Send A varriable from controller to blade - laravel

how can i inject a variable from controller to blade ,it is header
blade so it common for every page but no route url or controller
function is connected with it, please tell me a way to send the data
from Controller To header.blade.php Is there any possible way to
inject the variable?

You can share data with all views using your AppServiceProvider located in your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
In the boot() method, use the view() helper and assign data.
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
view()->share('name', 'My Name');
You can use it like any other variable in your view like this :
{{ $name }}


Laravel route model binding for Blade view component

In my service provider, I bind the event model in the route.
Route::model('event', Event::class);
Then I create the following route.
Route::view('/events/{event}/overview', 'cp.event-overview')
In this view, I call a blade component that looks like this.
class EventHeader extends Component
public $event;
public function __construct(Event $event)
$this->event = $event;
The code returns an empty model (exist: false). But if I do the same and forward the route to a controller, then is it working. Are there any ways to inject the model into Blade components?
Assuming you are calling the component in your blade view, you can pass the Event like that:
<event-header :event="request()->route('event')"></event-header>

How to pass Eloquent Data to blade component?

I have a blade Layout called:
profile.blade.php // component
And I have a blade file infos which extends from profile.blade.php component.
On my controller, I have a profile method:
public method profile(User $user) {
return view('infos.blade.php', compact('user'));
When I try to use the variable user to the profile.blade.php component, I have an error that says "undefined user variable"
My question is how can I get the data I received from my controller to Blade Component profle ?
Because that part of component will be used many times.
in your app/view/components/profile-
namespace App\View\Components;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
class profile extends Component
public $user; //for consistency
public function __construct($user)
$this->user = $user;
public function render()
return view('components.profile');
now the component can render a variable ($user),
in your info's blade/infos.blade.php you can feed the
variable to the component like --
<x-profile :user='$user' ></x-profile>
i understand the question was posted quite a long ago
but i had the same issue and the answers posted here
didn't work for me but this method did may help somebody.
As it's a component you have to pass user parameter each time you call it, for example
#component('profile', ['user' => $user]) #endcomponent // here $user comes from controller

Laravel blade file can't view

I created CustomerController in Http, later, I fixed-route get customers, but getting an error in a single action Controller.
I tried to show off CustomerController view for displaying customers logged in page
Here is my error message:
Use of undefined constant view - assumed 'view' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
Looks like you're trying to access the old ways to render blade file look at this :-
return View::make('customers.index', $customersList);
To use view() method
return view('admin.pages.customers.index',compact('someVaiable'));
// You can define constant for your controller get methods
private $layout;
public function __construct()
$this->layout = 'admin.pages.customers.';
public function index(){
return view($this->layout.'index');
Take a look a this for Single Action Controllers example
The first argument of the view method in the controller should be the name of the view.
Route::get('/', 'CustomerController');
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class CustomerController extends Controller
public function __invoke(Request $request)
return view('customers');

Laravel sharing data with all views

I'm trying to run a user-related query to fetch data to appear in the top bar of my site on every view.
I've created a new BaseController according to the first answer here:
How to pass data to all views in Laravel 5?
and that's working for a simple test (just sharing a typed-out variable), but when I try and use Auth::user()->id in the __construct method of BaseController (which in my other controllers always returns the ID of the currently logged in user), I get Trying to get property 'id' of non-object.
I've tried adding use App\User at the top of BaseController (even though it isn't usually needed) and also tried adding in the bits for Spatie laravel-permission plugin, but neither has any effect.
I tried dd on Auth::user() and just get 'null'. My feeling is that the user details maybe haven't been loaded at this stage, but BaseController extends Controller same as MyWorkingController extends Controller so I'm not sure why Auth::user()->id doesn't work here when it does normally?
Create a Base Controller which has all the information that you want to share too all controllers/pages/views and let your others controllers extend it.
open file AppServiceProvider.php from folder Providers and write below code in boot function
view()->composer('*', function ($view)
$view->with('cartItem', $cart );
And now go to your view page and write :
{{ $cartItem }}
You cannot access Auth in constructors because middleware has not been run yet. You can use either View composer or give try this way though i haven't tested.
class BaseController extends Controller {
protected $userId;
public function __construct() {
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$this->userId= Auth::user()->id;
return $next($request);
Write this in AppServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use DB;
use Auth;
use App\Cart;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
view()->composer('*', function ($view)
view()->composer('*', function($view)
if (Auth::check()) {
$cart = Cart::where('user_id', Auth::user()->user_id)->count();
$view->with('cartItem', $cart );
}else {
$view->with('cartItem', 0);
In you view simply write
{{ $cartItem }}
For anyone interested, I just encountered the same problem and I've solved it with ServiceProvider:
Define your custom ServiceProvider with the command
php artisan make:provider CustomServiceProvider
Add a reference to your service provider in the config\app.php file, specifically in the providers array, adding this item to it:
Declare the variables you want to share in your provider's boot() method and share them by using the view()->share method:
public function boot()
$shared_variable = "Hello";
view()->share('shared_variable', $shared_variable);
You can now reference your variable in your blade files with the standard notation:
{{ $shared_variable }}

Calling model inside view or sharing with all views

I am wondering what are differences between this:
Make your own BaseController and extend laravel's controller. Then extend this one in every other controller and pass some data to all views.
class BaseController extends Controller {
public function __construct() {
$user = User::all();
View::share('user', $user);
Simply use this inside view
$chats = App\Messages::all();
I have an chat app where I display all conversations, but I am wondering is there a better solution to share Messages model to all views where it is used?
In my case I include file with chat html into all views and only in that file I call Messages model inside #foreach
UPDATE: Seems like I cant convert code into code block here :/
Try to edit it... I cant
