I have a newbie question about ownership, I'm trying to update (+= 1) on the last bytes and print out the UTF-8 characters.
But I have mutable borrow to the String s in order to change the last byte thus I can't print it (using immutable borrow).
What would be the Rustacean way to do so?
Note: I'm aware I'm not doing it properly, I'm at learning stage, thanks.
fn main() {
let s = vec![240, 159, 140, 145];
let mut s = unsafe {
unsafe {
let bytes = s.as_bytes_mut(); // mutable borrow occurs here
for _ in 0..7 {
println!("{}", s); // Crash here as immutable borrow occurs here
bytes[3] += 1;
println!("{}", s);
You can use std::str::from_utf8 to make a &str from bytes to print it as a string.
I'm trying to fetch information regarding the network interfaces available on the system via GetInterfaceInfo using Microsoft's windows crate. This requires me to do some unsafe operations, and I get it to work for one interface, but not two:
mod tests {
use super::*;
use windows::{
core::*, Data::Xml::Dom::*, Win32::Foundation::*, Win32::NetworkManagement::IpHelper::*,
Win32::System::Threading::*, Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::*,
fn main() {
unsafe {
let mut dw_out_buf_len: u32 = 0;
let mut dw_ret_val =
GetInterfaceInfo(std::ptr::null_mut(), &mut dw_out_buf_len as *mut u32);
if dw_ret_val != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.0 {
println!("Size: {}", dw_out_buf_len);
// allocate that amount of memory, which will be used as a buffer
let mut ip_interface_info = Vec::with_capacity(dw_out_buf_len as usize);
let mut ptr = ip_interface_info.as_mut_ptr() as *mut IP_INTERFACE_INFO;
dw_ret_val = GetInterfaceInfo(ptr, &mut dw_out_buf_len as *mut u32);
println!("Num adapters: {}", (*ptr).NumAdapters);
for i in 0..(*ptr).NumAdapters as usize {
"\tAdapter index: {}\n\tAdapter name: {}",
It crashes when I'm trying to access the second entry (even though there should be two available):
panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 1 but the index is 1'
The struct IP_INTERFACE_INFO containing all data has a field called Adapter which seems to be limited to only be array size of 1. Am I reading this correctly? How is it then supposed to hold multiple adapters?
#[doc = "*Required features: `\"Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper\"`*"]
pub struct IP_INTERFACE_INFO {
pub NumAdapters: i32,
pub Adapter: [IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP; 1],
It appears that IP_INTERFACE_INFO uses a C flexible array member, which often uses the [1] syntax. The C++ example in Managing Interfaces Using GetInterfaceInfo corroborates this usage:
for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) pInterfaceInfo->NumAdapters; i++) {
printf(" Adapter Index[%d]: %ld\n", i,
printf(" Adapter Name[%d]: %ws\n\n", i,
The equivalent in Rust would be to take the single-element array, get the raw pointer to it, then iterate over that. There are lots of details to be aware of, such as allocation alignment and pointer provenance. Here's an annotated example:
use std::{
alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System},
ptr::{self, addr_of},
use windows::{
fn main() {
unsafe {
// Perform the first call to know how many bytes to allocate
let mut raw_buf_len = 0;
let ret_val = GetInterfaceInfo(ptr::null_mut(), &mut raw_buf_len);
"Expected to get the required buffer size, was {ret_val:?}",
// Allocate an appropriately sized *and aligned* buffer to store the result
let buf_len = raw_buf_len.try_into().expect("Invalid buffer length");
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(buf_len, mem::align_of::<IP_INTERFACE_INFO>())
.expect("Could not calculate the appropriate memory layout");
let base_ptr = System.alloc(layout);
let ip_interface_info = base_ptr.cast();
// Perform the second call to get the data
let ret_val = GetInterfaceInfo(ip_interface_info, &mut raw_buf_len);
ret_val, NO_ERROR.0,
"Could not get the data on the second call: {ret_val:?}",
// Construct a pointer to the adapter array that preserves the provenance of the original pointer
let adapter_ptr = addr_of!((*ip_interface_info).Adapter);
let adapter_ptr = adapter_ptr.cast::<IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP>();
// Combine the pointer and length into a Rust slice
let n_adapters = (*ip_interface_info).NumAdapters;
let n_adapters = n_adapters.try_into().expect("Invalid adapter count");
let adapters = slice::from_raw_parts(adapter_ptr, n_adapters);
println!("Num adapters: {}", adapters.len());
for adapter in adapters {
Index: index,
Name: name,
} = adapter;
// The fixed-size buffer contains data after the UTF-16 NUL character
let name_end = name.iter().position(|&c| c == 0).unwrap_or(name.len());
let name = String::from_utf16_lossy(&name[..name_end]);
println!("Adapter index: {index}\nAdapter name: {name}",);
// Free the allocation. This should be wrapped in a type that
// implements `Drop` so we don't leak memory when unwinding a panic.
System.dealloc(base_ptr, layout);
On my adventure to learn Rust I decided to try and print to the cli contents of the clipboard. I've done this before in Swift so thought I would have much issues in Rust.
However I'm having a hard time printing the contents of the returned NSArray. I've spent a few hours playing around with different functions but haven't made much progress.
The Swift code I have that works:
import Foundation
import AppKit
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
func reload() -> [String]{
var clipboardItems: [String] = []
for element in pasteboard.pasteboardItems! {
if let str = element.string(forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: "public.utf8-plain-text")) {
return clipboardItems;
// Access the item in the clipboard
while true {
let firstClipboardItem = reload()
Here is the Rust code:
use cocoa::appkit::{NSApp, NSPasteboard, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardTypeString};
use cocoa::foundation::NSArray;
fn main() {
unsafe {
let app = NSApp();
let pid = NSPasteboard::generalPasteboard(app);
let changec = pid.changeCount();
let pid_item = pid.pasteboardItems();
if pid_item.count() != 0 {
let items = &*pid_item.objectAtIndex(0);
println!("{:?}", items);
println!("{:?}", *pid.stringForType(NSPasteboardTypeString));
The code above produces: *<NSPasteboardItem: 0x6000021a3de0>*
I've made a little progress but stuck on one last bit. I've managed to get the first UTF8 char out of the clipboard.
The issue I have is if I copy the text: World the system will loop the correct amount of times for the word length but will only print the first letter, in this case W. Output below:
The bit I'm trying to get my head around is how to move to the next i8. I can't seem to find a way to point to the next i8.
The NSString function UTF8String() returns *const i8. I'm scratching my head with how one would walk the text.
use cocoa::appkit::{NSApp, NSPasteboard, NSPasteboardTypeString};
use cocoa::foundation::{NSArray, NSString};
fn main() {
unsafe {
let app = NSApp();
let pid = NSPasteboard::generalPasteboard(app);
let changec = pid.changeCount();
let nsarray_ptr = pid.pasteboardItems();
if nsarray_ptr.count() != 0 {
for i in 0..NSArray::count(nsarray_ptr) {
let raw_item_ptr = NSArray::objectAtIndex(nsarray_ptr, i);
let itm = raw_item_ptr.stringForType(NSPasteboardTypeString);
for u in 0..itm.len() {
let stri = itm.UTF8String();
println!("TEXT {:?}", *stri as u8 as char);
To everyone who's looked/commented on this so far thank you.
After reading some tests provided by cocoa I figured out what I needed to do.
The code below prints the contents of the clipboard. Thanks to those who pointed me in the right direction.
use cocoa::appkit::{NSApp, NSPasteboard, NSPasteboardTypeString};
use cocoa::foundation::{NSArray, NSString};
use std::{str, slice};
fn main() {
unsafe {
let app = NSApp();
let pid = NSPasteboard::generalPasteboard(app);
let nsarray_ptr = pid.pasteboardItems();
if nsarray_ptr.count() != 0 {
for i in 0..NSArray::count(nsarray_ptr) {
let raw_item_ptr = NSArray::objectAtIndex(nsarray_ptr, i);
let itm = raw_item_ptr.stringForType(NSPasteboardTypeString);
let stri = itm.UTF8String() as *const u8;
let clipboard = str::from_utf8(slice::from_raw_parts(stri, itm.len()))
println!("{}", clipboard);
I would like to get my username in an std::String using the windows-rs crate.
use bindings::Windows::Win32::{
fn main() {
let mut pcbbuffer: u32 = 255;
let mut helper: u16 = 0;
let lpbuffer = PWSTR(&mut helper);
println!("lpbuffer: {:?}\npcbbuffer: {:?}", lpbuffer, pcbbuffer);
unsafe {
let success = GetUserNameW(lpbuffer, &mut pcbbuffer);
println!("GetUserNameW succeeded: {:?}\nlpbuffer: {:?}\npcbbuffer: {:?}", success.as_bool(), lpbuffer, pcbbuffer);
produces the output:
lpbuffer: PWSTR(0xca20f5f76e)
pcbbuffer: 255
GetUserNameW succeeded: true
lpbuffer: PWSTR(0x7200650073)
pcbbuffer: 5
The username is "user" that's 4 + 1 terminating character = 5 which is good. I also see the GetUserNameW function succeeded and the pointer to the string changed.
What are the next steps?
The code as posted works by coincidence alone. It sports a spectacular buffer overflow, hardly what you'd want to see in Rust code. Specifically, you're taking the address of a single u16 value, and pass it into an API, telling it that the pointed-to memory were 255 elements in size.
That needs to be solved: You will have to allocate a buffer large enough to hold the API's output first.
Converting a UTF-16 encoded string to a Rust String with its native encoding can be done using several different ways, such as String::from_utf16_lossy().
The following code roughly sketches out the approach:
fn main() {
let mut cb_buffer = 257_u32;
// Create a buffer of the required size
let mut buffer = Vec::<u16>::with_capacity(cb_buffer as usize);
// Construct a `PWSTR` by taking the address to the first element in the buffer
let lp_buffer = PWSTR(buffer.as_mut_ptr());
let result = unsafe { GetUserNameW(lp_buffer, &mut cb_buffer) };
// If the API returned success, and more than 0 characters were written
if result.as_bool() && cb_buffer > 0 {
// Construct a slice over the valid data
let buffer = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(lp_buffer.0, cb_buffer as usize - 1) };
// And convert from UTF-16 to Rust's native encoding
let user_name = String::from_utf16_lossy(buffer);
println!("User name: {}", user_name);
I'm opening a CSV file and reading it using BufReader and splitting each line into a vector. Then I try to insert or update the count in a HashMap using a specific column as key.
let mut map: HashMap<&str, i32> = HashMap::new();
let reader = BufReader::new(input_file);
for line in reader.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap().to_string();
let tokens: Vec<&str> = s.split(&d).collect(); // <-- `s` does not live long enough
if tokens.len() > c {
println!("{}", tokens[c]);
let count = map.entry(tokens[c].to_string()).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
The compiler kindly tells me s is shortlived. Storing from inside a loop a borrowed value to container in outer scope? suggests "owning" the string, so I tried to change
let count = map.entry(tokens[c]).or_insert(0);
let count = map.entry(tokens[c].to_string()).or_insert(0);
but I get the error
expected `&str`, found struct `std::string::String`
help: consider borrowing here: `&tokens[c].to_string()`
When I prepend ampersand (&) the error is
creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
note: consider using a `let` binding to create a longer lived
There is some deficiency in my Rust knowledge about borrowing. How can I make the hashmap own the string passed as key?
The easiest way for this to work is for your map to own the keys. This means that you must change its type from HasMap<&str, i32> (which borrows the keys) to HashMap<String, i32>. At which point you can call to_string to convert your tokens into owned strings:
let mut map: HashMap<String, i32> = HashMap::new();
let reader = BufReader::new(input_file);
for line in reader.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap().to_string();
let tokens:Vec<&str> = s.split(&d).collect();
if tokens.len() > c {
println!("{}", tokens[c]);
let count = map.entry(tokens[c].to_string()).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
Note however that this means that tokens[c] will be duplicated even if it was already present in the map. You can avoid the extra duplication by trying to modify the counter with get_mut first, but this requires two lookups when the key is missing:
let mut map: HashMap<String, i32> = HashMap::new();
let reader = BufReader::new(input_file);
for line in reader.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap().to_string();
let tokens:Vec<&str> = s.split(&d).collect();
if tokens.len() > c {
println!("{}", tokens[c]);
if let Some (count) = map.get_mut (tokens[c]) {
*count += 1;
} else {
map.insert (tokens[c].to_string(), 1);
I don't know of a solution that would only copy the key when there was no previous entry but still do a single lookup.
This appears to partially work but I cannot get the string value to print
pub fn test() {
let mut buf: Vec<u16> = vec![0; 64];
let mut sz: DWORD = 0;
unsafe {
advapi32::GetUserNameW(buf.as_mut_ptr(), &mut sz);
let str1 = OsString::from_wide(&buf).into_string().unwrap();
println!("Here: {} {}", sz, str1);
Here: 10
When I expect it to also print
Here: 10 <username>
As a test, the C version
TCHAR buf[100];
GetUserName(buf, &sz);
seems to populate buf fine.
You should re-read the API documentation for GetUserName to recall how the arguments work:
lpnSize [in, out]
On input, this variable specifies the size of the
lpBuffer buffer, in TCHARs. On output, the variable receives the
number of TCHARs copied to the buffer, including the terminating null
character. If lpBuffer is too small, the function fails and
GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. This parameter
receives the required buffer size, including the terminating null
On input: caller tells the API how many spaces the buffer has.
On success: API tells the caller how many spaces were used.
On failure: API tells the caller how many spaces were needed.
C version
This has a fixed-size stack-allocated array of 100 TCHARs.
This code is broken and unsafe because sz is uninitialized. This allows the API to write an undefined number of characters to a buffer that's only 100 long. If the username is over 100 characters, you've just introduced a security hole into your program.
Rust version
The Rust code is broken in a much better way. sz is set to zero, which means "you may write zero entries of data", so it writes zero entries. Thus, the Vec buffer is full of zeros and the resulting string is empty. The buffer is reported too small to receive the username, so GetUserNameW sets sz to the number of characters that the buffer needs to have allocated.
What to do
One "fix" would be to set sz to the length of your array. However, this is likely to have over- or under-allocated the buffer.
If you are ok with a truncated string (and I'm not sure if TCHAR strings can be split arbitrarily, I know UTF-8 cannot), then it would be better to use a fixed-size array like the C code.
If you want to more appropriately allocate memory to call this type of WinAPI function, see What is the right way to allocate data to pass to an FFI call?.
extern crate advapi32;
extern crate winapi;
use std::ptr;
fn get_user_name() -> String {
unsafe {
let mut size = 0;
let retval = advapi32::GetUserNameW(ptr::null_mut(), &mut size);
assert_eq!(retval, 0, "Should have failed");
let mut username = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
let retval = advapi32::GetUserNameW(username.as_mut_ptr(), &mut size);
assert_ne!(retval, 0, "Perform better error handling");
assert!((size as usize) <= username.capacity());
username.set_len(size as usize);
// Beware: This leaves the trailing NUL character in the final string,
// you may want to remove it!
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", get_user_name()); // "IEUser\u{0}"