.txt | cut -c -44
| Message |
| Hello World |
| Hello Everyone Here |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? |
| Message | Status
| What's up? | Active
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up
cat File.txt | cut -c 44-60
| Status |
| Active |
| Passive |
| Down |
| Adress
| up
| up
| up
I tried using AWK but I don't know how to add 2 different delimiters which would take care of all the lines.
cat File.txt | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|";}{print $2,$3}'
Message Status
Hello World Active
Hello Everyone Here Passive
Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? Down
Message Status
What's up? Active
Hi. I'm Otilia Passive
Hi there. This is Marcus Up
The output I'm looking for:
| Message |
| Hello World |
| Hello Everyone Here |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? |
| Message |
| What's up? |
| Hi. I'm Otilia |
| Hi there. This is Marcus |
| Message | Status |
| Hello World | Active |
| Hello Everyone Here | Passive |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | Down |
| Message | Status |
| What's up? | Active |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up |
or random other columns
| Message | Adress | Test |
| Hello World | up | up |
| Hello Everyone Here | up | down |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | up | inactive |
| Message |Adress | Test |
| What's up? |up | up |
| Hi. I'm Otilia |up | down |
| Hi there. This is Marcus |up | inactive |
Thanks in advance.

One idea using GNU awk:
awk -v fldlist="2,3" '
BEGIN { fldcnt=split(fldlist,fields,",") } # split fldlist into array fields[]
{ split($0,arr,/[|+]/,seps) # split current line on dual delimiters "|" and "+"
for (i=1;i<=fldcnt;i++) # loop through our array of fields (fldlist)
printf "%s%s", seps[fields[i]-1], arr[fields[i]] # print leading separator/delimiter and field
printf "%s\n", seps[fields[fldcnt]] # print trailing separator/delimiter and terminate line
' File.txt
requires GNU awk for the 4th argument to the split() function (seps == array of separators; see gawk string functions for details)
assumes our field delimiters (|, +) do not show up as part of the data
the input variable fldlist is a comma-delimited list of columns that mimics what would be passed to cut (eg, when a line starts with a delimiter then field #1 is blank)
For fldlist="2,3" this generates:
| Message | Status |
| Hello World | Active |
| Hello Everyone Here | Passive |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | Down |
| Message | Status |
| What's up? | Active |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up |
For fldlist="2,4,6" this generates:
| Message | Adress | Test |
| Hello World | up | up |
| Hello Everyone Here | up | down |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | up | inactive |
| Message | Adress | Test |
| What's up? | up | up |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | up | down |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | up | inactive |
For fldlist="4,3,2" this generates:
| Adress | Status | Message |
| up | Active | Hello World |
| up | Passive | Hello Everyone Here |
| up | Down | Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? |
| Adress | Status | Message |
| up | Active | What's up? |
| up | Passive | Hi. I'm Otilia |
| up | Up | Hi there. This is Marcus |
Say that again? (fldlist="3,3,3"):
| Status | Status | Status |
| Active | Active | Active |
| Passive | Passive | Passive |
| Down | Down | Down |
| Status | Status | Status |
| Active | Active | Active |
| Passive | Passive | Passive |
| Up | Up | Up |
And if you make the mistake of trying to print the '1st' column, ie, fldlist="1":

If GNU awk is available, please try markp-fuso's nice solution.
If not, here is a posix-compliant alternative:
# define bash variables
cols=(2 3 6) # bash array of desired columns
col_list=$(IFS=,; echo "${cols[*]}") # create a csv string
awk -v cols="$col_list" '
if (match($0, /^[|+]/)) { # the record contains a table
if (match($0, /^[|+]-/)) # horizontally ruled line
n = split($0, a, /[|+]/) # split into columns
else # "cell" line
n = split($0, a, /\|/)
len = 0
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
len += length(a[i]) + 1 # accumulated column position
pos[FNR, i] = len
n = split(cols, a, /,/) # split the variable `cols` on comma into an array
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
col = a[i]
if (pos[FNR, col] && pos[FNR, col+1]) {
printf("%s", substr($0, pos[FNR, col], pos[FNR, col + 1] - pos[FNR, col]))
print(substr($0, pos[FNR, col + 1], 1))
' file.txt file.txt
Result with cols=(2 3 6) as shown above:
| Status | Adress | Calibration |
| Active | up | done |
| Passive | up | none |
| Down | up | done |
| Status | Adress | Calibration |
| Active | up | done |
| Passive | up | none |
| Up | up | done |
It detects the column width in the 1st pass then splits the line on the column position in the 2nd pass.
You can control the columns to print with the bash array cols which is assigned at the beginning of the script. Please assign the array to the list of desired column numbers in increasing order. If you want to use the bash variable in different way, please let me know.


Fetch particular column value from rows with specified condition using shell script

I have a sample output from a command
| id | fixed_ip_address | floating_ip_address | port_id |
| 04584e8a-c210-430b-8028-79dbf741797c | | | |
| 12d2257c-c02b-4295-b910-2069f583bee5 | | | 37ebfa4c-c0f9-459a-a63b-fb2e84ab7f92 |
| 98c5a929-e125-411d-8a18-89877d3c932b | | | |
| f55e54fb-e50a-4800-9a6e-1d75004a2541 | | | fe996e76-ffdb-4687-91a0-9b4df2631b4e |
Now I want to fetch all the "floating _ip_address" for which "port_id" & "fixed_ip_address" fields are blank/empty (In above sample &
How can I do it with shell scripting?
You can use sed:
fl_ips=($(sed -nE 's/\|.*\|.*\|(.*)\|\s*\|/\1/p' inputfile))
Here inputfile is the table provided in the question. The array fl_ips contains the output of sed:
>echo ${#fl_ips[#]}
2 # Array has two elements
>echo ${fl_ips[0]}
>echo ${fl_ips[1]}

Find references to files, recursively

In a project where XML/JS/Java files can contain references to other such files, I'd like to be able to have a quick overview of what has to be carefully checked, when one file has been updated.
So, it means I need to eventually have a look at all files referencing the modified one, and all files referencing files which refer to the modified one, etc. (recursively on matched files).
For one level, it's quite simple:
grep -E -l -o --include=*.{xml,js,java} -r "$FILE" . | xargs -n 1 basename
But how can I automate that to match (grand-(grand-))parents?
And how can that be, maybe, made more readable? For example, with a tree structure?
For example, if the file that interests me is called modified.js...
show-referring-files-to modified.js
... I could wish such an output:
|__ a-file-referring-to-some-file-with-ref-to-modified.js
|__ a-file-referring-to-another-one-with-ref-to-modified.js
|__ a-grand-parent-file-having-ref-to-ref-file.xml
|__ another-file-referring-to-another-one-with-ref-to-modified.js
or any other output (even flat) which allows for quickly checking which files are potentially impacted by a change.
UPDATE -- Results of current proposed answer:
| |__ahmsd.js
| | |__ahmsd.xml
| | | |__ahmst.xml
| | | | |
| |__ahru.js
| | |__ahru.xml
| | | |__ahrut.xml
| | | | |__ashrba.js
| | | | | |__ashrba.xml
| | | | | | |
| | |__ahrufrp.xml
| | | |__ahru.js
| | | | |__ahru.xml
| | | | | |__ahrut.xml
| | | | | | |__ashrba.js
| | | | | | | |__ashrba.xml
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | |__ahrufrp.xml
| | | | | |__ahru.js
| | | | | | |__ahru.xml
| | | | | | | |__ahrut.xml
| | | | | | | | |__ashrba.js
| | | | | | | | | |__ashrba.xml
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |__ahrufrp.xml
I'd use a shell function (for the recursion) inside an shell script:
Assuming the filenames are unique have no characters that need escaping in them:
File: /usr/local/bin/show-referring-files-to
get_references() {
grep -F -l --include=*.{xml,js,java} -r "$1" . | grep -v "$3" | while read -r subfile; do
#read each line of the grep result into the variable subfile
subfile="$(basename "$subfile")"
echo "$2""$subfile"
get_references "$subfile" ' '"$2" "$3"'\|'"$subfile"
while test $# -gt 0; do
#loop so more than one file can be given as argument to this script
echo "$1"
get_references "$1" '|__' "$1"
There still are lots of performance enhancements possible.
Edit: Added $3 to prevent infinite-loop.

Extract URLs (multiple lines) from texttable

My source:
| positives | total | scan_date | url |
| 4 | 65 | 2015-09-21 23:29:33 | |
| | | | prettyphoto/images/prettyPhoto/light_rounded/66836487162.txt |
| 1 | 64 | 2015-09-17 19:28:50 | |
| 1 | 64 | 2015-09-17 08:44:16 | |
| | | | prettyphoto/images/prettyPhoto/light_rounded/ |
I would like to extract the full URLs (Full URL in one line):
The multiple lines URL is my problem. I tried for example: awk '{print $9}'
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can use this awk command:
awk -F '[[:blank:]]*\\|[[:blank:]]*' 'NR<3 || NF<5{next}
$2{if (url) print url; url=$5; next}
{url=url $5}
END{print url}' file

Can't iterate over array in Bash

I need to add a new column with a (ordinal) number after the last column in my table.
Both input and output files are .CSV tables.
Incoming table has more then 500 000 lines (rows) of data and 7 columns, e.g.
Incoming CSV table (this is just an example, so "|" and "-" are here for the sake of clarity):
| id | Name |
| 1 | Foo |
| 1 | Foo |
| 1 | Foo |
| 4242 | Baz |
| 4242 | Baz |
| 4242 | Baz |
| 4242 | Baz |
| 702131 | Xyz |
| 702131 | Xyz |
| 702131 | Xyz |
| 702131 | Xyz |
Result CSV (this is just an example, so "|" and "-" are here for the sake of clarity):
| id | Name | |
| 1 | Foo | 1 |
| 1 | Foo | 2 |
| 1 | Foo | 3 |
| 4242 | Baz | 1 |
| 4242 | Baz | 2 |
| 4242 | Baz | 3 |
| 4242 | Baz | 4 |
| 702131 | Xyz | 1 |
| 702131 | Xyz | 2 |
| 702131 | Xyz | 3 |
| 702131 | Xyz | 4 |
First column is ID, so I've tried to group all lines with the same ID and iterate over them. Script (I don't know bash scripting, to be honest):
# Delete header and extract IDs and delete non-unique values. Also change \n to ♥, because awk doesn't properly work with it.
IDS_ARRAY=$(awk -v FS="|" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="\"") inQ=!inQ; ORS=(inQ?"♥":"\n") }1' $FILE | awk -F'|' '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}' | awk '!seen[$0]++')
for id in $IDS_ARRAY; do
# Group $FILE by $id from $IDS_ARRAY.
cat $FILE | grep $id >> temp_mail_group.csv
# Add a number after each row.
# NF+1 — add a column after last existing.
awk -F'|' '{$(NF+1)=++i;}1' OFS="|", $ROW_GROUP >> "numbered_mails_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).csv"
rm -f $PWD/temp_mail_group.csv
Right now this script works almost like I want to, except that it thinks that (for example) ID 2834 and 772834 are the same.
UPD: Although I marked one answer as approved it does not assign correct values to some groups of records with the same ID (right now I don't see a pattern).
You can do everything in a single script:
gawk 'BEGIN { FS="|"; OFS="|";}
/^-/ {print; next;}
$2 ~ /\s*id\s*/ {print $0,""; next;}
{print "", $2, $3, ++a[$2];}
$1 is the empty field before the first | in the input. I use an empty output column "" to get the leading |.
The trick is ++a[$2] which takes the second field in each row (= the ID column) and looks for it in the associative array a. If there is no entry, the result is 0. By pre-incrementing, we start with 1 and add 1 every time the ID reappears.
Every time you write a loop in shell just to manipulate text you have the wrong approach. The guys who invented shell also invented awk for shell to call to manipulate text - don't disappoint them :-).
$ awk '
BEGIN{ w = 8 }
if (NR==1) {
val = sprintf("%*s|",w,"")
else if (NR==2) {
val = sprintf("%*s",w+1,"")
gsub(/ /,"-",val)
else {
val = sprintf(" %-*s|",w-1,++cnt[$2])
print $0 val
' file
| id | Name | |
| 1 | Foo | 1 |
| 1 | Foo | 2 |
| 1 | Foo | 3 |
| 42 | Baz | 1 |
| 42 | Baz | 2 |
| 42 | Baz | 3 |
| 42 | Baz | 4 |
| 70 | Xyz | 1 |
| 70 | Xyz | 2 |
| 70 | Xyz | 3 |
| 70 | Xyz | 4 |
An awk way
Without considering the dotted line being extended.
awk 'NR>2{$0=$0 (++a[$2])"|"}1' file
| id | Name |
| 1 | Foo |1|
| 1 | Foo |2|
| 1 | Foo |3|
| 42 | Baz |1|
| 42 | Baz |2|
| 42 | Baz |3|
| 42 | Baz |4|
| 70 | Xyz |1|
| 70 | Xyz |2|
| 70 | Xyz |3|
| 70 | Xyz |4|
Here's a way to do it with pure Bash:
while IFS= read -r line ; do
printf '%s' "$line"
IFS=$'| \t\n' read t1 id name t2 <<<"$line"
if [[ $line == -* ]] ; then
printf '%s\n' '---------'
elif [[ $id == 'id' ]] ; then
printf ' Number |\n'
if [[ $id != "$prev_id" ]] ; then
printf '%2d |\n' "$(( ++id_count ))"
done <"$inputfile"

Linux - Postgres psql retrieving undesired table

I've got the following problem:
There is a Postgres database which I need to get data from, via a Nagios Linux distribution.
My intention is to make a resulting SELECT be saved to a .txt, that would be sent via email to me using MUTT.
Until now, I've done:
psql -d roaming -U thdroaming -o saida.txt << EOF
\pset border 2
SELECT central, imsi, mapver, camel, nrrg, plmn, inoper, natms, cba, cbaz, stall, ownms, imsi_translation, forbrat FROM vw_erros_mgisp_totalizador
My problem is:
The .txt "saida.txt" is bringing me info about the database, as follows:
Lista de relações
Esquema | Nome | Tipo | Dono
public | apns | tabela | jmsilva
public | config_imsis_centrais | tabela | thdroaming
public | config_imsis_sgsn | tabela | postgres
(3 Registers)
| central | imsi | mapver | camel | nrrg | plmn | inoper | natms | cba | cbaz | stall | ownms | imsi_translation | forbrat |
| MCTA02 | 20210 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
| MCTA02 | 20404 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
| MCTA02 | 20408 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
| MCTA02 | 20412 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
How could I make the first table not to be imported to the .txt?
Remove the '\d' portion of the script which causing listing the tables in the DB you see at the top of your output. So your script will become:
psql -d roaming -U thdroaming -o saida.txt << EOF
\pset border 2
SELECT central, imsi, mapver, camel, nrrg, plmn, inoper, natms, cba, cbaz, stall, ownms, imsi_translation, forbrat FROM vw_erros_mgisp_totalizador
To get the output to appear CSV formatted in a file named /tmp/output.csv do you can do the following:
psql -d roaming -U thdroaming -o saida.txt << EOF
\pset border 2
COPY (SELECT central, imsi, mapver, camel, nrrg, plmn, inoper, natms, cba, cbaz, stall, ownms, imsi_translation, forbrat FROM vw_erros_mgisp_totalizador) TO '/tmp/output.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV)
