Visual Studio 2019 with Container Orchestrator support not working with docker ip - visual-studio

Environment: VS2019 on Windows 10
I have created a core project.
Right clicked on the project and added orchestration support.
Selected Docker compose.
Target OS: Linux
With this I ran docker ps and got the following output
I hit F5 in VStudio and the browser opens with https://localhost:32776 and shows the web page
I now run docker inspect 9e1911ce311a and get the following output
Since the docker ip here in this case is, why does result in

Short Answer:
Host Machine:
URL: http://localhost:32776/
Inside Docker:
docker -it <container id> bash
Long Answer:
When working on docker there are always 2 networks host machine network docker's own private network
docker network ls
For a port mapping --ports <left side>:<right side>
if you are debugging from withing docker container you'll have to use port on the right side of the mappings. If you are accessing from host machine use the one of the left hand side.


How to access a website running on docker after closing the debug on Visual Studio

I build a very simple web app and web api on .net core and configured the docker-compose to get them to communicate over the same network correctly.
On visual studio, when I hit play on the Docker Compose project, it runs fine, both the web app and the web api work and communicate correctly.
On the Docker Desktop app i see them running (green).
But when I close/stop the debugger on VS I can't access the websites anymore even though the containers are still running. I thought docker worked as a sort of IIS.
Am I misunderstanding the docker capabilities or do I need to run them again from a CLI or publish them somewhere or what?
I thought the fact the containers are up and running should mean they're live for me to navigate to.
Help me out over here please.
You are correct, unless there is some special routing happening, the fact that the containers are running means your services are available.
You can see the ports being exposed from the docker ps -a command:
CONTAINER_ID: 560f78689902
IMAGE: moviedecisionweb:dev
COMMAND: "C:\\remote_debugger\\…"
CREATED: About a minute ago
STATUS: Up About a minute
NAMES: mdweb
CONTAINER_ID: 1cd7f72426fe
IMAGE: moviedecisionapi:dev
COMMAND: "C:\\remote_debugger\\…"
CREATED: About a minute ago
STATUS: Up About a minute
NAMES: mdapi
Based on the provided output, you have two docker containers running.
I'm assuming the ports 80 & 443 are serving the HTTP & HTTPS services (respectively) from your app/s.
Based on this...
For container "mdweb", you should be able to access the docker services from your docker host machine (PC) via:
For container "mdapi", you should be able to access the docker services from your docker host machine (PC) via:
I believe you can use localhost, & interchangeably in the above.
You cannot use the hostnames "mdweb" or "mdapi" from your docker HOST machine - unless you have explicitly setup your DNS to handle these names. However you can use these hostnames if you are inside a docker container on the same docker network.
If you provide more information (e.g. your docker-compose.yml), we could help you further...

Docker network communication issue

I am new to this docker, i have started running the container services in 2016 server. When i run iis image "Docker run -it -p 80:80 microsoft/iis its started successfully. but when try to access the iis sample page its not loading via local host. but i can access the docker host name and ip address of the host. I know it is limitation in WINNAT but when i try to access from my another machine using the ip address of the host ( ex. htt:// form another machine on the same n/w) iis sample page is not accessible. Can anybody help me to resolve the issue.

Docker localhost process not working on Windows

I am using Docker Quickstart Terminal to run a docker container. The container should work on port 8088 of localhost:
docker run -it --name myContainer -p 8088:8088
However, when I go to localhost:8088 or I can't find any process running.
This works on OSX.
Why is this not working on Windows?
I'm assuming you're using VirtualBox, since that's what is integrated with the Quickstart terminal.
The reason it doesn't work is that Windows isn't running your (Linux) containers natively, it's running them in a separate Linux-based VM. This VM is available under a different ip address than your "physical" machine, usually printed when you start the quickstart terminal:
This is the ip address you need to use in order to connect to published container ports.
One possibility is the kind of VM you are using : HyperV (Docker For Windows) or VirtualBox (Docker Toolbox).
If it is the later (which seems probable since you are using the Docker Quickstart Terminal), you need to port forward 8088 in order for your PC (localhost) to see it.
See "How do I configure docker compose to expose ports correctly?" as an example when using VirtualBox.
If localhost does not work, a docker-machine ip will show you the ip of the VM being executed.

Can't connect to Docker containers on OSX

I'm new to Docker, and I can't seem to connect to any containers.
I installed Docker Toolbox. Now I'm trying to get Shipyard to work. I followed the steps inside of a Docker Quickstart Terminal. The instructions say:
Once deployed, the script will output the URL to connect along with credential information.
The Shipyard installer ended with:
Shipyard available at
Username: [elided] Password: [elided]
However, I went to on my browser and it didn't connect.
In another Docker Quickstart Terminal, I did a docker ps to see what the container was and to get its IP Address and I got:
$ docker inspect a4755 | grep IPAddress
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPAddress": "",
I'm not sure why the IP was different, but I tried to connect to and this didn't work either. http://localhost:8080 also failed.
This also happened when I tried to run docker-gunicorn-nginx - everything started, but I couldn't connect to the machine.
What gives?
If you read through Docker's Installation on Mac OS X you'll see that on OSX, Docker containers don't run on the host machine itself:
In a Docker installation on Linux, your physical machine is both the localhost and the Docker host. In networking, localhost means your computer. The Docker host is the computer on which the containers run.
On a typical Linux installation, the Docker client, the Docker daemon, and any containers run directly on your localhost. This means you can address ports on a Docker container using standard localhost addressing such as localhost:8000 or
In an OS X installation, the docker daemon is running inside a Linux VM called default. The default is a lightweight Linux VM made specifically to run the Docker daemon on Mac OS X. The VM runs completely from RAM, is a small ~24MB download, and boots in approximately 5s.
In OS X, the Docker host address is the address of the Linux VM. When you start the VM with docker-machine it is assigned an IP address. When you start a container, the ports on a container map to ports on the VM. To see this in practice, work through the exercises on this page.
Indeed, opening a new Docker Quickstart Terminal, I see:
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
And, opening takes me to Shipyard. Success!
You can try and execute this command:
docker-machine ip default
it will return some thing like:
To get port number:
docker ps
Example output (scroll right to see port mapping):
113346425f20 springio/spring1 "sh -c 'java $JAVA_OP" 34 minutes ago Up 34 minutes>8080/tcp pensive_kirch
To verify if it is working do:

docker toolbox, can connect to containers launched with kitematic but not with the cli?

I have docker toolbox 1.8.2c installed on my Mac running yosemite. If I launch hello-world-nginx from the docker hub in Kitematic, I can connect to its TCP port without an issue.
When trying to do the same thing from the CLI, I can't connect. Why?
Here is what I am running on the docker CLI, which looks to me to be pretty standard:
docker run -d -i -t -P kitematic/hello-world-nginx /bin/sh
In the case above, docker ps shows that port 80 is mapped to So I try and connect on (that's my docker machine IP) and I can't connect.
I want to use the CLI so I can set the hostname/fqdn on the container, which it doesn't look like Kitematic supports. Here is another thing I tried, with the IP address of my docker machine in the args:
docker run -d -i -t -p -h kitematic/hello-world-nginx /bin/sh
This doesn't work either.
In each case, the container starts successfully and I can attach to it with out an issue.
What am I doing wrong?
I had the same problem, but in windows 10 pro witn the same image kitematic/hello-world-nginx. Kitematic was open a wep page by default with Internet Explorer and the message was inmediatetly can't connect, later I tried with another web browers, chrome, and it worked. maybe if you try with another web browser, this problem can be solved.
