for my enterprise we would want to add a button to the initial windows Logon Screen (or a simple link) that would open a the browser to a specific url we used to reset password using a dedicated web apps.
We pushed a similar solution by CISCO (CISCO GINA) a few time ago.
But it is unclear for me GINA is deprecated in Win10 and Credential Provider seem to change the Logon method not simply to add a button
Can someone highlight me ? Point me to an article or an example ?
Thanks a lot
Ps : i checked this article C++ Windows Credential Provider Progress Screen but it seem really to chaneg the whole Login Screen i just want to add a button on the bottom right next to the windows existing button for Wifi, UI customisation , Language
I have a need to regularly search our internal directory for colleagues across the organisation (30k people). It's slow and irritating to launch even a shortcut to the intranet directory.
What I'd like to do is create a custom 'widget' (might be the wrong word) on my Windows 8.1 taskbar which is just a text box and a search button. This would then launch a browser with a HTTP POST url which will have my query in the URL.
I'm having trouble finding any documentation on how to create a custom taskbar app/widget.
Any ideas where I can find the documentation on this?
A deskband will do.But Microsoft's recommendation is don't create new deskbands , write thumbnail toolbars instead. If you go with write thumbnail toolbars, you can create an enter text button and a search button, register with ITaskbarList3::ThumbBarAddButtons, and create a textbox when the enter text button is clicked for the text editing.
You can also integrate with Windows search by writing a web service that integrates with Windows Federated Search. But this uses Windows Explorer's search box and your data there could be pollution to the user when they search for something else.
Hi we have a authentication page that authenticates users. Recently our org performed some improvements to reduce the login prompts. Now when i use internet explorer i see a dialogbox to enter username/password. If i click ESC key then i can navigate to our authentication page. I am using remote web driver. I did try below things.
org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions actions = new org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions(context.getWebDriver());
None worked. "Windows Security" dialog box stays. Can anyone point me how to dismiss this dialog on internet explorer.
Shankar KC
I am creating a prototype web app using Oracle Weblogic/ADF. I am using JDeveloper
I have a basic application with one entity object and one view object. One of the requirements I is that once data is changed it must be digitally signed. I am using a applet/servlet based solution to get this done.
Once a user decides to edit an entry in the table they are taken to a page that shows a two-column form layout. On this page is a button that, when clicked, brings up an ADF dialog window. On this page there is a button called "Sign". Once the user clicks the "Sign" button some JavaScript executes that communicates with the embedded applet. This embedded applet in turn communicates with a servlet and returns a string representing a signature. This process is task-flow based.
The issue I am having is that for SOME users (IE 8, Win 7 Enterprise) once they click the "Sign" button on the popup they are shown the following popup:
If they click "OK", the page reloads and when they click "Sign" again the process repeats resulting in a loop. Initially I thought the alert was coming from IE, but upon further research it seems that the alert is coming from ADF. I have NO idea WHY they are getting this message as there are NO dependent dialogs. I have tried setting the "uncommitted data warning" to off for the document but I still get the same popup. Also the message ONLY appears for SOME users running IE 8 on top of Windows 7.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get this popup to stop and/or WHY it is happening?
ANY help would be greatly appreciated as I am stumped.
disable the uncommitted data warning property on af:document
I have recently introduced some Google +1 buttons to my site.
I am calling the button like this:
<g:plusone size="small"
The plusone_vote callback is a js function which pushes a tracking event to Google Analytics.
This works for the majority of users. However, a small number are getting an issue. When they click on the +1 link a new IE window appears and then displays the message
"The webpage you're viewing is trying to close this window.
Do you want to close this window?"
If the user clicks "No" they get they Google +1 privacy page ("I'm fine with Google using my +1's and other info around content and ads on non-Google websites"). They can then click the "Share my +1's button" and the window closes. However, they "+1" action never appears to happen. The button does not turn blue and the page does not show up in their profile.
The users were all using IE8 or IE9 on Windows 7 - a combination which works fine for most users. The only thing that appears to be the same is that they all use the same type of laptop - I'm struggling to see the significance of that though.
Any ideas?
The actual issue is with your IE security settings: the page MUST be displayed as a regular 'internet' webpage in order for IE to correctly run the +1 and Facebook Like plugins without this error message.
In order to fix this:
Go into Internet Options in the IE menu
Go to Security Settings. Click on 'local intranet'.
Click on sites. Make sure 'detect local intranet' and all it's sub checkboxes are unchecked. Go into 'advanced' and make sure your webpage's domain is not listed. Close this window.
Now, click on 'Trusted Sites' and then 'Sites'. Make sure to remove your site's domain if it's listed.
All sites which are not 'Intranet' or a 'Trusted Site' default to public internet settings, which is the same as what your users will see (unless you're writing a business application which runs for internal network users, I suppose). This should fix this pop up, and allow +1 and Facebook like plugins to function correctly.
Is there a way to create a custom Windows 7 logon screen and UI? I don't mean just customizing the picture, I mean something in the sense of a flash splash screen on a website. And then having the whole UI customized in the sense that, instead of a start button, I have can have like... a plus sign that opens up a customized start menu.
Is there anything in the Windows GUI library that will enable this? I know quite a few languages except for assembly, not sure if it would require that anyway.
In other words, if you go to you see how it loads up? Is that possible in a Windows environment? If not, where or how could I do it in another environment? Thanks!