I am able to start my Windows MAUI app using an URI, and I can get the URI itself. But, it appears that a NEW instance of the app is being created. This is not ideal for me -- if my app is already running, I want to use that instance.
I have done something like this for a Xamarin.Forms app. I override OnActivated in Application class.
Re: my MAUI app, I'm not even clear on whether the issue is how I've done the "protocol" in package.appxmanifest, or if it is how I respond to lifecycle events.
The default behaviour is to run multiple instances of your app. You can make the app single-instanced by defining a customized class with a Main method as suggested in this blog post:
static async Task Main(string[] args)
bool isRedirect = await DecideRedirection();
if (!isRedirect)
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Application.Start((p) =>
var context = new DispatcherQueueSynchronizationContext(
new App();
return 0;
private static async Task DecideRedirection()
bool isRedirect = false;
AppActivationArguments args = AppInstance.GetCurrent().GetActivatedEventArgs();
ExtendedActivationKind kind = args.Kind;
AppInstance keyInstance = AppInstance.FindOrRegisterForKey("randomKey");
if (keyInstance.IsCurrent)
keyInstance.Activated += OnActivated;
isRedirect = true;
await keyInstance.RedirectActivationToAsync(args);
return isRedirect;
There is an open suggestion to simplify this process available on GitHub.
So, either I am asking incorrectly, or it isn't possible, let's see which...
If my app (Xamarin.Forms) is launched from another app, in order to get a url from my app, how do I return that data to the calling app? I wrongly assumed SetResult and Finish, I also wrongly assumed StartActivityForResult, but there has to be a way to do this. I know how to get data INTO my app from another app, but not the same in return.
So I have to setup an interface in my PCL, and call the method from the listview item selected handler, in the Android app I can then do this:
Intent result = new Intent("com.example.RESULT_ACTION", Uri.parse("content://result_url"));
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result);
(source: https://developer.android.com/training/basics/intents/filters.html)
Is this looking right, and how would I implement the same thing on iOS?
I deleted my previous question because I couldn't explain the problem clearly, so here goes.
I have a Xamarin Forms app, I want to use a section of this app as a gallery. Currently I have images displayed in a list, and I have an Intent filter set that launches this page when you select the app as the source for an image (such as upload image on Facebook).
My issue is that I don't know how to return the data (the selected image) back to the app / webpage that made the request. In android I understand that you would use StartActivityForResult and OnActivityResult to handle this, but I am using Xamarin Forms (Android, iOS, UWP) and can't really find a solution that could be used cross-platform.
Just a link to documentation that covers this would be great, but if you have an example then even better.
Here is the code used to launch the app, I am interested in getting data back from the Intent.ActionPick after the user has selected an image from a ListView, which is in a ContentPage in the PCL.
[Activity(Label = "", Icon = "#drawable/icon", Theme = "#style/DefaultTheme", MainLauncher = true, LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop,
ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation)]
[IntentFilter(new[] { Intent.ActionSend }, Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault }, DataMimeType = #"*/*")]
[IntentFilter(new[] { Intent.ActionView, Intent.ActionPick, Intent.ActionGetContent }, Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault, Intent.CategoryOpenable }, DataMimeType = #"*/*")]
public class MainActivity : FormsAppCompatActivity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);
App _app = new App();
if (Intent.Action == Intent.ActionSend)
var image = Intent.ClipData.GetItemAt(0);
var imageStream = ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(image.Uri);
var memOfImage = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
_app.UploadManager(memOfImage.ToArray()); //This allows me to upload images to my app
else if (Intent.Action == Intent.ActionPick)
_app.SelectManager(); //here is where I need help
_app.AuthManager(); //this is the default route
catch (Exception e)
It seems you cannot use remote URI to provide to calling app. Some posts I checked suggest to store the file locally and provide it's path to calling app. To avoid memory leak with many files stored I suggest to use the same file name then you will have only one file at any moment.
One more note. I tested this solution in facebook. Skype doesn't seem to accept that and, again, the posts I checked saying that Skype doesn't handle Intent properly (not sure what that means).
Now to solution. In main activity for example in OnCreate method add the follow.
ReturnImagePage is the name of my page class where I select an image
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Subscribe<ReturnImagePage, string>(this, "imageUri", (sender, requestedUri) => {
Intent share = new Intent();
string uri = "file://" + requestedUri;
// OR
//Android.Net.Uri uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(requestedUri);
//Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
//share.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraStream, uri);
SetResult(Result.Ok, share);
Above will listen for the message when the image is selected.
Then in XFroms code when image is selected dowload it, store it, get path and send to Activity using it's path. Below is my test path
MessagingCenter.Send<ReturnImagePage, string>(this, "imageUri", "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ButtonRendererDemo.Droid/files/Pictures/temp/IMG_20170207_174559_21.jpg");
You can use static public class to save and access results like:
public static class StaticClass
public static int Result;
I have a picture of item in external storage (that was saved by intent in my app). I want to display this picture in Image view in my shared project.
Image.Source takes object of ImageSource type. I tried ImageSource.FromFile, ImageSource.FromStream and even ImageSource.FromUri. The result is always that image is not displayed (no error or exception). I validated that the path to file is correct by first opening it with File.Open one line above.
What is the correct way of displaying pictures from normal storage, not from assets/resources/etc?
This code does not work:
var path = "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/6afbd8c6-bb1e-49d3-838c-0fa809e97cf1.jpg" //in real app the path is taken from DB
var image = new Image() {Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit, WidthRequest = 200, HeightRequest = 200};
image.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(path);
Your Xamarin Forms PCL don't know what its a URI from Android beacuse its platform specific, so:
won't work.
In that case you are handling platform specific features, that is loading an image from Android.
I suggest this approach:
Create an interface on Xamarin Forms PCL like:
public interface IPhoto
Task<Stream> GetPhoto ();
Then in Android you implement that interface and register the implementation in DependencyService:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(PhotoImplementation))]
namespace xpto
public class PhotoImplementation : Java.Lang.Object, IPhoto
public async Task<Stream> GetPhoto()
// Open the photo and put it in a Stream to return
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var source = System.IO.File.OpenRead(path))
await source.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
return memoryStream;
In the Xamarin Forms PCL code get the image:
var image = ImageSource.FromStream ( () => await DependencyService.Get<IPhoto>().GetPhoto());
For more detail you can consult this.
NOTE1: This will work on iOS if you implement the interface IPhoto too.
NOTE2: There exist a helpful library for this kind of features from Xamarin-Forms-Labs called Camera.
UPDATE (Shared Project solution)
As requested in the comments, to use this in a Shared Project instead of PCL we could do this.
1 - Place the IPhotoInterface in the Shared Project.
2 - Implement the interface in Android/iOS project:
public class PhotoImplementation : IPhoto
public async Task<Stream> GetPhoto()
// Open the photo and put it in a Stream to return.
3 - Use it in the Shared Project:
IPhoto iPhotoImplementation;
#if __ANDROID__
iPhotoImplementation = new shared_native.Droid.GetPicture();
#elif __IOS__
iPhotoImplementation = new shared_native.iOS.GetPicture();
var image = ImageSource.FromStream ( () => await iPhotoImplementation.GetPhoto());
NOTE: shared_native is the namespace of my solution and Droid/iOS are the projects for Android and iOS.
Am finding hard to launch Cordova Windows App, from another native Windows App.
Using Protocol invocation, I am passing few parameters to Cordova Windows App, to see if the Cordova app identifies those parameters from the Windows Native App.
Is there anyway to pass Parameters from native Windows App to Cordova App, so that Cordova App identifies the parameters as arguments?
In native windows 8 store app I am using app protocol association to send parameters one app to another app. like
in sender app:
mainpage.xaml.cs on button click
var url = "apptest:?" + name;
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);
in received app
Declarations --> available declarations add --> protocol --> name = apptest
protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args)
if (args.Kind == ActivationKind.Protocol)
ProtocolActivatedEventArgs protocolArgs = args as ProtocolActivatedEventArgs;
var rootFrame = new Frame();
rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), protocolArgs);
Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
ProtocolActivatedEventArgs pa = e.Parameter as ProtocolActivatedEventArgs;
if(pa != null)enter code here
string qS = pa.Uri.Query;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qS))
Txt_name.Text = qS;
in this way i will take the data from sender app.
Same like is there any way to receive data from windows 10 native app to cordova app. it is very hard to find the solution. not able to find the exact piece of code.
In xamarin android application I have receive call using BroadcastReceiver
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
Toast.MakeText(context, "Received intent!", ToastLength.Short).Show();
DialerCallListener listener = new DialerCallListener();
SIPRegistration.call = SIPRegistration.sipManager.TakeAudioCall(intent, listener);
string str = SIPRegistration.call.PeerProfile.UriString;
From here I want to check my app is run in foreground/Background, and if it is background how can I bring my app to foreground and show incoming call receiving page? any help? it xamarin cross platform application.