Manipulating CONNECTED frame with Spring WebSocket - spring

We are using Spring WebSocket. And we have a Channel interceptor and can handle CONNECT and SUBSCRIBE messages to validate and authenticate. The CONNECTED frame is sent from the broker to the client in response to the CONNECT frame. Is there any way to manipulate this frame? It includes a session id that my boss wants me to remove because he thinks it is a security risk.


How to establish a websocket connection from a Twilio webhook?

I am trying to create a chat messaging application, which has text functionality. Right now, when a user sends an SMS message from their phone to a Twilio service number, there is a Twilio webhook which redirects to an endpoint in my backend server: sending HTTP POST request.
However, since it is a chat messaging application, I need the Twilio webhook to establish a Websocket connection (upgrading over HTTP) to my backend server, so that it can send websocket events back to my client.
Is there a way to establish a websocket connection using Twilio webhooks, or even Twilio functions? I can't find any resources online to solve this issue.
I tried Twilio Webhooks, and Twilio Functions, it hasn't worked so far.
WebSockets won't help you in this situation, as the webhook timeout limit is 15 seconds. This means you either need to return a TwiML response within 15 seconds or the request will fail.
It sounds like you want to build a stateful WebSocket connection instead of the stateless API callback. To achieve a stateful session, you either need to handle the state management over multiple incoming messages on your own, or you can use a Studio Flow which comes with state management baked in.

WebSocket Java Spring Boot Authentication with JWT

I am trying to build a chat web application. When the user sends a new message (HTTP Request) to the server, I want to send WebSocket notification to the receiver of the message (Angular Client). When the user logs in to the app it opens a websocket connection with the server. I would like to ask you if my logic is right or I can do something better. I want to intercept the handshake before it gets established and grab the session id of the websocket and the Session JWT cookie of the user, so I can store them in my database. So when a user sends a message, the backend should lookup database if there is active websocket connection or not. ALthough, I find this solution difficult to build as I am not sure a websocket session ID is enough to rebuild the Websocket session object from the start. Is there any better way to solve this?
Thank you in advance!

Can we replicate a HTTP SESSION idea in a MQTT architecture?

Roughly speaking a HTTP SESSION is a kind of secret that the server sends to the client (ex browser) after user's credentials is checked. This secret is passed trough all subsequents HTTP requests and will identify the user. This is important because HTTP are stateless - source.
Now I have a scenario where there is a communication between a machine and a MQTT broker inside the AWS-IoT core. The machine displays some screens. The first screen is the login and password.
The idea here is that after the first screen, IF the credentials are validated, the server should generate a "session" and we should send this "session" across the screen pages. The machine should send this "SESSION" in all subsequent messages and the server must to validate this string before any action. This is a request created by an electrical engineering team.
Me, in the software development side it seems that make no sense since all machines to be connected in the AWS IoT-Core broker (MQTT) must to use a certificate - with is the validation already.
Beside of that, the MQTT broker offers the SESSION persistence capabilities. I know that the SESSIONs (QoS 0/1) in the broker side are related to idea of confidence of delivery and reception of a message.
That being said is it possible to use session persistence in MQTT to behavior like a sessions in HTTP in order to identify users across screens in devices? If yes how?
No, HTTP Session concept is not in any way similar to the MQTT session. The only thing held in a MQTT clients session is the list of subscribed topics, a HTTP session can hold arbitrary data.
Also MQTT messages hold NO information about the user or even the client that published the message when it is delivered to the subscriber, the ONLY information present is the message payload and the topic it was published to.
While MQTTv5 adds the option to include more metadata, trying to add the concept of users sessions is like trying to make a square peg fit in round hole.
If you want to implement something as part of the message payload then that is entirely up to you, but it is nothing to do with the transport protocol.

Connect/disconnect from ActiveMQ topic on camel websocket connection/disconnection

I've got the following camel route which listens for messages on an ActiveMQ topic and immediately sends them to all connected web socket clients. This is working fine, but the connection to the topic is made as soon as the route builder is initialised.
What I need is to only connect to the topic when one or more clients are connected to the web socket. Once there are no more connections I want to stop listening on the topic. Is this possible?
According to me there is no proper way to do this. The only way this can be achieved is override Jetty WebSocket code. Once you override Jetty Websocket code you get the flexibility to write your own custom code in open and close websocket.
Maintain a List for all websocket clients in open websocket. Check for close websocket and remove it from the list to know how many are connected or disconnected. Or keep a counter on open and close websocket.
Once all websocket clients get closed suspend the route so that your messages stay in the topic or queue.
If any client gets connected to websocket, resume the route so that the messages reach the particular client connected.

Reverse pusher - secret needed to receive, not send

Pusher service works as illustrated here:
Does it make sense to use it in reverse direction (and switched data channels)? My use case is as follows:
end users (actually mobile, not browser) send messages to Pusher via HTTP-based REST API
my firewalled machine is connected to Pusher via WebSockets API, subscribes channel and receives messages in realtime
This way I can work with Sandbox plan (only 1 persistent connection is used) but mobile app must contain Puser app key.
From what I understand, anyone can use this key to register subscribe same message stream via websockets. Is there a reverse mode, where receiving messages requires knowing the secret? Maybe other service would suit better?
A more secure solution would be for the mobile clients to use client events. Client events can only be triggered on private channels where the subscription to the channel has to be authenticated.The authentication requests should got to an HTTP endpoint that you control so that you can validate the subscription request.
You firewalled machine can either then have a WebSocket connection and receive the client events over that connection. Or it could receive the client events via client event WebHooks if it exposes an HTTP endpoint.
