Your App Bundle targets the following unrecognized languages: dpi - google-play

I got an error saying this while uploading aab file to google play Your App Bundle targets the following unrecognized languages: dpi Please help me

In your app/build.gradle add
defaultConfig {
resConfigs "en", "US"
This is similar to


CodePush 400: {"status":400,"name":"Error","message":"Missing required query parameter \"deployment_key\""}

After rebuilding with React Native 0.70.1/react-native-code-push 7.05 project/Xcode 14/Monterey , npx react-native run-ios launch successfully without any error but the console screen throws error:
[CodePush] An unknown error occurred.
LOG [CodePush] 400: {"status":400,"name":"Error","message":"Missing required query parameter \"deployment_key\""}
Then I create a new app in MS appcenter for IOS and replaced the app secret with the new one just created in AppCenter-Config.plist in Xcode. But the error is the same. Before rebuilding the app, I verify that the latest react native code push 7.0.5 works with the release of React Native 0.70.
The app build in Xcode 14 went successfully. What is missing with the appcenter or app config?
In my case, I got this error because I forgot to set the CodePushDeploymentKey inInfo.plist :)
Now that I have a configuration-specific CODEPUSH_KEY in build settings, and have set the CodePushDeploymentKey to $(CODEPUSH_KEY) in Info.plist, it works!

While building my NativeScript app for iOS I get CFBundleIdentifier not set

Project successfully built. The build result is located at:
Installing on device BF118DE4-9A73-459B-A223-D5CB324F19AF... Unable to
apply changes on device: BF118DE4-9A73-459B-A223-D5CB324F19AF. Error
is: Command xcrun with arguments simctl install
failed with exit code 22. Error output: An error was encountered
processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=22): Failed to
install the requested application The bundle identifier of the
application could not be determined. Ensure that the application's
Info.plist contains a value for CFBundleIdentifier.
Upon seeing that I added the entry to Info.plist but then on rebuild I got:
[WARNING]: The CFBundleIdentifier key inside the 'Info.plist' will be overriden by the 'id' inside 'package.json'.
And then the same error from above 'The bundle identifier of the application could not be determined.
Ensure that the application's Info.plist contains a value for CFBundleIdentifier."
package.json snippet:
"nativescript": {
"id": "bingo.bingoplus",
"tns-android": {
"version": "6.0.0"
"tns-ios": {
"version": "6.0.1"
Turns out this is a bug. Upgrade tns-core-modules to 6.0.4

PhoneGap Build: Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR (missing files)

When I try to use my app from PhoneGap Build, it seems to be missing images. When I check in the Chrome web inspector, it's also missing script files. Here are the errors:
cordova.js:314 Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR
at fileService.js:77
at fail (FileEntry.js:88)
at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:295)
at <anonymous>:1:9
cordova.js:312 Error in Error callbackId: File410316782 : Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR
cordova.js:314 Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR
at fileService.js:77
at fail (FileEntry.js:88)
at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:295)
at <anonymous>:1:9
.png:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
I know I didn't fail to include this file, because it was working before.
Most issues like this, as well as "Upload Error [2]", can be solved in PhoneGap Build by deleting the app and re-uploading. Don't worry about losing anything, since all of your settings are in your config files. It seems that PhoneGap has a tendency to inadvertently retain or misplace files.
I tend to just delete my app and re-upload every time I need to run a build, so I don't have to waste time installing and opening the app, only to find out it's missing files.

Receiving "Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path" error in Swift Playground using Realm.IO

I have installed Realm.IO (0.97.0) using Cocoapods (0.39) into my project as instructed.
When I create a Swift playground (Xcode 7.2), with something like:
import RealmSwift
class Unit: Object {
dynamic var name = ""
let unit = Unit(value: ["name": "Moya"])
do {
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtPath(Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.path!)
} catch {}
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.commitWrite()
let results = realm.objects(Unit)
I get the error in the console:
2015-12-28 11:13:13.877 Realm[39396:2067298] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/folders/gx/699y9yv15gg2zr5sqtmtpnt80000gp/T/ Errno:1
2015-12-28 11:13:13.878 Realm[39396:2067298] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/folders/gx/699y9yv15gg2zr5sqtmtpnt80000gp/T/ Errno:1
The playground results themselves work as expected. However, this error is bothersome. What can I do to eliminate it?
The error you're facing might be just some internal state corruption in Xcode, it might help to restart Xcode and / or clear the caches (as seen in the error message).
Be aware though that there are some limitations with using Realm in playgrounds.

Unable to run the app on IOS device

I have created a sample titanium project, I am able to run my app on emulator. But when i try to deploy the same device I'm getting the following error,
[ERROR] : Error details: Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) that match the provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“Plan India Feedback App”) were found.
[ERROR] : Error details: CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 8.1'
Can any one suggest me what is the issue and how to resolve the same.
Phone version is: 6.1.6
Emulator version: 8.1
It indicates that your app id and Provisioning profiles dont match.Please make them same and you would be good to go
