How can I move a window that's unselectable behind a dialog? - windows

I have an application (executable) where it displays an update dialog upon launch in front of the parent window. The dialog, of course, maintains the focus and top of the Z order for the application.
The parent window is therefore unselectable and cannot be moved or dragged etc.
Is there a way to modify the position of windows without focus in an external application?


Hide/Show the application icon of the Windows taskbar (LabVIEW - WINAPI)

I have an application created with LabVIEW and I need to show/hide the application icon on the Windows taskbar at run time.
I think that WINAPI can be used for this purpose and I tried to use the ShowWindow function (user32.dll)
ShowWindow(hWnd,SW_HIDE) -> hides the application window. The taskbar icon disappears for a second than re-appears.
ShowWindow(hWnd,SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) -> It simply minimizes the application window, so the taskbar icon remains
By default a "normal" visible un-owned window gets a taskbar button and the taskbar button is visible in every state except SW_HIDE.
MSDN also documents a couple of tricks you can use to override the button:
The Shell creates a button on the taskbar whenever an application creates a window that isn't owned. To ensure that the window button is placed on the taskbar, create an unowned window with the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style. To prevent the window button from being placed on the taskbar, create the unowned window with the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended style. As an alternative, you can create a hidden window and make this hidden window the owner of your visible window.
... If you want to dynamically change a window's style to one that does not support visible taskbar buttons, you must hide the window first (by calling ShowWindow with SW_HIDE), change the window style, and then show the window.
Another alternative is to use the ITaskbarList interface, it gives you full control over your taskbar button.

Programmatically obtaining a Windows application's tray menu items

I have an application with a tray menu and I'm trying to automate some tests that involve the tray menu. Basically I need obtain the tray menu's items and do stuff with them.
However, I've only been able to find ways to programmatically obtain menu items for within the application. But my automation tests are going to be an external application, so that doesn't help me.
How can I obtain an external application's tray menu items programmatically?
There are ways to enumerate/access the tray icons themselves (usually involving hooking into the notification tray itself, or using UI Automation), but there is no way to access a popup menu that appears when a tray icon is clicked on. The reason is because the icon's owning application receives a message when the click occurs and then acts accordingly, which usually involves displaying its own popup menu. There is no menu associated with the icon itself.
For what you are attempting, you would have to enumerate the icons and figure out which icon belongs to the app you are interested in (not a trivial task on its own), then simulate a click on the icon so the app displays its popup menu. See the following question for some details:
Finding and simulating a click on a system tray icon?
Interacting with the popup menu once it is displayed will be more difficult. You won't have access to the menu itself. You will likely have to resort to just issuing mouse events via mouse_event() or SendInput() to move the mouse cursor over the menu and click its items (assuming they appear in predictable locations relative to the icon).
If you can obtain the icon's HWND+ID or GUID (by hooking the notification tray itself), you can use Shell_NotifyIconGetRect() to get the icon's coordinates, at least.
How can I obtain an external application's tray menu items programmatically?
You cannot. There is no public API that provides access to notification icons.
Depending on what sort of assumptions you find acceptable, you can programmatically interact with the taskbar button's menu once it's visible. The image below shows the Inspect SDK tool reporting properties on the OneNote clipping tool button's menu. (And the menu items say they support the UIA Invoke Patten, so they should be programmatically invokable by UIA client code.)
If you want to invoke your tray button's menu items, you might consider the following steps using UIA. You may feel the assumptions that I make here are unacceptable for your situation.
Find the element with a class name "NotifyIconOverflowWindow", that's a direct child of the root menu. I'm assuming the button is in the overflow area.
Enumerate the children of the overflow element, looking for a button with the name of your button. This assumes the UI language is known and accounted for.
Get the bounding rect of the button and simulate a mouse right-click on the button. The click simulation is necessary because I'll bet the UI doesn't support IUIAutomationElement3::ShowContextMenu(), (but you could always try it).
Once the context menu's up, find the element with a ControlType a Menu, a Name of "Context", that's a direct child of the root element.
Once you have the menu, enumerate the child elements in the menu to find the items, and do what you want with them. Eg get the menu item's Invoke pattern and invoke it.

What type of Resource is a Popup Menu in Windows?

I've been researching popup menus (see and a bit confused at what they are behind the scenes.
They act partially like windows, but look like controls. For instance, they pop up above other elements, steal focus, and can go outside their parent container which makes me think they are a type of window. But they pass back an HMENU handle instead of a window handle, and they have no title bar, nor handles, nor show up in the task bar.
If they are a type of control, how can they go outside their parent window?
If they are a type of window, can I use window-specific functions on them? or if they are a control in a new window, is there a way to get a win handle to that new window?
Can I get the location of the popup menu for another application?
Found the answer:
trying to get a handle to a context menu in c++
Looks like a menu is a type of window, that is a child of the desktop window. You can get its window handle with EnumChildWindows on the desktop WinHandle and look for the class name of #32768.
There's more about these reserved system windows here:
About Window Classes | System Classes
A popup menu is a menu, not a window.
A menu merely uses a window for display. A new window is created each time the menu is displayed, and is destroyed afterward. By contrast, the same HMENU can be used to display the menu many times.

Release and move child window by dragging it

I am trying to implement an edge-docking feature between two NSWindows. When the user moves the window I that can be docked just below the main window I snap it into position and add it as a child window to tha main window. This works very well.
However, I am unable to move the docked window away by simply dragging it. Currently I listen for the NSLeftMouseDragged event and when it starts I undock the window by removing it as child from the main window. This works, but the window is not getting moved. You have to release the mouse button and start a new dragging action to move the window away. I am guessing this happens because when the first drag is initiated the window is sat as a child window and therfore cannot be moved by that drag, even thought it gets released in the mean time.
Is there any way around this?
Thank you

Accept mouse clicks without activating the application?

I am working on a utility application that controls other running applications. On certain input event my application displays a window, user can pick some operation from the window, the window disappears and control returns to the previous app. My problem is that clicking in my app’s window activates my application, thus removing focus from the previous application’s window. I can re-activate the previous application when my window closes, but I’d rather keep the original application activated all the time. Is that possible?
It's quite easy to to, just make your window an instance of NSPanel (a subclass of NSWindow), and set it as non-activating in Xcode/IB (or create it programatically, with NSNonactivatingPanelMask in the style mask).
One idea would be: while your app is running, try to keept track of the active window in the system.
After you activate your app and click the command button, restore the previous active window.
This is only an idea, I don't know how to do it on mac.
