I am following a tutorial on pulling stock data from yahoo finance. He is using
yfinance.download(stock tickers, auto_adjust=False, progress = False).
What do auto adjust and progress mean? I tried to google them but found no answers.
Auto Adjust will overwrite the Close price by Adj Close.
Progress will show a progress bar.
I am considering drawing a network.
For example, as shown in the demo, we can use the dashboard to get the chart, but there is no "save button" on the right side, as is often the case.
cux_df = cuxfilter.DataFrame.load_graph((nodes, edges))
chart0 = cuxfilter.charts.dashader.graph(node_pixel_shade_type='linear', unselected_alpha=0.2)
d = cux_df.dashboard([chart0], layout=cuxfilter.layouts.double_feature)
Since we are using large data, we would like to take advantage of cuxfilter's quick drawings. If holoviews, for example, it takes too long to compute. Screen captures, etc. are possible, but is there any way to save the resulting figure?
Drawing with datashader took too long. I could create a view screen with cuxfilter.
The only way right now is to use the dashboard preview() function, which screen captures the dashboard in it's initial state and saves it as a png file. The way to do that is as follows:
cux_df = cuxfilter.DataFrame.load_graph((nodes, edges))
chart0 = cuxfilter.charts.dashader.graph(node_pixel_shade_type='linear', unselected_alpha=0.2)
d = cux_df.dashboard([chart0], layout=cuxfilter.layouts.double_feature)
await d.preview()
This would only work in a jupyter lab/notebook environment though, and is restrictive in capturing current state.
Based on your suggestion, it was as easy as adding an extra tool to the chart using bokeh, so we ended up adding it as a new feature, for all the bokeh and datashader based charts, the progress can be tracked here. To try it out once the changes are merged, you would have to install the cuxfilter nightly version (23.02). Once the changes are merged, this is how the toolbar would look:
I have 2 questions need your help.
I would like to add a button on each plot to be a setting button. I use label with event listener and it works well ( as shown in attached file). However, my client asked me to change from normal text to graphic icon? How should I proceed?
As you can see from the attached image, the third plot is macd series. The value rage is from -3e-8 to 3e-8 (by my observation). I manually set the maximum and minimum, and it get incorrect scale as shown.
How should I set the maximum and minimum for yScale?
I don't know how to get maximum and minimum value from a series. Can you suggest me?
A1 – Unfortunately, the current version of AnyChart doesn't provide an opportunity to add custom-made buttons inside the chart. But you can use a trick and use stage based layout. It means that the container includes a stage. The stage includes the stock chart all other elements by layers. Using this approach you can place an image (icon) upon the plot and set a listener just as for the 'settings' label.
For details, please, check the sample in the comment below.
A2 - We are planning to fix this behavior in 8.4.2 update (approximately by the end of November 2018).
I will notify you when the fix becomes available.
As a temporary workaround, you can get min /max value from your MACD indicator. For details, please, check the sample in the comment below.
You can apply min/max to the yScale of plot #0 like this:
We are glad to inform you that we have released 8.4.2 update which brings many fixes and improvements. This update also includes a fix on the issue you reported. Now calculation of min/max of Y-scale works properly with small values. Update your binaries to get the fix.
I have the following result set giving me a specific status of an item . I need to build a SSRS 2015 Gantt chart to represent this data. I am having difficulty getting the data to display.
Result Set: StatusDate,Status,BegDate,EndDate, StatusDays
In the chart, I want the category to be on monthly intervals of the range provided (BegDate – EndDate) and the series to be each DAY in the range provided (BegDate – EndDate).
The bars should represent the item being Up or Down with “Up” being Green and “Down” being black for each day (x-axis) of each month (y-axis).
Hoped for Results
The current preview shows the X & Y axis' correctly, but does not show any "bars" to represent the data.
This is my first chart using SSRS and I am quite lost. Does anyone know where I can get a true tutorial on Range Bar Charts for SSRS 2015 or how I might overcome this “data Display” challenge I am stuck on? I appreciate any direction / guidance offered.
This issue was ultimately resolved by #AlanSchofield through another (and probably more clear) question, found here.
After choosing the correct chart, setting the correct properties, and determining the correct values I was able to get the chart I needed, but the behavior was still off. It would not show the a status more than once.
To fix this, and simply put, I needed to sort my data using Dense_Rank and then add the new "sort" column to my Series Group in the Chart properties. Worked like a charm!
Also got some useful guidelines on this blog post.
I'm creating a PowerPoint Add-In and wrestling with the JavaScript API.
I'm currently trying to show the list of slides (much like the left panel in powerpoint). I also want to highlight the slide that is currently worked on.
I got the index of the currently selected slide by:
function (result) {
result.value.slides[0].index; // selected slide
But I'm not able to enumerate all slides much yet get the image data of one.
In the old VSTO world I was able to iterate through slides with:
foreach (var slide in MyAdmin.ppApp.ActivePresentation.Slides)
And get slide image data with:
slide.Export(ImageName, "jpg",128,72);
and read it back from disk (although creating an image on the disk just for this seems wasteful).
Is there an equivalent of this in the office.js world?
Currently the JavaScript API does not have a method for getting the image of a slide. But it is a great idea! Please go to Office Developer User Voice and suggest this enhancement. You might also want to vote up this suggestion.
I want to know is this a IKImageBrowserView object? And How can I add an NSProgressIndicator when loading the image?
It certainly looks like it could be one. How you add a progress indicator depends entirely on how you download the image. If you are using NSURLConnection then you can get status updates through connection:didReceiveResponse: and connection:didReceiveData:. The response structure contains the expected length of the file, which you would use as the maximum of your progress indicator, and the data contains the length of the data that you recieved in that chunk. Add that length to the lengths of the previous chunks you get will give you how much data you have received so far. That would be the position on your progress indicator.
I think it is not IKImageBrowserView.It is a NSCollectionView.I also faced this problem then I googled and searched in internet to add NSProgressIndicator in IKImageBrowserView I did not get any solution. Finally I found NSCollectionView is the way to add NSProgressIndicator animation when images loading.So I moved to NSCollectionView. click here to more details.