Where in Laravel folders do i put my AIMEOS ecommerce extension after overriting the html template behaviour? - laravel

I am building a laravel e-commerce web site using AIMEOS Ecommerce framework , i went through the documentation to find how to adapt the default HTML template with my own HTML.
I found how to do it by generating the extension here on AIMEOS website.
I am stacked at where to put the modified extension files within my laravel folders.

Save your modified files in the ./ext//client/html/templates/ folder in the same directory structure as in the ai-client-html extension, e.g.
store modified file in


How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link https://laravel.demo.aimeos.org/default/en/EUR where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos: https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/laravel/customize/
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link: https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/laravel/themes/
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension: https://aimeos.org/extensions
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

Building CMS on top of CodeIgniter

Is it possible to build a CMS on top of CodeIgniter where the CMS files is separate from customization files? What I mean is, like CodeIgniter by default comes with 2 main folder, application and system folder. So, all your own files is placed in application folder so that next time you can easily update CodeIgniter by overriding the system folder and everything will still working fine.
So, can I store my files at custom folder?
system folder - codeigniter
my_system folder - CMS
application folder - All customization on each individual projects
You may use CodeIgniter's native application "Package", you can find the doc here : http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/libraries/loader.html
You can store your file where you want expect system folder as you written. best approach is make folder on root named public or you want and put your file.
system folder contains everything codeigniter needs. application folder contains your specific code - it defaults to showing the welcome page.
consider naming your system folder with the codeigniter version number and date
makes it easier when you are upgrading
and you can easily switch to different versions directly from the index.php page by editing the file path to the folders

Right Path For Custom Php Files Include Folder in Magento?

I need to include some custom Php files in Magento root directory. Right now i have used "Media" folder to include my custom Php files. So "Media" folder is right directory to use my custom Php Files?
Any Help Much Appreciate
Please refer this below site link for your reference:
Click here to refer your answer
media (directory) - This is the storage of the Magento media files - images out of the box, generated thumbnails, uploaded products images. It is also used as a container for importing images through the mass import/export tools.
lib (directory) - The Magento core code is located in this folder. It contains the software's PHP libraries.
I am not sure media(directory) is the right one or not. But this link is very helpful to you.

Joomla component .inc file

I'm building a component that sends email messages in certain situations. I would rather not have the email HTML directly within my php code, therefore I would like to put the html into a .inc file. I'm not sure if best practices dictate where such files should be placed...the media folder perhaps? Thanks in advance!
The intent for the /media/ directory is that it contains all the assets you need to be "web visible" for your component. So if your component displays images, uses custom CSS, JS file etc that's where they would go.
The point of the media directory is so that in future updates to Joomla! the core code files can be moved to a non-web visible location to improve overall security.
Having said that if you will have executable or sensitive content in your .inc files then I would create a asset directory within the /administrator/components/com_yourcomponenet/.

Jqgrid in a asp.net page in a subfolder not working due to js and css file paths

I have implemented jqgrid within asp.net 3.5 vs2010. It is working fine as long as the asp.net page is onthe root folder, but when I move the page to a subfolder it tries to look for the js and css files with the foder under subfolder. The js and css files are in a folder under the root folder.
I am using the folowing code to reference to jquery files:
What it does is it appends the subfolder name to the path and the application is not able to find the js and css files. e.g /Scripts/jquery.jqGrid.js
How do I reference the js and css files under the html tag of asp.net page?
If you use developer version of jaGrid you have to modify the variable pathtojsfiles from the jquery.jqGrid.js depend on the path where you place jqGrid on your site.
I recommend you to include all files listed in jquery.jqGrid.js instead of using jquery.jqGrid.js. See this and this answers for more information.
