Dynamics 365 CE Unified Interface - 2 column layout in section showing one column only - dynamics-crm

I have a section with a 2 column layout on the Case form. This UI setting is showing 2 attributes per row in old Dynmiacs 365 UI -- Working expected.
When I open the same form in the new Unified Client Interface, attributes are showing as 1 column per row. -- Issue
This is using a lot of space in the form. If I zoom in browser to say, 75%, then new UI is also showing 2 attributes per row, but this shouldn't be the ideal behavior.
Does anyone else face this issue, and is there a supported workaround to fix it?
Form Customization Settings:

I know this is bit annoying, but this is by design. UCI is built for cross-platform, cross-device, cross-browser compatible responsive layout, similar to bootstrap - which will reflow, self-adjust based on screen size, resolution and available real-estate. Read this discussion in community.
You may need to change the layout to two sections instead of two columns in single section, that will suffice your need.
I remember, I was having two forms, ie one for UCI and another for web classic for tackling these cosmetic situations.
SO thread for label related: Label positioning in D365 UCI is inconsistent


Changing BigQuery's view of nested or array data

Within BigQuery you can have arrays, structs and other nested values for a single column. There seem to be two different views to display them, but how do you change the settings to determine how you want these values to be displayed?
In the first view you can show the nested values as text in a single row:
Image 1
And with the 'toggle the entire column' button you can uncollapse the column and see each value individually:
Image 2
There's the second view where you can have it organized in a way that everything is visible:
Image 3
How do you switch between these these two different views?
The only possible related question is this one but it recommends to Disable Editor Tabs, but they cannot be disabled (from 21 June 2022 onward). And I found that both these views are actually possible with Editor Tabs on, making that related question irrelevant now.
It looks like image 3 was created using the old version of the UI. Which is still available when you click the Disable editor tabs button in the top right corner of the screen.
Google said they would disable the old version a while ago, but as long as people keep disabling the editor tabs and provide feedback on WHY they don't like the new UI they might postpone that a few more times.
Disable editor tabs have been disabled by Google as of Jun 21, 2022 and will be completely disabled for all users soon. Without "editor tabs", I tried querying a nested table and was able to get output similar to Image 3.

Oracle Apex Onscreen Keyboard

I want to developed restaurant management system on Oracle Apex front-end like below screenshots taken from desktop applications which was developed on .net. I just want to show my developed numeric keyboard on screen and to prevent device keyboard to be opened throughout application. I'm using oracle apex 18c. You will get my point clearly after looking into below screenshot.
You need to create the layout manually. In this case default components are not going to help you a lot, If I were you, I will try to create my own html and css and implemented into static region.
Yes, it is possible to create this layout in APEX, There is more than one approach to develop this layout.
One of the easiest approach is:
Create a static region with text fields and buttons which executes
dynamic actions on click.
If you want to display the clicked Button text, store the value in an
APEX Item and return it so that it will be displayed in the page.
Easy pease, just remember that APEX apps are responsive and things may look different in certain screens.
You can create Static Regions with button or page items and have them occupy a spefici number of columns (Column Span property). that should work for your grids.
For the inputs, instead of the template being "Floating" or "Optional Above", just change it to "Optional", which will make the labels stay on the left side. Btw, when you change it to optional it will enable a "Label Column Span" which you can use to define the size of the label.

Create multiple page form in Cocoa

I want to create a form with iOS like transitions (in a Cocoa desktop application) between the form input. For instance, the user would input information to the form and click next to continue to input the remainder of the information. On the last form, the user would click submit. Upon clicking next, the form would have an animated transition, like on the iPhone before displaying the next set of forms. Sort of like how Turbo Tax ask a ton of questions before allowing you to submit that grouped information.
What would be the best approach to achieve this goal?
This is commonly referred to as a wizard.
You basically have two options:
Use a tabless tab view, following Apple's sample code in AnimatingTabView from http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#samplecode/Reducer/Introduction/Intro.html
Manually swap the views in and out yourself.
There are pros and cons to both approaches. Which you choose will probably depend on your requirements. One issue with Core Animation on the desktop is lack of subpixel rendering for layer-backed views. This is mostly an issue with text display but some people find it not to be an issue.
I've needed this functionality a few times. I used this tutorial to get started.

Design advices for quick navigation between view

Usually, when a View requires a lot of bindings, or some UI Elements like a Bing Map, it takes a "while" to load (like between half a second and a second).
I don't want a delay between a "tap" action (like tapping an element on a ListBox) and the navigation action (displaying a new page).
I don't mind displaying the page progressively. For example, for a Bing Map, I don't mind displaying a black page with only a title, and a second later, having the Map appear.
What are the best practices ? It could post a sample if i'm not clear enough
edit: I'll keep the question open for a while, so other can answer. Thanks Matt and Mick for awesome answers. I'm already working on some improvements. The major one being binding my controls after the page loaded.
It's expected on resource constrained devices that non trivial actions will take at least a little time to execute.
The most commonly recommended best practice for dealing with this is to use animations to give the user the impression of perceived performance. This has been a recurring recommendation throughout the CTP and Beta phases by the product team and in presentations at Mix 10 and Tech Ed 2010.
Page transitions are a common approach to this.
Discussed here by Kevin Marshall, prior to inclusion in the November toolkit.
WP7 – Page Transitions Sample
And here, referencing the control in the toolkit.
Transitions for Windows Phone 7
There are also a number of very basic optimisations you can do that will give you some bang for a little effort.
don't name controls that you don't reference in code
use background worker to load any data to avoid impact the UI thread (already busy loading your page) and fire this off after the page is loaded (disable any controls not usable in leui of this) (Phạm Tiểu Giao - Threads in WP7)
use httpwebrequest over webclient for the same reason (WebClient, HttpWebRequest and the UI Thread on Windows Phone 7)
I would also reiterate Matt's suggestion for not loading controls that aren't used initially.
If you decide to go the extra mile, there is more you can do to optimise page loading. These two posts are worth absorbing in that regard.
Creating High Performing Silverlight Applications for Windows Phone
WP7 Development Tips Part 1 - Kevin Marshall's Epic Work Blog for Awesome People
If using Listboxes, also familiarise with Oren Nachman and David Anson's
WP7 Silverlight Perf Demo 1: VirtualizingStackPanel vs. StackPanel as a ListBox ItemsPanel
Keep a low profile LowProfileImageLoader helps the Windows Phone 7 UI thread stay responsive by loading images in the background
Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow DeferredLoadListBox (and StackPanel) help Windows Phone 7 lists scroll smoothly and consistently
and be sure image sizes are optimised for their display size.
My suggestions/recommendations:
Create and navigate to the new page as quickly as possible.
Display the page with placeholder content while it loads (if appropriate).
Give an indication that something is happening while the page loads. An indeterminate progress bar (use this one) is the convention on the platform.
If it's not possible to use the page until all controls are loaded, then prevent access to the page. A semi-transparent object displayed over the entire page is a common technique to not only prevent touching of controls but also to indicate that they can't yet be touched.
If possible/practical set the size of the items in xaml/code to prevent relayout due to resizing once an item is loaded.
Try delay loading of items which aren't on the screen initially to get the perceived total load time down.
and finally:
Optimize everything to get the load time down and the application as responsive as possible.

How to draw a grid in SketchFlow?

Since there is no grid asset in SketchFlow, what is the best way to represent one? Does everyone just use the rectangle asset?
At the time the question was posed, there were workarounds and kludges. But now--with the advent of the just-released (June 7, 2010) SketchFlow/Blend version 4 there is a great solution: Sketchables from Philipp Sumi. This add-on to SketchFlow 4 lets you use concise markup to customize and tailor a control to display sophisticated output--including the SketchableDataGrid.
Sketchables is a completely new package, due to be released the week of June 21, 2010, according to his blog. He has a startling demo video on his site, though. For a snapshot of the SketchableDataGrid take a look at Figure 12 in my just-published article Creating WPF Prototypes with SketchFlow, June 18, 2010.
(I have no connection with Philipp Sumi other than admiration for his Sketchables product.:-)
There should be a DataGrid Asset (defined in System.Windows.Control.Data.dll -Might need to add a reference?) which I think is what you're looking for.
The first thing you need to do is create a datasource.
You can create a data source by choosing the data tab in the top right corner and clicking on the "define new sample data" icon. Under the collection you should be able to add/edit the field properties for the data source. The data source will have auto-generated data for you (a very cool feature!). This can be replaced by selecting the "Edit Sample Values" icon beside the collection if desired.
Next you can drag a data grid onto your screen and set the data source by choosing the ItemsSource property on the grid (the data binding option should be chosen). On the data field tab you can choose your data source. Make sure to select the actual "Collection(array)" option on the right hand side. By default it should auto generate the columns for you. This can be changed if you want more control the column header names, etc.
Hope this helps.
I did it using a ListBox-Sketch.
Check it out here.
There isn't a 'sketch' style grid, so you have 2 options:
Use a list box and edit the template to be a grid / horizontal stack panel with borders etc.
Use the standard grid, you can still make the text 'Buxton Sketch' font so it still looks pretty good, but it does have some chrome effects breaking the 'pure sketch' look
Use what suits you best.
First of all, if you are using Silverlight based sketch, you have a datagrid available otherwise if you are working with WPF you could use WPF Toolkit which includes one.
To make a Silverlight datagrid "sketchy" please take a look at the sample at:
I think this sample also applies to a WPF based sketch with a datagrid from WPF toolkits with only minor adjustments...
Good luck
I am not 100% clear on what you are trying to do. You could use the SketchBorderUC or a Rectangle-Sketch.
What visual representation are you trying to achieve that you would use a grid for?
