throughput in jmeter convert inkb/s - jmeter

how do you calculate the throughput in jmter?
and how to convert it to Kb / s?
summary report

Don't you have the throughput in kilobytes per second already?
JMeter automatically stores sent and received bytes into .jtl result files therefore total throughput will be the sum of bytes and sentBytes columns:
More information:
JMeter Glossary
Calculator Class source code
Also don't run your tests in GUI mode, it's for only tests development and debugging, when it comes to test execution you should be running JMeter tests in command-line non-GUI mode and once test execution is finished you can analyze the results using Listeners (use "Browse" button to locate .jtl results file) of your choice or generating HTML Reporting Dashboard


How to calculate throughput transaction rate per second using jmeter

How to calculate transaction rate per second10,000 for n current users using Jmeter?
I have added my users and Duration assertion and response assertion
Is this enough or do I need to add any constant throughput timer or do I need to do any calculations to see the transactions per second?
When you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/test.jmx -l /path/to/testresult.jtl
The testresult.jtl is a JMeter .jtl results file which contains all the necessary metrics and KPIs, see JMeter Glossary for descriptions of the measurements
In order to get the throughput you can see the throughput for each individual Sampler and overall throughput in i.e. Summary Report listener:
Another option is to use Transactions per Second chart, this way you will see the throughput over duration of the test
And last but not the least you can generate HTML Reporting Dashboard containing the result statistics table which includes the throughput and charts which also include throughput

JMeter Plugin for count how many request fail and pass

In JMeter have any plugin or option for counting total pass and fail request and give summary wise count and also how to find response time for every request
Which format?
JMeter's summarizer outputs basic stats for the samplers when you run your test in non-GUI mode:
JMeter's .jtl files are basically CSV files so you can import them into MS Excel and there you will have response times for all requests and the information regarding whether they're successful or not
There is an option to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard which gives you statistics on passed/failed requests
You can open the aforementioned .jtl results file using Listeners like Aggregate Report which contains statistical information on all the results or View Results in Table
You can generate the CSV output of the Aggregate Report/Summary Report listeners via JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool
Thread Group -> Add -> Listener -> Summary Report
That should meet your needs.

Jmeter- How many sample requests are created with this config?

I have a question related to JMeter, I have thread with config below:
Number of Threads (Users): 5
Ram-Up Period (In second): 5
Loop: Forever
Duration(seconds): 2
How many sample request are created with above config ?
I am using the JMeter version 5.0.
We don't know. It mostly depends on your application response time which is the main factor of Elapsed Time in JMeter.
The only way to get the number is to measure it
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode as:
jmeter -n -t your-test.jmx -l result.jtl
Once test is finished open JMeter GUI, add a Listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Report to your Test Plan and open result.jtl file using "Browse" button - you should see the number of executed samplers as well as other metrics (response time, throughput, latency, etc.)
No of Threads=5 and Ramp up time =5 seconds.
So after every 1 second, next thread will be active.
So ideally it will process maximum 3 samples.
In jmeter Summary report, you could check the sample requests.

To get load-time of the test in Influxdb from Jmeter

How do i get the load time of my test from jmeter into my influxdb. I am able to see data in influxdb that has been added from jmeter but how do i see the "load time" for my test case. The thing is if i run my test case 20 times, as number of threads:20, in influxdb 20 are divided based on number of threads per second, how can i change that. I want to see my load time for each test case in Influxdb-Grafana.
In Jmeter just add a Summary Report to the existing Recording Controller. Then run the testcase. You'll see a row for each request and there would be a lot of information about the test including response time (Average, Min and Max)

Autosaving Jmeter reports summary form non GUI

I'm using Jmeter for various performance and load tests and would like to save summary of Summary report and aggregate report automatically when test is done.
Usually summary table when you running form GUI looks like this :
Label | Samples | Average | Min |Max |Error |Throughput |etc.
When I use Write results to file/ Read form file filed , generated report will contain all http requests I generate, it can be millions. File would be huge and even then, no summary on the end . **No average time **
Same situation for aggregate report, I can not auto generate Summary of aggregate reports same as when you use GUI mode. Saved file contain all requests which is not useful at all.
Can I force Jmeter to save those two summaries when test is over ?
thanks in advance
First of all, don't run your test using GUI. Run your JMeter test using command-line non-GUI mode as
jmeter -n -t /path/to/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/results/jtl
Second, disable all the listeners during test run. Once test execution is finished you will be able to open JMeter's GUI, add Listener of your choice to Test Plan or Workbench and use "Browse" button to locate your results.jtl file.
JMeter cannot display only summary as all the "Total" fields are being calculated.
№ Samples - is count of all executed requests
Average - is arithmetical mean of all requests time (sum of all samples elapsed time divided by count)
etc. See JMeter Glossary for metrics explanation
So you got the idea right, it is better to store the necessary minimum, but you need to store something in order to be able to perform results analysis.
You can control what to store by amending properties which names start with See file in bin folder of your JMeter installation for the details.
