Issue in using sqlcipher, error returned: "file is not a database" - sqlcipher

Apologies if the solution is buried somewhere in another thread or post. I could not find anything specific to this. I’m getting [Error: file is not a database].
My scenario:
Downloaded sqlcipher to a PopOS installation. (3.15.2 //sqlcipher --version)
Was successful in creating a new encrypted database. Could open, close and see results.
Downloaded that database fie to MacOS (Catalina). (3.31.0 //sqlcipher --version)
I opened the database and entered the “PRAGMA key” statement as the first input. (Confirmation: “ok”.) However, anything I do after that results in [Error: file is not a database].
Is this different versions that is causing the issue?

Had posted the above question at the following link as well: (copied the response below)
"This discussion forum post should point you in the correct direction: Upgrading to SQLCipher 4 1 ( It sounds like your database was created using SQLCipher v3 and you’re attempting to open it using SQLCipher v4. To verify this assumption is correct, you can run PRAGMA cipher_version on each side."
The above was helpful to convert a 3.4 encrypted file into a 4.x version. However, to upgrade my Linux install to 4.x, these instructions were super helpful:


MapBox SDK Download Not Authorized from build.gradle

I am trying to follow the instructions in the mapbox installation guide but I am getting the error:
{"message":"Not Authorized - No Token"}
I am reasonably confident that I am using the correct password - and have even generated a new one to be sure. I have tried both the private password (as recommended) and my public one. I have also hard-coded the password into my build.gradle file, just in case I was failing to get it from the properties file. This is incredibly frustrating since, clearly, until I get the SDK, I can't write any code :-(
This is a really shame, since the V10 SDK looks much better than previous versions and has more sample code, which looks like being a huge help!
I am using Android Studio V4.2.2 running on MacOS Big Sur 11.5.
In conclusion, my original error was due to me not following the advice on the mapbox website, by configuring a token/password with DOWNLOADS:READ scope. My investigation was greatly helped by #tim_yates' input, which lead me to write a shell script that tested the remote connection, using a command of the form:
curl -u mapbox:<token> -G <url>
This returned much more meaningful errors than the ones returned by gradle inside Android Studio.
Sadly, this is not the end, since it has now left me with a new tranche of errors. However, at least it has moved me me forward a bit ;-/

combine_pdf gem : PDF is Encrypted! Attempting to decrypt - not yet fully supported

Trying to merge PDF file
I'm using version (1.0.16) and tried (1.0.21) also, but still getting this error PDF is Encrypted! Attempting to decrypt - not yet fully supported.
I'm able to open the file in preview without password.
I see this issue, which is already discussed issue#66 and closed but still getting error, any help here?

How to dumping database created in Mac OS X with neo4j Desktop?

I have been trying to dump a database I have created using neo4j Desktop app version 3.3.0 on Mac OS X. The documentation said that I need to use neo4j-admin on command line. This was not installed as part of the Desktop version, so I installed neo4j v3.3.0 with homebrew, and got neo4j-admin.
But while running command:
neo4j-admin dump --database=graph.db --to=~/mydatabase.db
I always get the error:
command failed: database does not exist: graph.db
I have searched here and on google, and the only thing I found has been
Neo4j 3.2.3: dump command does not find database
But the answer there is quite vague and I am not too sure what it means, as I am new to neo4j. I gathered that the desktop version is not compatible with the command-line, and that one needs to stick purely with the command-line version, am I understanding this wrong?
I can find graph.db in:
But neo4j-admin seems to just refuse to find it, and setting the environment variables did not solve the problem. And I cannot supply a path to the database as neo4j-admin doesn't take paths.
If I know where neo4j-admin is trying to look for the database, then I can hopefully solve the problem by provide a symbolic link to it, but at the moment I have no idea where it is looking.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
neo4j-admin is probably looking for graph.db in the same directory that your Homebrew Neo4j is installed. You can find out where that is by doing which neo4j-admin, then checking that directory with ls -al to see where Homebrew's actually storing the files.
It'll be somewhere like /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/<version number>/bin, and by default (at least with Neo4j 3.1.1) it'll expect the database to be in /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/<version number>/libexec/data/databases/.

Sage cell installation not working, extreme frustration

I have spent all day trying to install the Sage Cell package and have been quite frustrated. I have been following the instructions at:
Seems pretty reasonable, huh?
First problem occurred at step 4, in the "UPDATE:" that requires a git pull. After attempting the git-pull many times, and googling the error I was getting, which was: fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
It seemed to be that either the pull had been deleted or I somehow didn't have permissions to get it. However, the instructions on the site: don't have the UPDATE so I figured I'd go ahead and attempt the install anyways. I ran ./sage -i and got a long, winded error which looks something like this:
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
Couldn't find index page for 'backports.ssl_match_hostname' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
No local packages or download links found for backports.ssl-match-hostname
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('backports.ssl-match-hostname')
Error installing tornado-3.2.tar.gz.
real 0m8.891s
user 0m2.315s
sys 0m0.933s
Error installing package sagecell-2014-03-01
Followed by contact info for sage, who I have also emailed but am hoping for a response here as well.
I can't answer all this, but I am pretty sure that Sage currently has Ipython 1.2 or so, and Sage 6.3 will have Ipython 2.1 or so. My suspicion is hence that those steps are more than unnecessary.
Edit: However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the backport error message... See this sage-devel thread:
I had to do
./sage -sh -c "easy_install backports.ssl-match-hostname"
before installing the package - this way this thing is downloaded and
installed, while during installation of the package extra downloads
are prohibited.
The Sage Cell installation instructions are in a state of flux as we transfer maintainership over to Andrey Novoseltsev. Before that, the best way to understand how to install the cell server was to use/mimic the shell scripts I used to install the public server (in the contrib/vm directory) because these shell scripts changed sometimes daily, and my focus was on pushing the main server forward.
Andrey is working on the install process now, and said (in response to hearing about this stackexchange post): "This is definitely my project for this week. I can't promise a particular date time since I have some other things going on, but I'll make sure that install of is documented in the way it can be repeated and all others are either removed or marked clearly as not tested/working. Thank you for keeping track of things!"

Meteor update failed download on windows

im getting this error when im trying to update Meteor on windows.
Using git bash here, but getting the same error in command prompt.
Does the file simply not excist, or what is going on here, have had it for some days now, so im just curious if the file excist at all, since its not really officially supported on windows yet?
$ meteor update
New version available: 0.3.8
Failed to download:
It is not supported officially yet on Windows. You need to rely on weekly checking for updates.
I believe you are correct in your assumption of it not really being officially supported on windows. I also get this same error and have tried everything to get around it. I tried scouring for this package manually and was unable to find it.
