What is prometheus-rsocket-proxy and how to use it? - spring-boot

I have a Spring Boot based short-live service.
Until now, I used PushGateway to send metrics to Prometheus.
I encountered this repository and I'm trying to understand how do I setup the proxy. It's not clear from the docs.


Micrometer Rest API

I have a non boot spring application with micrometer integrated. Right now we are pushing these metrics to the logging file using LoggingRegistry.
We want to enhance this project to expose these metrics in the Rest API(we cannot use actuator as turning ON auto configuration is causing issues in our non boot application).Is there any way to expose these metrics which are automatically provided by the micrometer in the Rest API?
Any example will be appreciated?
You can add PrometheusMeterRegistry, it is for this use case, see the docs: https://micrometer.io/docs/registry/prometheus

How to get spring boot cloud/actuator to support prometheus Exemplars?

The Exemplars support essentially adds the trace-id to metrics that are being scraped. I found a tutorial on how would it work with GoLang[1] but cannot figure out how to do this with spring boot libraries/functionalities. I know that Prometheus Java Client supports it as described at [2] but not sure how to get it to work with Springboot.
Update: Exemplars are supported by Micrometer and Spring Cloud Sleuth.
I'm not 100% sure I get your question right: I'm assuming you are talking about the /actuator/prometheus endpoint.
The support for metrics in Spring is provided by Micrometer that also supports Prometheus and Spring Boot "just" sets up an actuator endpoint for it.
So the real question is: does Micrometer support exemplars? Right now it does not and we haven't had anyone asking for it so far (this issue is a little bit connected). So if you want this feature, please open an issue(Enhancement request) on GitHub.
Update: I opened an issue for this: https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer/issues/2672, please feel free to +1 or chime-in.
Adding exemplars support in Micrometer is not the end of the story, we need to add support for Spring Cloud Sleuth too and solve a few other potential issues.
Until this is implemented, I guess your best bet is using the prometheus client.

Spring Cloud Config Server + RabbitMQ

I created spring cloud config server and client and they work as expected. I have added #RefreshScope to my client and I am able to see the new properties getting fetched after hitting /refresh endpoint. But I was told that when I deploy it in cloud foundry environment , I must integrate it with RabbitMQ in order for all the instances to receive the refresh message. Is it possible to point me to a link which explains this problem and solution in detail?
Spring Cloud Bus
This is what you need in order to propagate configuration changes to all of your servers via a message broker such as RabbitMQ.
GitHub Project
Follow the instructions in the links above you're good to go.
So I assume your application runs as single instance configuration. In that case, you don't need spring cloud bus based refresh and just hitting the {app}/actuator/refresh would be enough. Only if you scale out your app, we would need such setup with a queue like RabbitMQ or kakfa.

Spring Boot Server using HTTPS, Management Server only HTTP?

Based on an answer from #andy-wilkinson to a past Spring Boot question, it appears that with the exception of a couple parameters (port for example), the management server leverages the same configuration as the regular servlet container.
I would like to configure the main Spring Boot server to use HTTPS (for the application/service it is serving) and to use just HTTP for the actuator endpoints. Has anyone done this? Is this even possible?
It's not possible at the moment. Please open an issue if it's an enhancement that you'd like to see.

Spring XD REST Service

I would like to have a REST service to expose the data read and processed from Spring XD. Similar to the one in the Analytics Server.
For example I would like my own functions which can be exposed similar to Counters and be able to access the data from a web browser.
Is there any tutorial? I have searched and found that Spring Boot is the one but I am looking for help on how I integrate it with Spring XD.
Would be very helpful if someone can point me to the instructions on how I can achieve this.
You can use trigger as a source with http-client as a processor processor to access any web browsers info regardless if it is a web service URL or not.
