IE: When clicking Google +1 a new window opens and then tries to close again - internet-explorer-8

I have recently introduced some Google +1 buttons to my site.
I am calling the button like this:
<g:plusone size="small"
The plusone_vote callback is a js function which pushes a tracking event to Google Analytics.
This works for the majority of users. However, a small number are getting an issue. When they click on the +1 link a new IE window appears and then displays the message
"The webpage you're viewing is trying to close this window.
Do you want to close this window?"
If the user clicks "No" they get they Google +1 privacy page ("I'm fine with Google using my +1's and other info around content and ads on non-Google websites"). They can then click the "Share my +1's button" and the window closes. However, they "+1" action never appears to happen. The button does not turn blue and the page does not show up in their profile.
The users were all using IE8 or IE9 on Windows 7 - a combination which works fine for most users. The only thing that appears to be the same is that they all use the same type of laptop - I'm struggling to see the significance of that though.
Any ideas?

The actual issue is with your IE security settings: the page MUST be displayed as a regular 'internet' webpage in order for IE to correctly run the +1 and Facebook Like plugins without this error message.
In order to fix this:
Go into Internet Options in the IE menu
Go to Security Settings. Click on 'local intranet'.
Click on sites. Make sure 'detect local intranet' and all it's sub checkboxes are unchecked. Go into 'advanced' and make sure your webpage's domain is not listed. Close this window.
Now, click on 'Trusted Sites' and then 'Sites'. Make sure to remove your site's domain if it's listed.
All sites which are not 'Intranet' or a 'Trusted Site' default to public internet settings, which is the same as what your users will see (unless you're writing a business application which runs for internal network users, I suppose). This should fix this pop up, and allow +1 and Facebook like plugins to function correctly.


Not able too perform any activity after successfull login page automation in UI path Studio

after successfull login automation when its redirects too dashboard page i am not able too perform any activity on dashboard page using UIPath Studio
i was trying too perform click activity on dashboard page elemnts
Ensure that your window selector is updated once you move on to the next page. I have seen in almost every single automation I have created, the Login page has a different window title than the actual web app screens after login.
With the Modern Design Experience in UiPath, the Window selector is a little hidden from the rest of the selector, so make sure you open the Window Selector dropdown in the Selector Window (or modify the Window Selector property in the properties pane) to modify that when advancing from the Login screen to the main app screen.

How can I enable autoplay (not initiated by user) in Firefox?

I have one page that launches another page, and the launched page does a series of scrapes and then plays an audio based on the results.
This stopped working today, maybe because of a Firefox update, but I need to be able to enable auto play as it is critical that the audio plays when the launched page loads.
Here is what my current JavaScript code looks like:
function playHighRiskStock(){
var highRiskStock = new Audio('./wav/high-risk.wav');;
It is now giving me the error: NotAllowedError: The play method is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.
It did this all-of-a-sudden (i.e. it was working perfectly yesterday autoplaying with no problems).
How do I configure my browser to allow autoplay, even if not initiated by the user?
I have looked at this page: but it doesn't give any actual JavaScript code examples on setting auto play.
I got the same error in Firefox. The following fixed it for me. Didn't need a reboot or to reload the browser.
Click the Hamburger (Options Menu).
Pick the Options menu.
In the search textbox, enter "Sound".
A "Block websites from automatically playing sound" option will appear.
Either uncheck that option or click the "Exceptions" button beside it. In my case, I added an exception for It works fine now.
Another option is to use Chrome.
Good luck.

Google cloud shell missing web preview button

I stepped away from my sample Transport-Tracker project, which had been working just fine.
Now, when I run the Google Cloud Shell, the web preview button is no longer present. Also missing is the file transfer button. The Cloud Shell only includes the "Send key combination" and "Terminal settings" buttons.
I've tried this in both IE and Chrome with the same result.
What am I doing wrong?
This is due to a CSS bug. When you have the Google Cloud Platform navigation panel on the left opened, then open a Cloud Shell, the Web Preview button is pushed off the screen.
To fix, simply close the navigation panel by pressing the hamburger button in the top left. (You can reopen the panel, and the Web Preview button will be fixed.)
Lo and behold, today the web preview icon appears. I suspect it may have something to do with trying to open the full cloud shell before a connection to the projector has been established.

Magento 1.9 Impossible Login?

I've searched everywhere for an answer and I can't seem to find a solution to the problem I'm facing, hopefully this will help others in the future as well.
I am unable to login to my magento admin panel. I'm able to input my username and password per usual, but my login button doesn't "click". My mouse recognizes the button as a button and changes to the "finger" cursor, but when I click nothing happens, no button animation to show click confirmation, no URL changes, no refresh as if there was an "invisible layer" in front of it preventing the click. The results are consistent through multiple devices and browsers. I've cleared Cache and session data.
Anybody have any clue what could be going on or know of a potential fix? Much Appreciated~
Open your browser's developer console and check if there's anything weird going on with the submit form. It is a pretty straight forward standard form submit together with the varienForm js functionality. Also have you tried pressing enter after typing your login data instead of clicking the button? That should also submit the login form. Make sure to disable all browser extensions that could interfere such as noscript or adblockers.

Firefox addon-sdk : Creating a UI window/addon page for displaying addon specific information

I'm developing a Firefox addon. I have already created a login dialog box using panels in firefox addon-sdk. As the next step i need to open up another windows to display some information queried from the internet at the click on a button in the panel after login in.
I have already tried creating another panel and calling it ( from the first panel(panel1) but the 2nd panel is destroyed immediately or it's not resident on the screen may be since I'm calling it from within the first panel and it's closing itself off after calling the 2nd panel to show.
So i need to know a way to create the 2nd panel from within the first panel yet keep it out the life scope of the first panel. Or to find a better alternative to load the content page 2 in a separate window.
Thank you.
