Specify javaagent argument with Maven exec plugin - maven

I have a similar question to: this previous question
I am converting a Java project using Netbeans to Maven. In order to launch the program, one of the command-line arguments we need is the -javaagent setting. e.g.
I'm trying to get Netbeans to launch the application for development use (we will write custom launch scripts for final deployment)
Since I'm using Maven to manage the Eclipselink dependencies, I may not know the exact filename of the Eclipselink jar file. It may be something like eclipselink-2.1.1.jar based on the version I have configured in the pom.xml file.
How do I configure the exec-maven-plugin to pass the exact eclipselink filename to the command line argument?
<argument>-javaagent:lib/eclipselink.jar</argument> <==== HELP?

I figured out a way that seems to work well.
First, setup the maven-dependency-plugin to always run the "properties" goal.
Later on, use the property it sets as documented here with the form:

Simply define a property for the eclipse link version and use the property in your <dependency> and the exec plugin:

the maven-dependency-plugin and exec-maven-plugin should be put under the node ,otherwise it will not work


Can I bundle import-control file for checkstyle for use in all projects using our checkstyle?

I am trying to add import-control to our checkstyle in such a way that the import-control file exists in the project making the checstyle.xml file and not in the projects we build later on.
We have a specific gradle project where we define all our rules and it is in this project our import-control.xml. My issue is that when I try to run mvn clean install on another project that uses this checkstyle it tries to locate import-control.xml in that project.
I did the following configuration in the checkstyle.xml:
<module name="ImportControl">
<property name="file" value="import-control.xml"/>
and the import-control.xml is placed next to checkstyle.xml.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do so that I can tell maven that this file exists in our checkstyle project and not in the root project that is being built?
Errors I have gotten are:
Cannot initialize module TreeWalker - cannot initialize module ImportControl - illegal value 'import-control.xml' for property 'file' Unable to find: import-control.xml
In v 2.17
Unable to load import-control.xml: unable to find file:/C://import-control.xml: \import-control.xml
What I have tried:
Upgrade checkstyle version to 3.1.0 (we used to have 2.17)
Use import-control.xml but didn't work.
Tried to read documentation and code but to no help.
Thanks for any help
Write you later / MÃ¥rten
mvn configuration:
<id>do checkstyle</id>
Thanks again barfuin, it seemed like ${config_loc} was the answer but we needed one more thing for it to fully work.
So, for adding resources from the checkstyle project, as in this file an import_control.xml I did as follow in my checkstyle.xml:
<module name="ImportControl">
<property name="file" value="${config_loc}/config/import_control.xml"/>
What I also needed to do was to add:
in my pom.xml configuration, this solved the issue with config_loc not being defined and for checkstyle to find the file as a resource and gave me the following pom.xml configuration:
<id>do checkstyle</id>

When does a Maven plugin uses the POM in the current directory?

I use the Versions Maven Plugin to check for updates of my dependencies. Therefore I added the following lines to my pom.xml:
But this configuration is not used if I run the Versions Maven Plugin from the commandline in the same directory as the pom.xml. The only way to use my own configuration is to put this plugin configuration in a profil and execute this profil during the Maven run.
Is there a way to run the Versions plugin on the commandline and to configure it via the pom.xml? I am sure my questions does not only apply to the Versions plugin, but to any Maven plugin.
This can be done by using an execution id default-cli in your execution definition the configuration will be used during the execution on command line (using the current configuration) furthermore since Maven 3.3.1 you can use things like:
mvn version:set#second-cli
which means you can do a different configuration for command line in the pom file:
Just by simply separating them by different id
So this means you can have different configurations for running on command line by giving the id.

How to set classpath for mvn exec:exec?

I'm trying to have mvn exec:exec (or mvn exec:java) run my program with a local jar in the classpath. However the jar fails to load:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unable to load voice directory. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.speech.freetts.en.us.cmu_us_slt_arctic.ArcticVoiceDirectory
at com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager.getVoiceDirectories(VoiceManager.java:211)
at com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager.getVoices(VoiceManager.java:111)
at com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager.getVoice(VoiceManager.java:521)
at xpress.audio.TTS.<init>(TTS.java:66)
at xpress.audio.TTS.<init>(TTS.java:62)
at xpress.audio.AudioProducer.main(AudioProducer.java:18)
Running the program directly from the CLI using java works:
C:\XpressAudio\target\classes>java -cp "C:\XpressAudio\target\XpressAudio-1.0-SN
udio\en_us.jar;C:\XpressAudio\*" xpress.audio.AudioProducer
Here's the <build> part of my pom.xml:
Could someone tell me how should I edit the pom.xml such that mvn exec:exec works like the java command above?
com.sun.speech.freetts.en.us.cmu_us_slt_arctic.ArcticVoiceDirectory is a class in cmu_us_slt_arctic.jar
In maven it is possible to include a local jar (which is outside of maven repository) using systemPath. But since the scope is system (for dependencies declared with systemPath), there are few limitations and because of that it only works with exec:java.
For exec:exec, the above solution will not work because maven does not include system scoped dependencies in its generated (runtime) classpath (%classpath) so the solution is to use your own classpath instead of maven generated classpath as shown below.
Replace local.jar with all the jar files that are required to be present at some fixed location (here project root is assumed, where pox.xml is located). Also note the use of 'project-jar-with-dependencies.jar', in your case it should be target\XpressAudio-1.0-SN
standard java does not allow us to specify multiple -cp arguments, but exec-maven-plugin does, so
note the call to java.pl above, this is the trick
#!/usr/bin/env perl
while (#ARGV) {
$arg = shift;
if ($arg eq '-cp' or $arg eq '-classpath') {
push #cp, shift;
push #args, $arg;
unshift #args, 'java', '-cp', join(':', #cp);
# print 'args: ', join(' --- ', #args); # uncomment to debug
exec #args;
understand what java.pl does and use it or do the equivalent in bash, cmd, powershell, whatever..
To set additional classpath in maven you should use in your maven configuration file as below:
For more detail:

docbkx-maven-plugin: No output during run of plugin

I set up the docbkx-maven-plugin to generate PDF documentation for a source project. In the parent pom I specified the version to be used as well as the reference to the docbook version to use:
In the actual project I use the configuration:
No matter what goal(s) I specify or what includes I provide, the plugin performs no(!) operation. There is no target directory created and I do not see any meaningful output on the command line. The result looks like:
[INFO] --- docbkx-maven-plugin:2.0.14:generate-pdf (usersmanual) # documentation ---
I use Maven 3.0.3.
What do I miss here? Is there any configuration not provided, yet, which will start the plugin to do some work?
This is what I have now:
At least the directory target/Usermanual is greated, but it is still empty. Why is there still not output? Do I have a chance to get a meaningful log file from docbkx? mvn ... -X does not tell much.
Your latest example contains two includes configuration options which is not valid maven configuration.
My recommendation is to stop trying to override all these defaults and accept the default location for the docbook source xml, at least initially while you get comfortable with the plugin and can diagnose what issues are from what changes.
Anyway, your <includes> should be just the root xml file of the documentation you're trying to generate as it exists in the <sourceDirectory>. You do not need to include all of the xml files, you instead need to follow the xincludes approach since you're declaring its usage. There are a number of projects using this mechanism that you can review and copy the usage of.
Ours is: https://github.com/jetty-project/jetty-documentation
We have a bit more complex usage since we use the maven filtering plugin to avoid having to mess with entities and the like. Getting back to your includes usage, if your top level docbook file is index.xml then your includes would simply be:
No expressions or globs needed, you bring in the other xml documents with the <xi:include> tags where needed.

Why doesn't NetBeans IDE see the generated sources?

I have a Maven-built web-app that uses JPA 2.0 at the back end. The JPA provider is EclipseLink 2.3.2.
When I build the project (and it deploys runs successfully) it builds the JPA meta-model in the directory
Yet the IDE doesn't see the classes defined there. Little red dots with an exclamation point everywhere. Yet I can navigate to those files in the Projects window and open the generated source files.
Does this happen to anyone else and does anyone know of a way to fix it?
As a work-around I have discovered that I can exit NetBeans, delete the NetBeans cache directory, then restart. This forces NetBeans to rebuild the cache and then the classes become visible again. Should I submit a bug to the NetBeans bug tracker? I can't come up with a test case to make it happen, but it does fairly often.
If you go to project properties/sources there is a note about this: you need to generate sources under
where FOOBAR is the name of your plugin.
After reading #jeqo answer, I tested if, by manually renaming:
"${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/annotations" to ".../generated-sources/hibernate-jpamodelgen"
would make a difference to Nebeans (I'm using v8.2 on ubuntu 16.04).
Everything worked like a charm.
I then modified the pom file as follows:
1) removed the "org.hibernate: hibernate.jpamodelgen" dependency.
2) configured the maven-compiler-plugin as follows:
These two steps is to make sure that the hibernate-jpamodelgen does
not run on auto-pilot just by adding it in the project dependency
list. Please refer to JPA Static MetaModel Generator doc.
3) added the following plugin with configuration
This config is directly from the Hibernate JPA Static Metamodel Generator documentation page except for the following line:
This line simply generates the metamodel in the directory named after the maven plugin name. From this point, I got all Netbeans references working at design time as if the generated classes were in the src directory subtree.
Hope this helps,
Sometimes Netbeans has troubles refreshing. Perhaps clean and rebuild the project and restart Netbeans?
Today I did more experiments on this topic because it is so annoying for me as well. Finally I have realized it is only a problem related how NetBeans deal with indexing classes. This is not a problem of the target directory name and not a problem of the project. It is only NetBeans' mistake. So I have created an issue as well hopefully NetBeans Team can bring the final solution soon. You can see my ticket here https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-4191
In my environment the NetBeans 11.3 (x64) with openJDK 1.8.0_242-b08 and apache-maven 3.6.3 version is used under Windows 10 (1607).
But until the final solution arrives here is what I did as a workaround solving the symbol not found problem.
I have added a profile section to my pom file:
<fileset id="model.elements" dir="src/main/java" includes="**/*.java">
<containsregexp expression="(#Entity|#MappedSuperclass|#Embeddable)" casesensitive="yes" />
I am using the following simple solution to generate the metamodel classes in my project:
And of course a maven-build-helper adding the generated source folders to the project:
And also I have created a file in the same place where the pom.xml is located called nbactions.xml with the following content (to activate this profile in NetBeans IDE only)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
What it does? When you execute the "Clean and Build" action in NetBeans IDE it activates a task (implemented easily with maven-antrun-plugin) which just a simple touch on all JPA annotated with #Entity, #MappedSuperClass or #Embeddable theese are the sources for the metamodel generations. I have attached this task to the install phase but it worked as well in other phases as well. It lookes that this way NetBeans wake up and makes for the missing indexes for the metamodel classess.
You can read more on this in my NetBeans' issue ticket.
I hope this can save time for anybody else.
If you are using jaxws then make sure you add a <sourceDestDir> node to the <configuration> section of the jaxws plug-in "artifact" in the appropriate pom. For example:
As explained above and as noted by netbeans, you must use the generate-sources path appended with the "plug-in" name. Hopefully the above clears up what "plug-in name" means and how exactly one is supposed to get jaxws to put the generated sources where netbeans need them to be. Clearly the "configuration" section will be different for each plugin... The node <sourceDestDir> is needed for jaxws, other plugins may use something else.
For me it worked after I added <endorsed.dir>${project.build.directory}/endorsed</endorsed.dir> to the <properties> of the pom.xml, e.g.:
But I have no explanation why.
