I'm trying to fetch information regarding the network interfaces available on the system via GetInterfaceInfo using Microsoft's windows crate. This requires me to do some unsafe operations, and I get it to work for one interface, but not two:
mod tests {
use super::*;
use windows::{
core::*, Data::Xml::Dom::*, Win32::Foundation::*, Win32::NetworkManagement::IpHelper::*,
Win32::System::Threading::*, Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::*,
fn main() {
unsafe {
let mut dw_out_buf_len: u32 = 0;
let mut dw_ret_val =
GetInterfaceInfo(std::ptr::null_mut(), &mut dw_out_buf_len as *mut u32);
if dw_ret_val != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.0 {
println!("Size: {}", dw_out_buf_len);
// allocate that amount of memory, which will be used as a buffer
let mut ip_interface_info = Vec::with_capacity(dw_out_buf_len as usize);
let mut ptr = ip_interface_info.as_mut_ptr() as *mut IP_INTERFACE_INFO;
dw_ret_val = GetInterfaceInfo(ptr, &mut dw_out_buf_len as *mut u32);
println!("Num adapters: {}", (*ptr).NumAdapters);
for i in 0..(*ptr).NumAdapters as usize {
"\tAdapter index: {}\n\tAdapter name: {}",
It crashes when I'm trying to access the second entry (even though there should be two available):
panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 1 but the index is 1'
The struct IP_INTERFACE_INFO containing all data has a field called Adapter which seems to be limited to only be array size of 1. Am I reading this correctly? How is it then supposed to hold multiple adapters?
#[doc = "*Required features: `\"Win32_NetworkManagement_IpHelper\"`*"]
pub struct IP_INTERFACE_INFO {
pub NumAdapters: i32,
pub Adapter: [IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP; 1],
It appears that IP_INTERFACE_INFO uses a C flexible array member, which often uses the [1] syntax. The C++ example in Managing Interfaces Using GetInterfaceInfo corroborates this usage:
for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) pInterfaceInfo->NumAdapters; i++) {
printf(" Adapter Index[%d]: %ld\n", i,
printf(" Adapter Name[%d]: %ws\n\n", i,
The equivalent in Rust would be to take the single-element array, get the raw pointer to it, then iterate over that. There are lots of details to be aware of, such as allocation alignment and pointer provenance. Here's an annotated example:
use std::{
alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System},
ptr::{self, addr_of},
use windows::{
fn main() {
unsafe {
// Perform the first call to know how many bytes to allocate
let mut raw_buf_len = 0;
let ret_val = GetInterfaceInfo(ptr::null_mut(), &mut raw_buf_len);
"Expected to get the required buffer size, was {ret_val:?}",
// Allocate an appropriately sized *and aligned* buffer to store the result
let buf_len = raw_buf_len.try_into().expect("Invalid buffer length");
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(buf_len, mem::align_of::<IP_INTERFACE_INFO>())
.expect("Could not calculate the appropriate memory layout");
let base_ptr = System.alloc(layout);
let ip_interface_info = base_ptr.cast();
// Perform the second call to get the data
let ret_val = GetInterfaceInfo(ip_interface_info, &mut raw_buf_len);
ret_val, NO_ERROR.0,
"Could not get the data on the second call: {ret_val:?}",
// Construct a pointer to the adapter array that preserves the provenance of the original pointer
let adapter_ptr = addr_of!((*ip_interface_info).Adapter);
let adapter_ptr = adapter_ptr.cast::<IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP>();
// Combine the pointer and length into a Rust slice
let n_adapters = (*ip_interface_info).NumAdapters;
let n_adapters = n_adapters.try_into().expect("Invalid adapter count");
let adapters = slice::from_raw_parts(adapter_ptr, n_adapters);
println!("Num adapters: {}", adapters.len());
for adapter in adapters {
Index: index,
Name: name,
} = adapter;
// The fixed-size buffer contains data after the UTF-16 NUL character
let name_end = name.iter().position(|&c| c == 0).unwrap_or(name.len());
let name = String::from_utf16_lossy(&name[..name_end]);
println!("Adapter index: {index}\nAdapter name: {name}",);
// Free the allocation. This should be wrapped in a type that
// implements `Drop` so we don't leak memory when unwinding a panic.
System.dealloc(base_ptr, layout);
I'm trying to pass a ID3D11Device instance from Rust to a C FFI Library (FFMPEG).
I made this sample code:
pub fn create_d3d11_device(&mut self, device: &mut Box<windows::Win32::Graphics::Direct3D11::ID3D11Device>, context: &mut Box<windows::Win32::Graphics::Direct3D11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
let av_device : Box<AVBufferRef> = self.alloc(HwDeviceType::D3d11va);
unsafe {
let device_context = Box::from_raw(av_device.data as *mut AVHWDeviceContext);
let mut d3d11_device_context = Box::from_raw(device_context.hwctx as *mut AVD3D11VADeviceContext);
d3d11_device_context.device = device.as_mut() as *mut _;
d3d11_device_context.device_context = context.as_mut() as *mut _;
let avp = Box::into_raw(av_device);
self.av_hwdevice = Some(Box::from_raw(avp));
On the Rust side the Device does work, but on the C side, when FFMEPG calls ID3D11DeviceContext_QueryInterface the app crashes with the following error: Exception 0xc0000005 encountered at address 0x7ff9fb99ad38: User-mode data execution prevention (DEP) violation at location 0x7ff9fb99ad38
The address is actually the pointer for the lpVtbl of QueryInterface, like seen here:
The disassembly of the address also looks correct (this is done on an another debugging session):
(lldb) disassemble --start-address 0x00007ffffdf3ad38
0x7ffffdf3ad38: addb %ah, 0x7ffffd(%rdi,%riz,8)
0x7ffffdf3ad3f: addb %al, (%rax)
0x7ffffdf3ad41: movabsl -0x591fffff80000219, %eax
0x7ffffdf3ad4a: outl %eax, $0xfd
Do you have any pointer to debug this further?
EDIT: I made a Minimal Reproducion Sample. Interestingly this does not causes a DEP Violation, but simply a Segfault.
On the C side:
int test_ffi(ID3D11Device *device){
ID3D11DeviceContext *context;
device->lpVtbl->GetImmediateContext(device, &context);
if (!context) return 1;
return 0;
On the Rust side:
unsafe fn main_rust(){
let mut device = None;
let mut device_context = None;
let _ = match windows::Win32::Graphics::Direct3D11::D3D11CreateDevice(None, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, OtherHinstance::default(), D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, &[], D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &mut device, std::ptr::null_mut(), &mut device_context) {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => panic!("Creation Failed: {}", e)
let mut device = match device {
Some(e) => e,
None => panic!("Creation Failed2")
let mut f2 : ID3D11Device = transmute_copy(&device); //Transmuting the WinAPI into a bindgen ID3D11Device
test_ffi(&mut f2);
The bindgen build.rs:
extern crate bindgen;
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
// Tell cargo to tell rustc to link the system bzip2
// shared library.
// Tell cargo to invalidate the built crate whenever the wrapper changes
// The bindgen::Builder is the main entry point
// to bindgen, and lets you build up options for
// the resulting bindings.
let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
// The input header we would like to generate
// bindings for.
// Tell cargo to invalidate the built crate whenever any of the
// included header files changed.
// Finish the builder and generate the bindings.
// Unwrap the Result and panic on failure.
.expect("Unable to generate bindings");
// Write the bindings to the $OUT_DIR/bindings.rs file.
let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
.expect("Couldn't write bindings!");
The Complete Repo can be found over here: https://github.com/TheElixZammuto/demo-ffi
According to https://github.com/microsoft/windows-rs/issues/1710#issuecomment-1111522946 my error was that I was trasmutating the structs, while what I should have done is to cast the references:
let f2 : &mut ID3D11Device = transmute_copy(&mut device); //Transmuting the WinAPI into a bindgen ID3D11Device
I would like to get my username in an std::String using the windows-rs crate.
use bindings::Windows::Win32::{
fn main() {
let mut pcbbuffer: u32 = 255;
let mut helper: u16 = 0;
let lpbuffer = PWSTR(&mut helper);
println!("lpbuffer: {:?}\npcbbuffer: {:?}", lpbuffer, pcbbuffer);
unsafe {
let success = GetUserNameW(lpbuffer, &mut pcbbuffer);
println!("GetUserNameW succeeded: {:?}\nlpbuffer: {:?}\npcbbuffer: {:?}", success.as_bool(), lpbuffer, pcbbuffer);
produces the output:
lpbuffer: PWSTR(0xca20f5f76e)
pcbbuffer: 255
GetUserNameW succeeded: true
lpbuffer: PWSTR(0x7200650073)
pcbbuffer: 5
The username is "user" that's 4 + 1 terminating character = 5 which is good. I also see the GetUserNameW function succeeded and the pointer to the string changed.
What are the next steps?
The code as posted works by coincidence alone. It sports a spectacular buffer overflow, hardly what you'd want to see in Rust code. Specifically, you're taking the address of a single u16 value, and pass it into an API, telling it that the pointed-to memory were 255 elements in size.
That needs to be solved: You will have to allocate a buffer large enough to hold the API's output first.
Converting a UTF-16 encoded string to a Rust String with its native encoding can be done using several different ways, such as String::from_utf16_lossy().
The following code roughly sketches out the approach:
fn main() {
let mut cb_buffer = 257_u32;
// Create a buffer of the required size
let mut buffer = Vec::<u16>::with_capacity(cb_buffer as usize);
// Construct a `PWSTR` by taking the address to the first element in the buffer
let lp_buffer = PWSTR(buffer.as_mut_ptr());
let result = unsafe { GetUserNameW(lp_buffer, &mut cb_buffer) };
// If the API returned success, and more than 0 characters were written
if result.as_bool() && cb_buffer > 0 {
// Construct a slice over the valid data
let buffer = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(lp_buffer.0, cb_buffer as usize - 1) };
// And convert from UTF-16 to Rust's native encoding
let user_name = String::from_utf16_lossy(buffer);
println!("User name: {}", user_name);
I'm trying to learn FFI by starting with something simple (and with a practical use), but this doesn't seem to work:
mod bindings {
use std::{convert::TryFrom, ptr};
use bindings::{
// Powershell code to generate the token
// $pw = read-host "Enter Token" -AsSecureString
// ConvertFrom-SecureString $pw
fn main() -> windows::Result<()> {
// The encrypted string is 'foobar'
let encrypted_token = "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000c336dca1c99b7d40ae3f797c2b5d2951000000000200000000001066000000010000200000007a87d6ac2fc8037bef45e3dbcb0b652432a22a9b48fc5fa3e4fcfd9aaf922949000000000e8000000002000020000000eeaa76a44b6cd5da837f4b0f7040de8e2795ed846f8abe2c7f2d2365d00cf89c1000000069fcaa7fa475178d623f4adab1b08ac4400000008af807014cba53ed2f1e7b8a54c6ad89ff57f0ee3d8c51ecd8c5b48e99b58d0e738c9fae9fc41b4280938865a047f2724106d34313c88a0f3852d5ba9d75abfd";
let mut et_bytes = hex::decode(encrypted_token).unwrap();
let size = u32::try_from(et_bytes.len()).unwrap();
let mut decrypted = vec![0u8; et_bytes.len()];
let dt_bytes = &mut decrypted;
let mut p_data_in = CRYPTOAPI_BLOB {
cb_data: size,
pb_data: et_bytes.as_mut_ptr(),
let mut p_data_out = CRYPTOAPI_BLOB {
cb_data: size,
pb_data: dt_bytes.as_mut_ptr(),
let pin = &mut p_data_in;
let pout = &mut p_data_out;
unsafe {
let result = CryptUnprotectData(
println!("{:?}, {:?}", dt_bytes, result);
Basically it returns the all zero array, but the result of the CryptUnprotectData returns 1, which according to the docs means success: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dpapi/nf-dpapi-cryptunprotectdata
I've verified that by trying to mangle the hex string thus corrupting the encrypted data, which causes it to return 0. I'm not sure if it's writing to the wrong location or something, but presumably the success condition means it wrote somewhere.
The CryptUnprotectData API allocates the output buffer for you. It doesn't write into the buffer you provided. That's why you keep getting the original data, irrespective of the API call's result.
Instead, you'll want to pass in a (default-initialized) CRYPTOAPI_BLOB structure, and observe the values the API passed back, something like the following will do:
fn main() -> windows::Result<()> {
// The encrypted string is 'foobar'
let encrypted_token = "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000c336dca1c99b7d40ae3f797c2b5d2951000000000200000000001066000000010000200000007a87d6ac2fc8037bef45e3dbcb0b652432a22a9b48fc5fa3e4fcfd9aaf922949000000000e8000000002000020000000eeaa76a44b6cd5da837f4b0f7040de8e2795ed846f8abe2c7f2d2365d00cf89c1000000069fcaa7fa475178d623f4adab1b08ac4400000008af807014cba53ed2f1e7b8a54c6ad89ff57f0ee3d8c51ecd8c5b48e99b58d0e738c9fae9fc41b4280938865a047f2724106d34313c88a0f3852d5ba9d75abfd";
let mut et_bytes = hex::decode(encrypted_token).unwrap();
let size = u32::try_from(et_bytes.len()).unwrap();
let mut p_data_in = CRYPTOAPI_BLOB {
cb_data: size,
pb_data: et_bytes.as_mut_ptr(),
// Default-initialze; don't allocate any memory
let mut p_data_out = CRYPTOAPI_BLOB::default();
let pin = &mut p_data_in;
let pout = &mut p_data_out;
unsafe {
let result = CryptUnprotectData(
// Probably safe to ignore `result`
if !p_data_out.pb_data.is_null() {
// Construct a slice from the returned data
let output = from_raw_parts(p_data_out.pb_data, p_data_out.cb_data as _);
println!("{:?}", output);
// Cleanup
LocalFree(p_data_out.pb_data as _);
That produces the following output for me:
[102, 0, 111, 0, 111, 0, 98, 0, 97, 0, 114, 0]
which is the UTF-16LE encoding for foobar.
Note that you need have to generate and import windows::win32::system_services::LocalFree to perform the cleanup.
I have a newbie question about ownership, I'm trying to update (+= 1) on the last bytes and print out the UTF-8 characters.
But I have mutable borrow to the String s in order to change the last byte thus I can't print it (using immutable borrow).
What would be the Rustacean way to do so?
Note: I'm aware I'm not doing it properly, I'm at learning stage, thanks.
fn main() {
let s = vec![240, 159, 140, 145];
let mut s = unsafe {
unsafe {
let bytes = s.as_bytes_mut(); // mutable borrow occurs here
for _ in 0..7 {
println!("{}", s); // Crash here as immutable borrow occurs here
bytes[3] += 1;
println!("{}", s);
You can use std::str::from_utf8 to make a &str from bytes to print it as a string.
I've been trying to convert between a scancode and a character. This system has worked before but as of now, for no reason that I can tell, has stopped working.
static mut SCANCODE_BUFFER: winapi::shared::minwindef::PBYTE = std::ptr::null_mut();
static mut layout: winapi::shared::minwindef::HKL = std::ptr::null_mut();
pub fn SCANCODE_TO_CHAR(scancode: u32) -> char {
unsafe {
let mut result = [0 as u16; 2];
if GetKeyboardState(SCANCODE_BUFFER) == winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE {
return 0 as char;
let vk = MapVirtualKeyExA(scancode, 1, layout);
ToAsciiEx(vk, scancode, SCANCODE_BUFFER, result.as_mut_ptr(), 0, layout);
result[0] as u8 as char
pub fn initialize() {
unsafe {
SCANCODE_BUFFER = [0 as u8; 256].as_mut_ptr();
layout = GetKeyboardLayout(0);
I've done some debugging, and it seems that the function call:
Is causing the program to end with the this:
(exit code: 0xc0000005, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Does anyone know how this might be fixed?
Extra info:
SCANCODE_BUFFER is definitely not a null pointer.
Sorry for posting this. SCANCODE_BUFFER was pointing to dropped memory. I must have been extremely lucky in the past.