Hi, i have installed JDK 16.0.1 version and in eclipse i have created a maven project and i want to add cucumber dependencies - maven

have installed JDK 16.0.1 version and in eclipse have created a maven project and want to add cucumber dependencies, please help. have tried to copy the build and properties from others but version of java is different but changed to 16.0.1 but still not seeing the cucumber dependencies added

I wasn’t aware that maven ran with jdk 16.0.1. What version of maven are you running?


Importing Grails project to IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle fails

When importing a Grails 3+ project to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, the Gradle build stops at “Starting Gradle Daemon...”.
Screenshot of IntelliJ build window
This happens when a new Grails 3 project is created using the command “grails create-app projectName” and imported to IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle.
My system configuration:
macOS Catalina
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.1
Java 8
Grails 3.3.5
Groovy 2.4.15
The Gradle build fails with no other error messages.
“gradle”, “./gradlew”, “./gradlew bootRun” commands work as expected on the terminal.
Check the Gradle JVM which is set for project and make sure it is compatible for the Gradle version used in project:
Try setting different JDKs including the 1.8 JDK there.

Maven download a dependency that is not in the pom.xml nore a library dependency

I have a question.
I'm working on a project generated using jhipster. I'm using maven as dependency management system.
I have added bouncycastle for jdk 1.4.
Now I want to switch to bouncycastle for jdk 1.5. So I changed the version in the pom.xml. But running ./mvnw, download the version for jdk 1.4. So I have removed it from the external libraries and completely removed it from the pom.xml. But running ./mvnw downloaded the version for jdk 1.4. I have even deleted the bouncycastle directory in .m2/repository. Yet I don't think that there are dependencies that need bouncycastle.
Please I need some help.

eclipse m2eclipse not working

the m2eclipse plugin is latest
the eclipse is the latest
the JDK is jdk7
the eclipse uses embedded maven version 3.xxx
I am keep getting this error “Error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher”
It seems that there are some problems running the embedded Maven.
Try installing a fresh Maven version, then click Preferences , Maven, Installationsand set the directory where you have installed Maven.
my envirement
eclipse version : 4.3 kepler
maven version : 3.2.x
OS : windows 7
m2e plugin version : 1.5
the problem caused by combination of things, e.g mismatch between maven installation and setting.xml is one, but mainly the problem was:
solution for my problem was to run the eclipse in administrator mode.
you can run maven embedded (comes with eclipse) or external installation
just to make sure they are pointing to the right setting.xml file
somehow the embedded disappears sometimes, just restart eclipse it will appear again
finally I can confirm the latest m2e 1.5 or above supports maven 3.
Note: set JAVA_HOME is a must, because maven uses it to look up java which runs maven itself
set non-embeded maven installation location in the windows path is needed
set M2_HOME was NOT needed in my case, thus to get m2e working in eclipse or interact maven though command line, M2_HOME is not needed

Gradle eclipse plugin for Eclipse Helios 3.6

I can not install gradle plugin for Eclipse Helios.
I have tried to install gradle plugin as it was mentioned here (http://docs.spring.io/sts/docs/2.9.0.old/reference/html/gradle/installation.html)
I have installed STS for Eclipse Helios via Eclipse Marketplace without any errors. Then I have tried to install gradle plugin via Help -> install new software and typed http://dist.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/gradle. Tried to install gradle plugin, but installation hangs with the following picture for hours and plugin is not installed.
What am I doing wrong? Appreciate any help.
Finally, found a solution: installed gradle integration via Spring dashboard Extensions sections after intallation of eclips STS plugin for Helios from eclipse market place. It took some time to install gradle plugin, but finally it was installed

Maven version used by Netbeans 6.7.1

I'm developing Maven projects using Netbeans 6.7.1.
How can I see where the Maven that my Netbeans is using is located? I'd like to edit the settings.xml file of this Maven installation.
Is there a way that I can run mvn -version using Netbeans? Before I downloaded Netbeans I already had a Maven 3 installation on my computer, to which MAVEN_HOME is pointing, but I think this Netbeans uses Maven 2.
I don't have a Netbeans 6.7 installation available at the moment. But as far as I remember you could find the Maven settings in Netbeans under "Tools / Options / Miscellaneous". There should be a tab for Maven.
If you want to use your external installation you can setup your external Maven within the project properties (see this screenshot)
Try typing mvn info in your console
