I am using a gmail account for the services and APIs in a flutter app like firebase, youtube api. Do I need to use the same gmail id to publish the app or can I use a different one?
No, it is not necessary to use the same account for publishing the app. There is no such relation between the account used for APIs and services to the account used for publishing the app on play store.
I am developing Xamarin.Forms application which will be used for Android and iOS. It will have access to full functionality with a paid subscription.
I researched about subscriptions policy for Play Market and App Store and they require to use their in-app billing if an application gives access to some of its functionality only with a subscription.
But if, for example, user buys the subscription in Android app and then wants to use iOS app - what is the best way to handle this? Since subscriptions are created separately on Play Market and App Store side they need to be somehow synced?
That's probably a problem that was solved a ton of times, but I can't find how to do it
This is explicitly allowed on the platforms, e.g., here's an excerpt from Apple's App Review Guidelines:
3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services: Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or
features they have acquired in your app on other platforms or your web
site, including consumable items in multi-platform games, provided
those items are also available as in-app purchases within the app.
As to how to do this: Basically you have to have user authentication and a backend that ties a subscription status to a user ID. Also, the backend needs to keep the subscription status up to date by refreshing the subscriptions with the stores (Apple App Store, Google Play Store).
(If you weren't using Xamarin, I'd recommend using RevenueCat for this (disclaimer: I work there), but we don't have a Xamarin SDK so I don't think
that that's a possibility)
I have a client that created a custom mail server that has the calendars feature and wants the users to be able to sync their calendars in iOS Calendars built-in app.
I do not know how do this using the built-in iOS Calendars App.
I tried to setup in the Apple Development Account an app that use the Apple Push Notifications service but it looks like I have to create an application.
I didn't find any information on web.
Any suggestion where to start?
Thank you.
The "native" protocol for the iOS Calendars app is CalDAV. So what you really want is to have your server implement https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4791
The Calconnect Developer's guide is a good source of information for such a project: https://devguide.calconnect.org/Table-of-Contents
It lists some server side libraries that you probably want to build your implementation on top of: https://devguide.calconnect.org/CalDAV/libraries/
I am looking for an alternative to HockeyApp, so that I can host and deliver Xamarin Application to end customers (UWP, iOS, Android). The reason I cannot use HockeyApp is that the authentication mechanism has changed and requires one of github, microsoft, google, etc credentials to register/login. The end customers with their business emails, should not be using personal logins to access enterprise stuff.
Have checked tools like TestFairy, etc. None of them serve the purpose or are missing UWP app hosting.
Your customers can create Microsoft account with their business email. It's free. Not tied to outlook.com email address. They will benefit from improved security compared to the deprecated HockeyApp authentication.
you can create google account with office email, suppose for your business you use oultlook.com, with the same id you can create account on google only thing is gmail will not be there for you because you already have outlook, but you can use all google service with this account.
I submitted an extension to Chrome Web Store but as a developer, if I reply to a support review my Google Plus account is published.
Is it possible to hide Google Plus account? If not, do you recommend to create another account without breaking Chrome TOS?
You can use another account for that. Google's Publishing tutorial says:
decide which Google Account you want to be your developer account.
This account will own your app (or multiple apps, if you choose) and
will receive any payments you get from Chrome Web Store Payments.
Instead of your personal account, you might want to choose a dedicated
I am integrating google app marketplace SDK to my web app and publishing it to chrome web store as specified here
I have published the app to restricted users (domain users only) to test the workflow.
The app is published to the domain users but when I access it and click to install, it adds as a chrome extension but I cannot access it as a Google Marketplace app.
For marketplace integration, I have created a project under Google APIs Console and enabled Google Apps Marketplace SDK. If I click the "Test Install Flow" button
the app is successfully installed as a marketplace app which I can access from universal app navigator of my domain email.
Is this the best way I can test whether the app installs as a marketplace application for restricted users? Can I not see it added by directly installing it from the published url?
I have gone through a few links which mention that it is now not easy to submit app to marketplace unless you use atleast one of the Google Services APIs and get through the Google Apps Marketplace Listing Review Request.
Can not post Google Apps Marketplace Listing Review Request for API Project
How to create listing on google apps marketplace?
If I do not intend to use any of the Google Services APIs, and just use Google App MarketPlace SDK, will I not be able to get the app listed in marketplace?
Any help is much appreciated!
Assuming you have added both "DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE" and "GOOGLE_DRIVE" in your mainfest.json file. Try adding "app" section to the manifest. See https://developers.google.com/chrome/apps/docs/developers_guide