Right Path For Custom Php Files Include Folder in Magento? - magento

I need to include some custom Php files in Magento root directory. Right now i have used "Media" folder to include my custom Php files. So "Media" folder is right directory to use my custom Php Files?
Any Help Much Appreciate

Please refer this below site link for your reference:
Click here to refer your answer
media (directory) - This is the storage of the Magento media files - images out of the box, generated thumbnails, uploaded products images. It is also used as a container for importing images through the mass import/export tools.
lib (directory) - The Magento core code is located in this folder. It contains the software's PHP libraries.
I am not sure media(directory) is the right one or not. But this link is very helpful to you.


adding a new theme in magento2

i have uploaded the files of the new theme bought from https://themeforest.net/user/codazon . But don't know where to move each individual files to the correct directories in order to add this new theme. Below is the files inside the new theme folder
Below are the screenshot of what's inside the Theme zip file.
It is hard to guess which theme you have purchase but they must be providing a detailed documentation of that theme through http or wrap inside theme package. For example i have found http://www.codazon.com/document/fastest/magento2/ is the documentation for their M2 Fastest theme from envatomarket page.
Codazon has to kind of zip files one is with complete Magento package and the other has only extension and it’s documentation. Please find out it’s extension zip file only .

Magneto theme installation

I am a newbie in magento.
I am trying to install the magenta theme in my system as provided by my client. The file my client provided is only the sources folder and i cannot see any app,js,lib,skin,.htaccess folder or file. The url of the theme i ma trying to install is https://livedemo00.template-help.com/magento_49364/ and the source folder contain db,pages,static_blocks etc.Screenshot of source folder
Thank You in advance.
Shared theme zip file is not correct. You need to ask for other files that contain Theme Package including template, layout and css files. In Theme zip file, Source folder only contain the SQL file, Product Images, Original PSD file and static block HTML content files.

how to convert html theme to magento theme?

I have a theme folder where there are only php, html, css and js file are contained. I want to convert my current theme using those css files. Please tell me the steps to do that.
A Magento theme is comprised of templating files (layout, template, locale) and/or skin files (CSS, images, theme-specific JavaScript) that create the visual experience of your store. These files reside in two main directories in your Magento file system:
• “app/design” directory – Files that control how the page templates are rendered
• “skin” directory – Files that control the visual aspects of the theme—CSS, images, etc
More Info link
If you have downloaded the theme for Magento then follow the steps:
Your theme can have these folders,
The theme contains the folders, Not necessarily "js" and "media" folders. You have to place the right folders and files to the right place.That's it.
So first, open the "app" folder of your own theme and side by side open "app" folder of installed Magento. If your own theme is not an independent "package" then paste "app\design\frontend\default\your_theme" to the Magento "app\design\frontend\default" or "app\design\frontend\rwd" based on which package your theme is using.
Note: Here "default" and "rwd" are package names.
So, If your own theme is an independent package then no need to paste it within a package just copy "app\design\frontend\your_theme" to "app\design\frontend"
Now do same for the "skin" folder. Paste your theme "skin\frontend\default\your_theme" to the "skin\frontend\default" folder of Magento.
Note that if your theme is an independent package then copy "skin\frontend\your_theme" and paste it in "skin\frontend" folder of Magento installation folder.
Now for the remaining "js" and "media" folders, just copy and paste the files or folders of your theme to "js" and "media" folders of Magento installation.
Short explanation: In Magento normal theme package there are phtml,xml,css,js,images. phtml and xml goes to app\design\frontend\ and css,js, images goes to skin\frontend.
In advance, if your theme package have some extension included with it then there maybe a "code" and an "etc" folder inside of "app" folder. And that contain .php and .xml files. So for that copy "app\etc\modules\your_theme's_xml_files" to "app\etc\modules" file of Magento installation.
Now go to "app\code\community" and/or "app\code\local" and copy all the folders of your theme folder. Then go to the same "community" or "local" folders of Magento installation "app\code" and paste the folders.

Uploading Aheadworks blog extension to my custom Magento theme

I'm fairly new to Magento and am having trouble uploading the Aheadworks blog extension to the correct directories. I am using a custom theme for my site, let's call it "themex". The directions state "Navigate inside step_1 directory. If you use a different from default theme - be sure to rename step_1/app/design/frontend/default/default and step_1/skin/frontend/default/default folders to your store's values."
I've located the 'step_1' directory but I'm not quite understanding the latter part of the directions. Am I renaming the 'step_1' directory to "themex" and uploading it to the root directory? Please be as descriptive as possible in your response.
Their instructions are badly phrased, but I'm pretty sure it means that you need to upload the files to app/design/frontend/default/themex
Magento theme files appear in the app/design/frontend/ folder.
The "base" folder here contains the core layout files, and the "default" folder contains the file overrides for other themes. As such, your theme's layout files will appear under app/design/frontend/default/themex (possibly app/design/frontend/themex/default depending on how the theme works)
Magento will first look for design files here first, and then look under app/design/frontend/base if the override does not exist.
Make sure you back-up any files, and if their files over-write any of your theme files then run a comparison on them to make sure they are not over-writing any of your theme's functionality.

magento manual theme install

Hi I am a newbie to magento I want to install a magento theme that I found on the internet manually
in the theme there are 3 folders that I see after unzipping it
3.Template full
4.Template only
now the extension folder has sub folders like
catalogue sorter,featured product,product navigator,theme switcher.
now each of these folders has sub folders having
skin folders
source folder has fonts and psd files in it
template full and template only has
themedata sub folders
with all these similar folders I can't just understand how to install this theme,all the tutorials in the net says that copy the app,js,skin files into the magento root folder and clean the cache you will,see the installer .But my problem is that in this theme there are multiple app,js,skin,themedata folders that is really confusing me.
Any kind of help is appreciated
thanks in advance
How to apply a new theme :
Possibly there are three ways to aply a new theme :
One:simply go to the theme folder and copy the required folder reading the theme apply instructions
And paste the copied foder in the C:\wamp\www\apparel location and find the theme name
After you download or placed your theme to the folder.
Navigate to System -> Design and click on Add Design Change.
Choose the theme you want, click on save and you’re done.
Refer this http://tutorialmagento.com/magento-theme-development-tutorial-for-designer-part-1
Hope it will help you.
