How is `{⊂⍵}` different from just `⊂`? - arguments

I'm reading through Hui and Kromberg's recent "APL Since 1978" and in the discussion of ⌺ (stencil) they give the following example:
abc abcd abcde bcde cde
Why is the {⊂⍵} needed over just ⊂? I'm still pretty new to APL but I would naively think that in general {f⍵} should be equivalent to f when called monadically.
Empirically I can see that's not the case:
But I don't understand why.

You're absolutely right that {⊂⍵} is equivalent to ⊂ when called monadically, however as per the documentation:
f is invoked dyadically with a vector left argument indicating for each axis the number of fill elements and on what side; positive values mean that the padding precedes the array values, negative values mean that the padding follows the array values.
We can illustrate this by making the function return the enclosure of both arguments together:
{⊂⍺ ⍵}⌺5⊢'abcde'
││2│ abc│││1│ abcd│││0│abcde│││¯1│bcde │││¯2│cde ││
This left argument is designed to fit the requirements as left argument of ↓ so the added padding can be removed easily:
If you want a tacit operand instead of {⊂⍵} then you can use ⊢∘⊂ (which is equivalent to {⍺⊢⊂⍵} and therefore {⊂⍵}) or, in version 18.0, ⊂⍤⊢ (which is equivalent to {⊂⍺⊢⍵} and therefore {⊂⍵}).


How to call Lua table value explicitly when using integer counter (i,j,k) in a for loop to make the table name/address?

I have to be honest that I don't quite understand Lua that well yet. I am trying to overwrite a local numeric value assigned to a set table address (is this the right term?).
The addresses are of the type:
project.models.stor1.inputs.T_in.default, project.models.stor2.inputs.T_in.default and so on with the stor number increasing.
I would like to do this in a for loop but cannot find the right expression to make the entire string be accepted by Lua as a table address (again, I hope this is the right term).
So far, I tried the following to concatenate the strings but without success in calling and then overwriting the value:
for k = 1,10,1 do
project.models.["stor"..k].inputs.T_in.default = 25
for k = 1,10,1 do
"project.models.stor"..j..".T_in.default" = 25
I think I found the solution as per
A common mistake for beginners is to confuse a.x with a[x]. The first form represents a["x"], that is, a table indexed by the string "x". The second form is a table indexed by the value of the variable x. See the difference:
for k = 1,10,1 do
project["models"]["stor"..k]["inputs"]["T_in"]["default"] = 25
You were almost close.
Lua supports this representation by providing as syntactic sugar for a["name"].
Read more:
You can use only one syntax in time.
Either tbl.key or tbl["key"].
The limitation of . is that you can only use constant strings in it (which are also valid variable names).
In square brackets [] you can evaluate runtime expressions.
Correct way to do it:
project.models["stor"..k].inputs.T_in.default = 25
The . in models.["stor"..k] is unnecessary and causes an error. The correct syntax is just models["stor"..k].

How does element membership work in Perl 6?

Consider this example
my #fib = (1,1, * + * … * > 200).rotor(2 => -1);
say #fib[0] ∈ #fib; # prints True
The first statement creates a Sequence of 2-element subsequences via the use of the rotor function. #fib will contain (1,1), (1,2) and so on. Quite obviously, the first element of a sequence is part of a sequence. Or is it?
my #fib = (1,1, * + * … * > 200).rotor(2 => -1);
say #fib[0], #fib[0].^name; # OUTPUT: «(1 1)List␤»
So the first element contains a list whose value is (1 1). OK, let's see
my $maybe-element = (1,1);
say $maybe-element, $maybe-element.^name; # OUTPUT: «(1 1)List␤»
say $maybe-element ∈ #fib; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
Wait, what? Let's see...
my $maybe-element = #fib[0];
say $maybe-element ∈ #fib; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
Hum. So it's not the container. But
say (1,1).List === (1,1).List; # OUTPUT: «False␤»
say (1,1).List == (1,1).List; # OUTPUT: «True␤»
So I guess ∈ is using object identity, and not equality. That being the case, how can we check, in sets or sequences of lists, if an independently generated list is included using this operator? Should we use another different strategy?
Maybe a subquestion is why the same literals generate completely different objects, but there's probably a good, and very likely security-related, answer for that.
So I guess ∈ is using object identity, and not equality.
That is correct.
That being the case, how can we check, in sets or sequences of lists, if an independently generated list is included using this operator?
You can use .grep or .first and the equality operator of your choice (presumably you want eqv here), or you can try to find a list-like value type. Off the top of my head, I don't know if one is built into Perl 6.

How do I make a function use the altered version of a list in Mathematica?

I want to make a list with its elements representing the logic map given by
x_{n+1} = a*x_n(1-x_n)
I tried the following code (which adds stuff manually instead of a For loop):
x0 = Input["Enter x0"]
a = Input["a"]
M = {x0}
L[n_] := If[n < 1, x0, a*M[[n]]*(1 - M[[n]])]
Append[M, L[1]]
Append[M, L[2]]
The output is as follows:
Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.3`} does not exist. >>
Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.3`} does not exist. >>
{0.3, 2 (1 - {0.3}[[2]]) {0.3}[[2]]}
It seems that, when the function definition is being called in Append[M,L[2]], L[2] is calling M[[2]] in the older definition of M, which clearly does not exist.
How can I make L use the newer, bigger version of M?
After doing this I could use a For loop to generate the entire list up to a certain index.
P.S. I apologise for the poor formatting but I could find out how to make Latex code work here.
Other minor question: What are the allowed names for functions and lists? Are underscores allowed in names?
It looks to me as if you are trying to compute the result of
FixedPointList[a*#*(1-#)&, x0]
Building lists element-by-element, whether you use a loop or some other construct, is almost always a bad idea in Mathematica. To use the system productively you need to learn some of the basic functional constructs, of which FixedPointList is one.
I'm not providing any explanation of the function I've used, nor of the interpretation of symbols such as # and &. This is all covered in the documentation which explains matters better than I can and with which you ought to become familiar.
Mathematica allows alphanumeric (only) names and they must start with a letter. Of course, Mathematic recognises many Unicode characters other than the 26 letters in the English alphabet as alphabetic. By convention (only) intrinsic names start with an upper-case letter and your own with a lower-case.
The underscore is most definitely not allowed in Mathematica names, it has a specific and widely-used interpretation as a short form of the Blank symbol.
Oh, LaTeX formatting doesn't work hereabouts, but Mathematica code is plenty readable enough.
It seems that, when the function definition is being called in
Append[M,L2], L2 is calling M[2] in the older definition of M,
which clearly does not exist.
How can I make L use the newer, bigger version of M?
M is never getting updated here. Append does not modify the parameters you pass to it; it returns the concatenated value of the arrays.
So, the following code:
Will end up with B={1,2,3,5} and A={1,2,3}. A is not modfied.
To analyse your output,
0.3 // Output of x0 = Input["Enter x0"]. Note that the assignment operator returns the the assignment value.
2 // Output of a= Input["a"]
{0.3} // Output of M = {x0}
0.42 // Output of Print[L[1]]
{0.3,0.42} // Output of Append[M, L[1]]. This is the *return value*, not the new value of M
{0.3} // Output of Print[M]
Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.3`} does not exist. >> // M has only one element, so M[[2]] doesn't make sense
Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.3`} does not exist. >> // ditto
{0.3, 2 (1 - {0.3}[[2]]) {0.3}[[2]]} (* Output of Append[M, L[2]]. Again, *not* the new value of M *)
{0.3} // Output of Print[M]
The simple fix here is to use M=Append[M, L[1]].
To do it in a single for loop:
For[i = 0, i < n, i++,
M = Append[M, xn];
xn = A*xn (1 - xn)
A faster method would be to use NestList[a*#*(1-#)&, x0,n] as a variation of the method mentioned by Mark above.
Here, the expression a*#*(1-#)& is basically an anonymous function (# is its parameter, the & is a shorthand for enclosing it in Function[]). The NestList method takes a function as one argument and recursively applies it starting with x0, for n iterations.
Other minor question: What are the allowed names for functions and lists? Are underscores allowed in names?
No underscores, they're used for pattern matching. Otherwise a variable can contain alphabets and special characters (like theta and all), but no characters that have a meaning in mathematica (parentheses/braces/brackets, the at symbol, the hash symbol, an ampersand, a period, arithmetic symbols, underscores, etc). They may contain a dollar sign but preferably not start with one (these are usually reserved for system variables and all, though you can define a variable starting with a dollar sign without breaking anything).

mathematica: PadRight[] and \[PlusMinus]

Is there any way that
PadRight[a \[PlusMinus] b,2,""]
{a \[PlusMinus] b,""}
Instead of
a \[PlusMinus] b \[PlusMinus] ""
I believe that i need to somehow deactivate the operator properties of [PlusMinus].
Why do i need this?
I'm creating a program to display tables with physical quantities. To me, that means tables with entries like
(value of a) [PlusMinus] (uncertainty of a)
When i have several columns with different heights, i'm stuffing the shorter ones with "", so i can use Transpose the numeric part of the table.
If the column has more than one entrie, there's no problem:
PadRight[{a \[PlusMinus] b,c \[PlusMinus] d},4,""]
gives what i want:
{a \[PlusMinus] b,c \[PlusMinus] d,"",""}
It is when the column has only one entrie that my problem appears.
This is the code that constructs the body stuffed with "":
body = PadRight[body, {Length[a], Max[Map[Length, body]]
tested[a__] :=
If[Length[DeleteDuplicates[Map[Dimensions, {a}]]] != 1, False,
, a function that discovers if is arguments have the same dimension
Where the quantities are the one's that i want on my table.
First you need to be aware of that any expression in Mathematica is in the form of Head[Body]
where body may be empty, a single expression or a sequence of expressions separated by commas
Length operate on expressions, not necessarily lists
returns 2 since the body of the expression contains to expressions (atoms in this case) that are a and b
Read the documentation on PadRight. The second argument define the final length of the expression
PadRight[{a,b},4,c] results with a list of length 4 with the last two elements equal to
PadRight[{a,b},2,c] results with the original list since it is already of length 2
PadRight[PlusMinus[a,b],2,anything] just returns the same PlusMinus[a,b] unchanged since it is already of length 2
so, youר first example is wrong. You are not able to get a result with head List using PadRight when you try to pad to an expression with head PlusMinus
There is no problem of executing
but the result looks funny (at best) and logically meaningless, but if this is what you wanted in the first place you get it, and following my explanations above you can figure out why

Setting the rank of a user-defined verb in J

Here's a function to calculate the digital sum of a number in J:
digitalSum =: +/#:("."0)#":
If I use b. to query the rank of this verb, I get _ 1 _, i.e., infinite. (We can ignore the dyadic case since digitalSum is not dyadic.)
I would like the monadic rank of this verb to be 0, as reported by b.. The only way I know of to do this is to use a "shim", e.g.,
ds =: +/#:("."0)#":
digitalSum =: ds"0
This works great, but I want to know whether it's the only way to do this, or if there's something else I'm missing.
I just discovered how to change the rank of a verb that's defined thus:
digits =: 3 : 0 "0
"."0#": y
Notice the "0 after the declaring 3 : 0. You can put any adverb or conjunction you wish, and it will be applied to the verb as a whole. Pretty cool stuff!
digitalSum =: (+/#:("."0)#":)"0 is how I would define it as well. Using " to change rank is pretty standard and works on parenthesized tacit trains.
