Copy project dependencies to folder - gradle

I new to Gradle. I'm trying to have all dependencies from my project copied to folder build/lib. Is it possible to do that?
Currently, I have a .zip and a .tar in build/distributions via the distribution plugin. However, I would like to have just the uncompressed libs.
I've seem a possible solution here, however I would like to have this as part of the main build and not as a separated task.

Just add the task as a dependency to build. That way it will be "part of the main build".
task copyDependencies(type: Copy) {
from configurations.runtimeClasspath // And/or:
from configurations.compileClasspath
into "$buildDir/lib"
build.dependsOn copyDependencies
You can, of cause, also hook it up to any other task that you use to build or deploy the application.
Just in case you are not aware of it, you can also use the installDist task from the distribution plugin (in combination with the application plugin) to create an exploded version in $buildDir/install.


Make a simple JAR in gradle

I am new to gradle builds. I wrote a custom service for cloudera manager which needs to build a JAR file with few directories. It is a simple archive file with few directories(descriptor, images and scripts). I created it with below jar command manually.
jar -cf CSDNAME.jar descriptor images scripts
Now I want to include this as part of gradle build for which I need to write a task. I searched online where I found java related stuff which is not required in my case. Can someone help with this?
That's a code snippet using the kotlin dsl. It's based on the JAR task of the java plugin.
plugins {
tasks.jar {
doFirst {
archiveBaseName.set("CSDNAME") // By default the JAR will have the project name
from("content") // source folder where you have your content
N.B: If you already have a build file, you will need to change its extension to .kts, else you'll need of course to create one.

Include dependencies in Zip file created with Gradle's Zip task using 'into' (before v4 it worked fine)

I am working in an old project which was using Gradle Wrapper v3.2.1, but I want to update it to the latest version (currently v5.4.1).
I have tried updating it to v4.10.2 first but it fails too, so I guess it is something that was not backwards compatible between v3->v4.
The code we have in our build.gradle is:
task buildZip(type: Zip) {
group 'Build'
description 'Assembles a zip archive containing the main classes.'
baseName = "someName"
from compileJava
from processResources
into('lib') {
from configurations.runtime
Using gradle v3 it included all the libraries (as .jar files) in the .zip file under "lib/" folder, but if I use v4 or later, it does not fail, but it does not include the libraries neither. I have achieved to get the .class files of the dependencies, but that does not work for what I need (AWS Lambda function).
Any idea on how to get the .jar dependencies into the .zip file?
Francisco Robles Martin
So, thanks to Opal comment, I kept looking for a bit more and got a solution, but it seems to not be very correct as I am forcing implementation to allow be resolved:
task buildZip(type: Zip) {
group 'Build'
description 'Assembles a zip archive containing the main classes.'
baseName = "someName"
from compileJava
from processResources
into('lib') {
from configurations.implementation
It works, but I guess there should be a better way to do it without the first line.

Why does gradle resolve dependencies at configure time?

We have some "heavy weight" artifacts, and we don't necessarily always need them. If we have some tasks with dependencies to them, they will get downloaded, regardless of the task which we invoke.
It would be nice if gradle only downloaded dependencies when it actually needs them.
configurations {
dependencies {
webresources my:hugeIconCollection:2.0#zip
def unpackIcons = tasks.register('unpackIcons', Copy) {
configurations.webresources.resolveConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each {
from zipTree(it.file)
into 'resources/path'
Now simply running gradle help will already download the
The code uses the "Configuration Avoidance API", but it doesn't help. Still it would be desirable that the resource only be downloaded when the unpackIcons task is run (or a task that dependsOn it), and then the file be unzipped into the destination path.
Gradle downloads dependencies just-in-time on their first use. If your build downloads dependencies at configuration time, then because your build scripts/plugins are using them at configuration time. In most cases this indicates a problem with the build scripts/plugins.

Including a second jar file that's not a dependency into a fat onejar

I have a project that only builds the fat onejar file for testing purposes. Thus, there's a separate testing class that I don't want as a dependency to the main source, but I do want it included into the onejar. Odd scenario, I know.
I'm using the com.smokejumperit.gradle.OneJarPlugin plugin (source here), and clearly it gets the list of files to include in the onejar here:
project.task('oneJar', dependsOn:[project.tasks.jar, project.tasks.typedefOneJar]) {
inputs.files([jar.outputs.files, project.configurations.getByName("compile"), project.configurations.getByName("runtime")])
jar.output.files is used for publishing, so I don't want a this second jar file being published, and the two project.configurations would define dependencies for the main source jar, and I don't want this second jar to be a dependency of that either.
This second jar file is built with a task:
task integrationJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.integrationTest.output
classifier = 'integration'
... so I can access the resulting FileCollection via integrationJar.outputs.files. If there was a clear way to add that to oneJar.input.files, I'd be golden, but I can't figure out how to do that. I've tried something like this:
oneJar {
dependsOn 'integrationJar'
println integrationJar.outputs.files.getAsPath()
println inputs.files.getAsPath()
... but the result for the last print is still missing the integration jar file.
I'm not familiar with the implementation of that plugin, but I'd be surprised if inputs.files determined what gets included. (Usually, inputs is just consumed by Gradle's up-to-date check.) I recommend to try the gradle-one-jar plugin, which appears to be more flexible.

how to copy all source jars in the dependencies section to a directory in gradle

I can copy all the jars in dependency section for "compile" configuration like so
task('copyJars') {
ext.collection = files { genLibDir.listFiles() }
delete ext.collection
copy { from configurations.compile into genLibDir }
but how do I copy their source jar files somewhere?
As of Gradle 1.0, I don't know of an easy way to deal with third-party sources Jars. You could add them as explicit dependencies (to a separate configuration) or maybe crawl the Gradle cache.
By the way, delete ext.collection is in the wrong spot. It will be executed in the configuration phase, and will delete files no matter which tasks are going to be executed. (Also listFiles() will get invoked for every build.)
Also, a task whose main purpose is copying should alway use the Copy task type rather than the copy method.
