Integrate JQAssistant-Maven-Plugin with database analysis via RDBMS Plugin - maven

I´m trying to move my existing software-analysis with jQAssistant (which is basically all steps and scripts in a textfile and executed manually) to the maven-plugin of jQAssistant in order to be able to perform the software-analysis at the build-server.
One step of the analysis is to get information about the database schema. This is done with the RDBMS-Plugin of jQAssistant.
But when i try to perform the analysis with maven the information about the database-connection seems to be lost and no database-analysis is performed at all.
The current code of the plugin-configuration looks like this:
<!-- Scan -->
I couldn´t find anything in the documentation. Is this a limitation of the jqassistant-maven-plugin or is this a configuration error?


How to generate this Spring-boot API documentation example?

I'm trying to track down how some Java Spring-boot API was generated by a developer who has since left the company. The document looks like this:
We have swagger, but this doesn't look like anything generated from that. Definitely doesn't look like javadoc. Any ideas?
Thanks to the answer by João Dias, I found this in pom.xml:
<!-- Run the generated asciidoc through Asciidoctor to generate other
documentation types, such as PDFs or HTML5 -->
<!-- Include Asciidoctor PDF for pdf generation -->
<!-- Configure generic document generation settings -->
<!-- Since each execution can only handle one backend, run separate executions
for each desired output type -->
If I am not mistaken this is Spring REST Docs. For more details:

liquibase maven plugin multiple changeLogFile

I'm using liquibase maven plugin to update the database changes via jenkins automated builds.
I have this in my pom.xml
I need to run schema.sql before data.sql. When I run this locally it works. When I run it via jenkins the schema changeLogFile executes second, so in order to make it work I reversed the commads.
Question: What's the order of execution? Am I doing something wrong?
The official goal documentation specify that only one entry is foreseen:
Specifies the change log file to use for Liquibase.
Type: java.lang.String
Required: No
Expression: ${liquibase.changeLogFile}
You can add further entries, but they will be ignored and maven will not complain: it doesn't validate plugin configuration' content, it cannot, because that part is up to the plugin and not known upfront by maven. That is, is generic.
To ensure a deterministic order and have two changeLogFile executed, you should specify several plugin executions as following:
Note: we are specifying a common configuration for all executions outside of the executions section, then per each execution we are only defining the additional configuration, which is every time the different file.
The deterministic order is guaranteed by Maven: for the same plugin, for the same phase, the order of declaration in the POM will be respected.
However, this executions will be part of your build now as part of the process-resources phase, which is probably not what you want. So in this case, better to move it to a profile as following:
<!-- MOVE HERE liquibase plugin configuration and executions -->
And then execute the following (according also to your comment):
mvn -Pliquibase-executions -Ddb.url=IP:PORT/DB -Dliquibase.username=USERNAME

How to use Liquibase to update database in embedded Glassfish instance

I'm in the process of converting our db management to Liquibase. This is running along nicely.
As a subsequent step I want to assure that all future modifications gets tested before deploy to common environments, continuous integration style. I try to do this using the following setup:
Build our ear containing EJB webservices
Using maven-embedded-glassfish-plugin to start an embedded instance of Glassfish 3 during pre-integration-test maven ohase
Create my datasource as part of start goal
Deploy ear during deploy goal
Still in pre-integration-test, I run liquibase:update on the same database URL. In this case a H2 file database
I then want to run our SoapUI tests on the deployed application
But when i get this far the application can't find any data in the database. So the question is if I've missed something in my setup or if there's a better way to organize my intended goal?
pom.xml, embedded Glassfish
<command>create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname=org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource --restype=javax.sql.DataSource --property URL=jdbc\:h2\:~/tmpLB\;AUTO_SERVER\=TRUE schoolDSPool</command>
<command>create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid schoolDSPool jdbc/schoolDS</command>
pom.xml, Liquibase
I have one changeset in the changelog inserting data in targeted tables.
Do I have the right users set up?
Is there a way to run Liquibase in the same process as Glassfish and use a mem: database instead?
Thx and regards,
Ok, so there was an "easy" solution to the problem.
There was no data in the database since that changeset in liquibase changelog couldn't complete. I had the insert statements in a separate sql file that I called using the <sqlFile> liquibase tag. But the insert was violating some foreign key constraints and didn't get executed.
So what put me off was the fact that Liquibase seems to hide any errors from included sql files. Will try try reproduce that and Jira it if I succeed.

Specify javaagent argument with Maven exec plugin

I have a similar question to: this previous question
I am converting a Java project using Netbeans to Maven. In order to launch the program, one of the command-line arguments we need is the -javaagent setting. e.g.
I'm trying to get Netbeans to launch the application for development use (we will write custom launch scripts for final deployment)
Since I'm using Maven to manage the Eclipselink dependencies, I may not know the exact filename of the Eclipselink jar file. It may be something like eclipselink-2.1.1.jar based on the version I have configured in the pom.xml file.
How do I configure the exec-maven-plugin to pass the exact eclipselink filename to the command line argument?
<argument>-javaagent:lib/eclipselink.jar</argument> <==== HELP?
I figured out a way that seems to work well.
First, setup the maven-dependency-plugin to always run the "properties" goal.
Later on, use the property it sets as documented here with the form:
Simply define a property for the eclipse link version and use the property in your <dependency> and the exec plugin:
the maven-dependency-plugin and exec-maven-plugin should be put under the node ,otherwise it will not work

docbkx-maven-plugin: No output during run of plugin

I set up the docbkx-maven-plugin to generate PDF documentation for a source project. In the parent pom I specified the version to be used as well as the reference to the docbook version to use:
In the actual project I use the configuration:
No matter what goal(s) I specify or what includes I provide, the plugin performs no(!) operation. There is no target directory created and I do not see any meaningful output on the command line. The result looks like:
[INFO] --- docbkx-maven-plugin:2.0.14:generate-pdf (usersmanual) # documentation ---
I use Maven 3.0.3.
What do I miss here? Is there any configuration not provided, yet, which will start the plugin to do some work?
This is what I have now:
At least the directory target/Usermanual is greated, but it is still empty. Why is there still not output? Do I have a chance to get a meaningful log file from docbkx? mvn ... -X does not tell much.
Your latest example contains two includes configuration options which is not valid maven configuration.
My recommendation is to stop trying to override all these defaults and accept the default location for the docbook source xml, at least initially while you get comfortable with the plugin and can diagnose what issues are from what changes.
Anyway, your <includes> should be just the root xml file of the documentation you're trying to generate as it exists in the <sourceDirectory>. You do not need to include all of the xml files, you instead need to follow the xincludes approach since you're declaring its usage. There are a number of projects using this mechanism that you can review and copy the usage of.
Ours is:
We have a bit more complex usage since we use the maven filtering plugin to avoid having to mess with entities and the like. Getting back to your includes usage, if your top level docbook file is index.xml then your includes would simply be:
No expressions or globs needed, you bring in the other xml documents with the <xi:include> tags where needed.
