Issue with Daterangepicker - daterangepicker

I'm using the daterangepicker from
forceUpdate: true,
periods: ['day','week','month','year'],
firstDayOfWeek: 0,
callback: function(startDate, endDate, period){
var title = startDate.format('MMM D, YYYY') + ' – ' + endDate.format('MMM D, YYYY');
The problem is, if I set the firstDayOfWeek: 1 (Monday), the calendar will change the label from Sunday to Monday, but in fact the days in the calendar will remain the same - so the calendar is wrong.
Can you help me figure out what is causing this?

I finally solve it, in case someone else needs it. The issue was related to moment.js.
I used the documentation found here:
with the following code:
moment.updateLocale("en", { week: {
dow: 1, // First day of week is Monday


How to calculate the number of time an event occurs in any month if I have the weekly schedule?

I am currently writing a flutter app which includes displaying the weekly schedule of a class. I also have to calculate the attendance of each student. To do that, I need the number of time each subject are taught in any given month and I am stumped as I can't think of a way to do that.
I have the weekly schedule of the class and I stored it in Firestore. It is formatted as below,
{Day: 1 , Major: 'EcE', Subject: 'Communication', Year: 5, Period: 1, ...}
Screenshot of a timetable entry
where Day refers to Monday, Tuesday, ...
It appears in the app like this.
My problem is, to track and calculate the attendance of students, I have to know how many times each subjects are taught in a month but I dont think multiplying said times in a week by 4 is viable since days in a month are dynamic. But I don't know how to work with a calendar programmatically so I am currently out of ideas. Any hints and suggestions are appreciated. The suggestions can be in either dart or node js since I can both implement in client side or cloud functions. Thanks a lot.
P.S - I haven't provide any code for now but please ask me for clarifications and I will provide the related codes. I just didn't want to bloat the post.
If I understood your question correctly all you need is to count the number of each weekday occurrence in a given month.
Here you go, in both js and dart:
var dtNow = new Date(); // replace this for the month/date of your choosing
var dtFirst = new Date(dtNow.getFullYear(), dtNow.getMonth(), 1); // first date in a month
var dtLast = new Date(dtNow.getFullYear(), dtNow.getMonth() + 1, 0); // last date in a month
// we need to keep track of weekday occurrence in a month, a map looks suitable for this
var dayOccurrence = {
"Monday" : 0,
"Tuesday" : 0,
"Wednesday" : 0,
"Thursday" : 0,
"Friday" : 0,
"Saturday" : 0,
"Sunday" : 0
var dtLoop = new Date(dtFirst); // temporary date, used for looping
while(dtLoop <= dtLast){
// getDay() method returns the day of the week, from 0(Sunday) to 6(Saturday)
switch(dtLoop.getDay()) {
case 0:
dayOccurrence.Sunday++; break;
case 1:
dayOccurrence.Monday++; break;
case 2:
dayOccurrence.Tuesday++; break;
case 3:
dayOccurrence.Wednesday++; break;
case 4:
dayOccurrence.Thursday++; break;
case 5:
dayOccurrence.Friday++; break;
case 6:
dayOccurrence.Saturday++; break;
console.log("this should not happen");
dtLoop.setDate(dtLoop.getDate() + 1);
// log the results
var keys = Object.keys(dayOccurrence);
console.log(key + ' : ' + dayOccurrence[key]);
And here is the same thing in dart:
void main() {
DateTime dtNow = new; // replace this for the month/date of your choosing
DateTime dtFirst = new DateTime(dtNow.year, dtNow.month, 1); // first date in a month
DateTime dtLast = new DateTime(dtNow.year, dtNow.month + 1, 0); // last date in a month
// we need to keep track of weekday occurrence in a month, a map looks suitable for this
Map<String, int> dayOccurrence = {
'Monday' : 0,
'Tuesday' : 0,
'Wednesday' : 0,
'Thursday' : 0,
'Friday' : 0,
'Saturday' : 0,
'Sunday' : 0
DateTime dtLoop = DateTime(dtFirst.year, dtFirst.month,;
while(DateTime(dtLoop.year, dtLoop.month, != dtLast.add(new Duration(days: 1))){
// weekday is the day of the week, from 1(Monday) to 7(Sunday)
switch(dtLoop.weekday) {
case 1:
dayOccurrence['Monday']++; break;
case 2:
dayOccurrence['Tuesday']++; break;
case 3:
dayOccurrence['Wednesday']++; break;
case 4:
dayOccurrence['Thursday']++; break;
case 5:
dayOccurrence['Friday']++; break;
case 6:
dayOccurrence['Saturday']++; break;
case 7:
dayOccurrence['Sunday']++; break;
print("this should not happen");
dtLoop = dtLoop.add(new Duration(days: 1));
// log the results
dayOccurrence.forEach((k,v) => print('$k : $v'));

Cypress: Extract text and number from variable

we have an element on our booking page ".ItineraryDate [datetime]:last" which displays the date of the last flight in the itinerary (e.g. Tue 7 Jul). For the purpose of a Cypress test, I need to extract the day (e.g. 7) and the month (e.g. Jul).
cy.get(".ItineraryDate [datetime]:last").then($span => {
const lastLegDate = $span.text()
This code creates const Tue 7 Jul, but I need to use only the day and the month. Do you know how could I extract it?
Cypress automatically includes moment.js and exposes it as Cypress.moment.
Refer moment formats
You can extract the month and day in anyway you want using Cypress.moment.
<div class="date">Tue 7 Jul</div>
cy.get('.date').then(($el) => {
cy.log('original: ' + $el.text());
const dateString = Cypress.moment($el.text(), 'ddd D MMM')
const month = Cypress.moment(dateString, 'ddd D MMM').format('MMMM');
const day = Cypress.moment(dateString, 'ddd D MMM').format('D');
cy.log(`After formatting month = ${month}`);
cy.log(`After formatting day = ${day}`);

date-fns MMMM formatting is broken in Russian locale

Lets assume we have the following date: 2019, 11, 1.
I want to display only the month's name, but MMMM formatting results into "ноября", when I expect to get "ноябрь".
It works OK in moment.js (locale: ru):
// if format starts with month name
moment([2019, 11, 1]).format('MMMM') => 'ноябрь'
// if format doesn't start with month name
moment([2019, 11, 1]).format('DD MMMM') => '1 ноября'
I would like to switch to moment.js, although I am already utilizing the library which strictly depends on date-fns. How can I achieve the format to show the month's name correctly in Russian language?
date-fns's GitHub repo
My workaround for this problem in use case for react-datepicker was to pass month name in cyrilic as format.
const getMonthName = (date) => {
const months = ['Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь'];
return months[date.getMonth()];
<DatePicker dateFormatCalendar={ getMonthName(new Date()) } />
format(new Date(2014, 1, 11), getMonthName(new Date(2014, 1, 11)))
Worked under my limited use case
You need to change MMMM to LLLL

Laravel carbon parse is giving incorrect output

I am working on chronic care health project in which i have to set future dates for patient injection. The doctor select start date for injection and then he select 3 days (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday etc) which means patient will come 3 times a week.
The total injection are 20 that are divided by 3 times a week.
The problem that i am facing is that the parse function gives incorrect result if doctor select a day that matches today.
Lets suppose today is Wednesday and date is 2019-02-06 and doctor select 3 days that are:
Output should be:
- 2019-02-08
- 2019-02-11
- 2019-02-13
My code for controller:
if( $visitstart_date != null)
$startDate = Carbon::parse($visitstart_date);
else $startDate = Carbon::now();
if($perweek_visit1_day != '')
{ //Get date of selected day
$perweek_visit1_dayDate = $startDate->parse($perweek_visit1_day);
if($perweek_visit2_day != '')
{ //Get date of selected day
$perweek_visit2_dayDate = $startDate->parse($perweek_visit2_day);
if($perweek_visit3_day != '')
{ //Get date of selected day
$perweek_visit3_dayDate = $startDate->parse($perweek_visit3_day);
But when dump the 3 values it provide me :
2019-02-06 (incorrect)
For testing purpose I also parse the next visit date with each other like:
if( $visitstart_date != null)
$startDate = Carbon::parse($visitstart_date);
else $startDate = Carbon::now();
if($perweek_visit1_day != '')
{ //Get date of selected day
$perweek_visit1_dayDate = $startDate->parse($perweek_visit1_day);
if($perweek_visit2_day != '')
{ //Get date of selected day
$perweek_visit2_dayDate = $perweek_visit1_dayDate ->parse($perweek_visit2_day);
if($perweek_visit3_day != '')
{ //Get date of selected day
$perweek_visit3_dayDate = $perweek_visit2_dayDate ->parse($perweek_visit3_day);
but it again provided me the same output as :
- 2019-02-08
- 2019-02-11
- 2019-02-06
I don't know where i am going wrong, any support or help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

DateTime Ruby How to format correctly

My project is supposed to fetch specific values from multiple hashes a put those values in a text file. Ideally what I need my code to do is to have every date for the employees be seven days apart, so the text file would look something like this:
"Rachel Thorndike
Stacie Smith
What this is supposed to do is fetch employee's names and put the time of their "handoff" on the line under them. I looked online and found the DateTime that Ruby features but it looks like whatever I do isn't working. My code is this:
require 'date'
jsonUser["users"].each do |user|
somefile.puts user["user"]["summary"]
print 'Handoff Date + Time: '
parsed = DateTime.strptime(jsonUser["start"], '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')
utc = parsed.next_day(7).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')
puts utc
But terminal returns this code with an error 'strptime': invalid date (ArgumentError). Would anybody help me get this code to work the way I want to? Anything that points me to the right direction? With explanations, if it isn't too much.
Thank you so much!
I was able to get the iso8601 to appear under their name. My new code is
require 'date'
jsonUser["users"].each do |user|
somefile.puts user["user"]["summary"]
print 'Handoff Date + Time: '
parsed = DateTime.iso8601(jsonUser["start"])
utc = parsed.next_day(7).iso8601
somefile.puts utc
BUT the .next_day method isn't increasing by 7 days that I want too. Thought? I have only got one value that is appearing and that is going under every line. Its the value of jsonUser["start"] + 7 `2017-
This is what parse.next_day(7) gives me.
"Sr Chid
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00
Ash A
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00
Ven D
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00
Abhi S
Handoff Date + Time: 2017-10-16T04:29:46-05:00"
The value of jsonUser["start"] is 2017-10-09T04:29:46-05:00 so the good thing is that it did increase by 7 but it only did it once.
Update for Amadan
require 'date'
date = DateTime.iso8601(jsonUser["start"])
jsonUser["users"].each do |user|
if user["user"]["self"] == nil
somefile.puts user["user"]["summary"].gsub(/\w+/, &:capitalize).gsub(/[.]/, ' ')
somefile.print 'Handoff Date + Time: '
date = date.next_day(7)
somefile.puts date.iso8061
