Package installing question, (Survival analysis) - installation

I met this problem when I install the package “survminer”
Other packages are still available for installing except for this one.
How could I solve this problem?
Should I update my Rstudio ?

The part with namespace 'tibble' 2.1.3 is already loaded, but >= 3.0.0 is required is telling you that you need to upgrade your tibble package to version > 3.0.0. Try update.packages(ask=F)
Similar to R install package loaded namespace


Why the "tidyverse" package cannot be installed in R?

The Warnings are shown as the picture in this link. And my R version is most updated 4.1.0
In the error message, it shows that you do not have rtools installed. You can follow the link and follow the instructions to install rtools.
Then, you can restart R and try again with tidyverse.
If you still have issues with tidyverse from CRAN, then you can try installing the package from GitHub.

Issue installing Tax4Fun

I'm trying to install the package "Tax4Fun" but keep failing.
I've tried 2 different ways:
The error that I get is:
ERROR: dependency 'biom' is not available for package 'Tax4Fun'
I've also tried installing biom directly
which does not work either
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Installing package(s) 'biom'
Installation path not writeable, unable to update packages: boot, foreign, KernSmooth,
mgcv, nlme, survival
Warning message:
package ‘biom’ is not available (for R version 3.6.1)
The other way I've tried to install Tax4Fun directly is
I get the following error code:
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Installing package(s) 'Tax4Fun'
Installation path not writeable, unable to update packages: boot, foreign, KernSmooth,
mgcv, nlme, survival
Warning message:
package ‘Tax4Fun’ is not available (for R version 3.6.1)
Please help :)
You need to install it by downloading the packages from source ( Then it depends whether you are running on Linux/Mac or Windows.
From the command line, you navigate to the folder containing the .tar.gz downloaded package. Then you should install it using:
R CMD INSTALL Tax4Fun_0.3.1.tar.gz
But dependancies are not installed by default. So you need to install dependancies manually, Qiimer and Biom, which are both deprecated on Cran. You install them using the same command, after you have downloaded the packages from the Cran archives.
Before that, you need to also install their dependancies in R:
Then you should be able to proceed as mentioned above: install Qiimer and Biom from the command line first. Then Tax4Fun from the command line too.
If you are running on Windows you should have quite the same issues, but the installation of the different packages and dependancies is different. You can have a look at the readme at

tidyverse package will not load

I am running the latest version of Rstudio (1.1.453) on Mac. Since installing the latest version of R-Studio, I can no longer get tidyverse package to load. Any suggestions on how I can fix this?
I get the following error message.
> library("tidyverse", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library")
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyverse’ in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]):
there is no package called ‘dplyr’
Have you tried installing it with dependencies:install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE)
I had a similar issue and if this doesn't fix it, try to install dplyr manually: install.packages("dplyr")

With composer, how to force the version of a package required from another one?

I would like to install a package ("Package 1") using composer.
But there is an incompatible version conflict : one of its dependencies ("Package 2") is incompatible with one of another package.
How could I force the installation of a package who requires an incompatible package version ("Package 2")?
Or How could I signify that the package 2 could have another version ?
This is the input and the output :
php composer require company1/package-name
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Can only install one of: company2/package-name2[v5.8.0, v2.3.0].
Note : obviously, using a newer version of a package required by another one could cause some sort of instability/php problems in the overall website, but this is not an issue here

Not able to install CacheCow.Server 0.5.0-alpha

CacheCow.Server 0.5.0-alpha (Pre-release) has dependency on CacheCow.Common (≥ 0.5.0) but yet this version is not available on NuGet.
While I'm installing CacheCow.Server 0.5.0, it's failing due to the dependency on Cache.Common 0.5.0
Does anyone has idea when this will be available on NuGet ??
This issue is resolved.
Please refer following URL for the solution steps -
