How to properly copy files to Application Scripts folder from Sandboxed App? - xcode

I'm really confused about how to properly copy files and grant permission to execute e.g. an AppleScript file from a sandboxed application. I've read several articles and threads but the more I read, the more it confuses me.
The Task
My app needs to run a very simple AppleScript from an .scpt file. To do so (if I got this right), I need to copy this file into Users/thisUser/Library/Application \Scripts/.com.developerName.appName/. Before I can interact with this folder the user needs to grant access to that folder. This can be done by showing the user an NSOpenPanel where he can select the path. After confirmation the app has access to that path and I can copy the file and later run the script (App Sandbox User Selected File must be read/write). So far so good.
The Problem(s)
I find presenting a Finder window with an empty folder to select very user unfriendly, so I was wondering if there is anything else I can do. The closest what I have found regarding this problem is drag & drop the folder "into the app" - details can be found here.
I guess I'm not the only person ever who created a (sandboxed) app which needs to run specific scripts and I can't believe that the above approach is the only possible solution!? Therefore,
can I not just have a single window with an OK button and some information above that the app needs permission to write into that folder without showing an entire Finder window?
When I was looking around for solutions I also came across several settings for the app itself. Unfortunately, the docs are very limited here and I could not really find out what the specific settings actually do and how I could test them (admittedly this is because this is my first ever app for OSX and I have basically no clue what I'm doing). One of which is the Copy Files option in the Build Phase settings of the app:
This did sound promising to me since I thought that if I install the app it will automatically copy the file to the Scripts destination (probably with some sort of user prompt) and I can use it. But it does nothing. There is no copy happening at any time, even if I deselect the Copy only when installing setting. I have also tried the different destination folders which are available in the dropdown
and unfortunately also here I
could not find out what the destinations are
nor the file has been copied to any of the destination folders on build.
I know that people here don't really like to answer questions like this in much detail since it is probably more a lack of knowledge on my side but I would really appreciate it if someone could at least help me getting into the right direction and direct me to some resources which tackle my problem!

Well, it seems like I have found a solution which (at least for me) seems to be more or less user friendly and within Apple's sandbox guidelines.
Again, I'm very new to app development using Xcode and SwiftUI so I'm not sure if this solution is 100% "the right way of doing it". But since it took me ages to find this out, maybe someone else can use it and speed up development!
Like I have mentioned in my question above, I was trying to get rid of the (in my opinion) pretty annoying NSOpenPanel Finder prompt, where the user is supposed to select the folder. I further asked about the Copy Files setting in the app's Build Phase tab - it turned out that this was the solution! Unfortunately, I still don't have any clue about the list of destination which are presented in the dropdown but choosing Absolute Path and inserting
Users/$USER/Library/Application Scripts/$PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
did the job! The file gets copied on every build into the app's Application Scripts directory, from which I can run scripts outside the sandbox. 🙌
The next step was to create a class which executes the script using NSUserScriptTask
import Foundation
class ExecuteAppleScript {
var status = ""
private let scriptfileUrl : URL?
init() {
do {
let destinationURL = try FileManager().url(
for: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.applicationScriptsDirectory,
in: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask,
create: true)
self.scriptfileUrl = destinationURL.appendingPathComponent("CreateMailSignature.scpt")
self.status = "Linking of scriptfile successful!"
} catch {
self.status = error.localizedDescription
self.scriptfileUrl = nil
func execute() -> String {
do {
let _: Void = try NSUserScriptTask(url: self.scriptfileUrl!).execute()
self.status = "Execution of AppleScript successful!"
} catch {
self.status = error.localizedDescription
return self.status
Then I have created a Button View which handles the request
import SwiftUI
struct GenerateSignatureButtonView: View {
#State var status = ""
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
Button(action: {
self.status = ExecuteAppleScript().execute()
Text("Generate Signature")
struct GenerateSignatureButtonView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
When clicking the button a window pops up that the app wants access to control (in my case) the Mail app.
This user prompt repeats every time the user closes the app, reopens it and clicks the button again. I guess this can be somehow managed with Security-Scoped-Bookmarks but I'm not yet sure how. Furthermore, the error handling is not really working in this example since the popup appears after the successful message appears in the status field. This is probably another big thing to figure out... Asynchronous?
Well, hope this helps!


Prevent or clear app state persistence for MacOS SwiftUI Document Based App

I am developing a MacOS Document based app using SwitfUI on MacOS 12.0.1 using Xcode 13.1 on a MacbookPro M1 Pro. I am encountering an issue that the app is always re-opening the document browser at the last used directory. Which is OK when it is on the Machine but a pain if the last used was on a network drive. I am trying to find a way of suppressing this "always restore using the last directory" mode of operation.
I have tried using the #NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor approach and implementing;
func applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState(_ app: NSApplication) -> Bool {
print(#function + " returning false")
return false
within my NSApplicationDelegate class, which does get called (although it seems sometimes after the dialog is presented), however this does not stop the app secretly remembering the last directory.
Does any know where this information might be being hidden or if it can be suppressed ?
I have looked for, but cannot find, a way of injecting a starting directory into a DocumentGroup as a possible solution.
TIA Alan.
Ok, for anyone who ends up here looking for a similar issue.
After a chunk of digging I found the answer, for me, was to add
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "NSNavLastRootDirectory")
into the app startup. It was also suggested to do
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "NSNavLastCurrentDirectory")
However, just doing the first appears to suppress the file open dialog, doing both causes the file open dialog to open with the user Documents directory.

UWP FolderPicker Select Folder button disabled by default?

I have a simple code for FolderPicker:
var diagFolder = new FolderPicker();
var outputFolder = await diagFolder.PickSingleFolderAsync();
if (outputFolder == null) { return; }
It works well on first launch. However, upon second call, the Select Folder button is disabled and user cannot choose the same folder although it is perfectly valid. I have to go back a level and re-enter the folder if I want to pick that same folder.
Anyone is having this problem and know a fix for it?
EDIT: as of my guess, it is not actually UWP code problem, but Windows problem, so I posted a feedback here: . I think voting there should help.

Trigger a script (AppleScript or JXA) on .app running?

I have a small computer lab for students to use fairly unsupervised, with a printer attached on the network. I am trying to implement a simple scripting additions alert dialog with all the rules about the printer that I need to pop up when they select print from any number of different applications.
I am trying to attach the script directly to the printer itself in the User/Library/Printer directory, ( so any browser, or pdf viewer, etc. will get the message displayed when they try to run the printer.
I have tried using automator with applescript, I have tried renaming the printer and calling the applescript the name of the printer, so far no good.
What am I missing?
In this answer I will show how to create a JavaScript for Automation (JXA) applet that listens for app-launch and screensaver-stop notifications and then displays an alert when it receives one, thereby producing the desired outcome described in the question. I also describe how this approach can be adapted to trigger an AppleScript script, which would produce the specific behavior described in the title of the question.
Open the Script Editor app and create a new document
From the pop-up near the top-left of the window, select JavaScript instead of AppleScript
Paste in the code provided below
Save the script as an applet by changing the 'File Format' to 'Application' in the save panel and enabling the 'Stay open after run handler' option.
Run the applet by choosing 'Run Application' from the 'Script' menu
Launch an app and notice an alert
Start and then stop the screensaver and notice an alert
var me = Application.currentApplication(); me.includeStandardAdditions = true
name: 'MainController',
methods: {
'appDidLaunch:': {
types: ['void', ['id']],
implementation: function(notification) {
var appName = notification.userInfo.objectForKey('NSApplicationName').js
me.displayAlert(`Hello, ${appName}!`, {message: 'Nice to meet you.'})
'screensaverDidStop:': {
types: ['void', ['id']],
implementation: function(notification) {
me.displayAlert('Goodbye, screensaver!', {message: 'It was nice knowing you.'})
var controller = $
$.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace.notificationCenter.addObserverSelectorNameObject(controller, 'appDidLaunch:', $.NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification, undefined)
$.NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserverSelectorNameObject(controller, 'screensaverDidStop:', '', undefined)
First, the applet code creates a new class named 'MainController', which implements two methods, 'appDidLaunch:' and 'screensaverDidStop:'. These methods are implemented to use the 'display alert' functionality from Standard Additions.
Next, the applet code instantiates an object of this class, and registers that instance as on observer of the notifications that are posted when apps are launched, and when the screensaver stops.
The applet continues to run after the JXA code executes, and when the events occur, the JXA functions are invoked.
Next Steps
If you want to run an AppleScript script from JXA, you can refer to the answer to this question.
If you want to make it harder to quit the applet accidentally, you can make the applet a 'UI Element' by setting the LSUIElement key to 'true' in the applet's Info.plist.
Finally, you might want to add the applet to the user's Login Items so that it starts automatically after a reboot.

How would one display a prompt after installation of an extension?

When my add-on installs it needs to prompt the user to get a username or something like that. After that it stores it and shouldn't ask again. Where would I place this prompt? install.rdf? browser.xul?
There is no explicit mechanism to run code when the extension installs - you should simply do it when your extension runs for the first time. The easiest approach would be checking whether the user name is already set up. If it is not - show the prompt.
It is not recommended to show a modal dialog, those are extremely annoying to users, especially when they suddenly appear during Firefox start-up. You should instead open your page in a tab. A slight complication: Firefox might be restoring a previous session when it starts up. If you open your page too early the session restore mechanism might replace it. So you should wait for the sessionstore-windows-restored notification, something like this should work:
var observer = {
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
Services.obs.removeObserver("sessionstore-windows-restored", this);
var browser = window.getBrowser();
browser.loadOneTab("chrome://...", {inBackground: false});
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
Services.obs.addObserver("sessionstore-windows-restored", observer, true);
A final complication is that your code is probably running from a browser window overlay - meaning that there will be multiple instances of your code if the session restored contains more than one window. You probably want the code above to run only once however rather than opening your first-run page in every browser window. So you will have to coordinate somehow, maybe via preferences. A slightly more complicated but better solution would be having a JavaScript code module in your extension - code modules are only loaded once so you wouldn't have a coordination issue there.
Try using an addonlistener
Or by using the preferences:

Where my log statement is printing on Mac?

I have an firefox extension with the name myjavascriptfile.js,As I am new to this addon concepts,just I want to debug this script.So I am using the following statements in this file like
function LOG(text)
var consoleService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
LOG("observe called ");
I know this observe is getting called but I dont know where to see my log message.can some one tell me Where it is printing?
Please help.
That text goes to the Error Console. You might need to go to about:config and change devtools.errorconsole.enabled preference to true - the Error Console was removed from the menus by default while ago (strangely enough, I could still see it even without this pref). I think that on OS X you can still open the Error Console via Tools / Web Developer menu, on Windows you have to click the Firefox button and choose Web Developer menu there. Alternatively, Command-Shift-J should do as well.
