Importing Grails project to IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle fails - gradle

When importing a Grails 3+ project to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, the Gradle build stops at “Starting Gradle Daemon...”.
Screenshot of IntelliJ build window
This happens when a new Grails 3 project is created using the command “grails create-app projectName” and imported to IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle.
My system configuration:
macOS Catalina
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.1
Java 8
Grails 3.3.5
Groovy 2.4.15
The Gradle build fails with no other error messages.
“gradle”, “./gradlew”, “./gradlew bootRun” commands work as expected on the terminal.

Check the Gradle JVM which is set for project and make sure it is compatible for the Gradle version used in project:
Try setting different JDKs including the 1.8 JDK there.


Hi, i have installed JDK 16.0.1 version and in eclipse i have created a maven project and i want to add cucumber dependencies

have installed JDK 16.0.1 version and in eclipse have created a maven project and want to add cucumber dependencies, please help. have tried to copy the build and properties from others but version of java is different but changed to 16.0.1 but still not seeing the cucumber dependencies added
I wasn’t aware that maven ran with jdk 16.0.1. What version of maven are you running?

Running Gradle on macbook

I have recently bought a macbook and tried to install Gradle with brew install gradle
When I do gradle -v I get my Gradle specifications with no problem, bit when I try to run a Gradle task on my project I got this error:
On windows I usually compile the project by doing ./gradlew task_name, but the ./gradlew isn't working here on Mac OS.
What Im I doing wrong?
SourceSetOutput.getClassesDir() was deprecated in Gradle 4 and removed in Gradle 5. It's now SourceSetOutput.getClassesDirs(). I'm guessing you are running a newer version of Gradle on the macbook than you were running on the Windows box. A simple fix is to downgrade the Gradle version.
If you want to actually fix your build to work with Gradle 5+ I suggest you run with --stacktrace on the command line to find out what's using the old API (ie if it's your Gradle script or one of your plugins).
Perhaps a fix is as simple as upgrading one or two of your plugins to a new version which supports Gradle 5+

IntelliJ's default gradle wrapper version - where is it configured

I have Gradle version 2.12 installed on my Mac OS. But when I create a new Gradle project from scratch using IntelliJ, and then select 'Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)', I see the project will be set up with a Gradle Wrapper that is version 3.1 - as in the file.
I'd like to understand how IntelliJ chooses version 3.1 as the default version? I can't seem to find where it is configured.

Gradle tasks missing after bumping gradle version

I was previously using Gradle 2.3 and the Gradle Android plugin 1.3.1.
After upgrading to 4.0.1 and 2.3.0 respectively, my build fails with the following message:
Task with name 'packageReleaseJar' not found in project
Is there a compatibility problem between these versions of Gradle? I believe this is not a custom defined task.

Error after Importing java Maven projects into Eclipse juno on Mac?

I imported the maven projects from perforce in to eclipse juno on Mac and refreshed and updated dependencies as well, but still errors are shown on all the maven projects not on java classes.
am using mac 10.7.4 with JSE 1.6.
In Problems portal am getting warning description as..
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
But if i import the same projects on windows with jdk 1.6, its working fine, no errors shown.
Pls suggest.
