GitHub Pages failed to build your site: File to import not found or unreadable: variables - ruby

I am trying to build a simple blog with Github Pages and I have tested my changes locally with jekyll serve bundler. The problem is when I push my changes to GitHub, I see the following error:
Your SCSS file blog/styles.scss has an error on line 15: File to import not found or unreadable: variables. Load path: /hoosegow/.bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.4/_sass.
I looked at _sass/_variables.scss file and I don't see any obvious issues.
Any pointers? Appreciate any help (FYI - I new to ruby and jekyll ecosystem)

I was able to find the cause of this issue. The problem was that all my blog files were under the blog/ directory in the repository and GitHub Pages does not use that as the source to publish the blog. It expects the source to be at the root of the repository. Once I moved all the files to the root of the repository, everything worked fine.


How can I use a local repository in the vendor in Google Cloud Functions with Go

I'm trying to deploy a Google Cloud Function written in Go.
By doing some research I found out that vendor files are prefered over go.mod so I'm vendoring everything I use (which includes some local dependencies) and ignoring the go.mod/sum files in the .gcloudignore file.
The problem is that after trying to deploy, I get the following error:
go: nimbus#v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000: parsing /nimbus/go.mod: open /nimbus/go.mod: no such file or directory; Error ID: 03a1e2f7
nimbus is my local dependency and it has the following structure:
My Function repository has the following structrure:
and my go.mod file is:
module my_function
go 1.13
require nimbus v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
replace nimbus => ../../../nimbus
I've tried this solution already. But it did not fix my issue.
I've tried everything to solve this issue, but nothing seems to work.
If you have a go.mod file and a vendor directory, the vendor directory will be ignored when you deploy your function.
I have used modules when deploying GCP functions in Go. Haven't had any problems. But I can't speak to the preference of using vendor/ instead. It should work, just without the go.mod file.
Turns out the problem was very complicated and I hope Google finds a solution for it asp.
By deploying my function using Cloud Build, It would read from my repository on Google Source, but, by reading from there it would bypass the .gcloudignore file and deploy both the go.mod/sum files and the vendor directory with my local code.
As said in
If you have a go.mod file and a vendor directory, the vendor directory will be ignored when you deploy your function.
So the error would occur because of my go.mod not being able to find local repository.
My solution was to rename my go.mod/sum files so it would not be considered:
When you use golang 1.16 and specify golang 1.16 in the go.mod folder it will instead default to using the vendor files with the --mod=vendor flag set, which will solve this issue.
You'll just need to ensure your module name is formatted correctly (something like

Error due to "BuildRequires: maven-local" in spec file for Packaging Maven project

Issue : I am following the URL. to create a spec file for the rpm package.
In the website "BuildRequires: maven-local" is mentioned in the spec file.
but when I tried to search 'maven-local' using yum search maven-local command, I could not find anything and as I was not able to install the component, I'm getting an error when I am trying to do rpmbuild.
Note: I even installed maven separately in my system but it did not help me to fix the issue.


I wanted to build rapidminer-studio-master, so I download the source code from github:
According to the file, I import the project into IDEA, then execute the command gradlew jar, but the error is:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':generateGitRevFile'.
> org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException: repository not found:
Then I open the file props.gradle,it shows that:
So the file has obviously added a corresponding dependency. Why is it still failing to load?
actually it looks a bit strange that git is looking for a repo in your local file system.
Did you use git clone to download the repository? If not try this and see if it helps.

Modifying an imported library in Go

My Problem
Elastic Beats is an open source project for log shippers written in Go. It features several log outputs, including console, Elasticsearch and Redis. I would like to add an output of my own - to AWS Kinesis.
I have cloned the repo to ~/github/beats, and tried building it:
$ cd filebeat; go build main.go
However, it failed due to a missing library which is a part of the project:
main.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/adam/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
A directory of the project is dependent on a package from the same repo, but instead of looking one directory up the hierarchy it looks in the GOPATH.
So, go get fetched the code, and now go build main.go works. Changing the code in my GOPATH is reflected in these builds.
This leaves me with an structural inconvenience. Some of my code is at a working directory, and some of it is at my GOPATH and included by the code in my working directory.
I would like to have all my code in a single directory for various reasons, not the least being keeping everything under version control.
What Have I Tried
Mostly searching for the problem. I am quite new to Go, so I might have missed the correct terminology.
My Question
What is the right way to edit the code of an imported library in Go?
One of the recommended ways to work with other's packages is:
Get the sources of the original package:
go get
As a result you will clone project's git repository to the folder
Make some fixes, compile code, fix, compile... When you make go install package will be compiled and installed to your system. When you need merge updates from original repository you can git pull them.
Everything is OK. What's next? How to share your work with others?
Fork project on github, suppose it will be
Add this fork as another remote mycopy (or any other name you like) to your local repository
git remote add mycopy git://
When all is done you can push updated sources to your repo on github
git push mycopy
and then open a pull-request to original sources. This way you can share your work with others. And keep your changes in sync with mainstream.
Previous answers to this question are obsolete when developing projects that using Go Modules.
For projects that using Go Modules, one may use the following command to replace an imported library(eg. with a local module(eg. ./local/module):
go mod edit
Or by adding the following line into the go.mod file:
replace => ./local/module
Reference Docs:
A project working copy should be checked out into $GOPATH/src/package/import/path - for example, this project should be checked out into /Users/adam/go/src/ With the project in the correct location, the go tooling will be able to operate on it normally; otherwise, it will not be able to resolve imports correctly. See go help gopath for more info.

SCSS import fails (Jekyll)

I'm trying to setup Jekyll on GitHub pages. Locally I have no build/execution warnings/errors, even when I use bundle exec jekyll serve --safe. But the import command fails on GitHub pages. The error I'm getting back is:
Your SCSS file css/main.scss has an error on line 49: File to import not found or unreadable: base
I have not changed the contents of main.scss:
// Import partials from `sass_dir` (defaults to `_sass`)
Defining the sass_dir variable explicitly in _config.yml doesn't help. Is there a way to debug scss files locally? I have tried using the sass command but it doesn't seem to work with scss files.
I know that the problem is with the #import part because if I comment it and push the build on GitHub pages no longer fails -- but my blog is ugly :)
Note: I have already tried what's described in SCSS #import in Jekyll 2.1 but it didn't get me somewhere.
Ok, get it ! It was simple.
Github pages is running from your repository root :
as your _config.yml file is in /blog, it doesn't see it an takes default settings for everything. eg : path for scss import, is and result in an error, because your files are in
First option
Move _config.yml at the root and tweak sass, includes, ... variables. I don't think it's the best option, but it can certainly be done as nearly everything if configurable in jekyll 3.1.x (documentation).
Second option
Create a blog repository
Clone it
git checkout -b gh-pages because project repositories are published from gh-pages branch only
Copy your blog folder content in this repository
Remove your blog folder from repository
Change baseurl to /blog in _config.yml
Commit and push
And your done.
