I am not able to execute the command which worked till yesterday - bash

I am not able to execute this command
/test/filename_*; do $(wc -l "$file" | cut -d' ' -f1) -eq 1 && m $file ; done
It worked till yesterday, somehow this is not working now.

Are you sure you didn't have this command instead:
for file in /test/filename_*; do [ "$(wc -l "$file" | cut -d' ' -f1)" -eq 1 ] && rm "$file" ; done


bash script to scan for repeated episode numbers, append episode modifier

I use youtube-dl to archive specific blogs. I use a custom bash script (called tvify) to help me organize my content into Plex-ready filenames for later replay via my home Plex server.
Archiving the content works fine, unless a blogger posts more than one video on the same date - if that happens my script creates more than one file for a given month/date and plex sees a duplicate episode. In the plex app, it stuffs them together as distinct 'versions' of the same episode. The result is that the description of the video no longer matches its contents, and only one 'version' appears unless I access an additional sub menu.
The videos get downloaded by you tube-dl kicked off from a cron-job, and that downloader script runs the following to help format their filenames and stuff them into appropriate folders for 'seasons'.
The season is the year when the video was released, and the episode is the combination of the month and date in MMDD format.
Below is my 'tvify' script, which helps perform the filename manipulation and stuffs the file into the proper folder for the season.
echo mySuff="$mySuff"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
for i in $mySuff
prb=`ffprobe -- "$i" 2>&1`
myDate=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'date\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myartist=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'artist\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myTitle=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'title\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
cwd_stub=`pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
if [ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]; then echo "Directory found" > /dev/null; else mkdir "s${myDate:1:4}"; fi
[ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ] && mv -- "$i" "s${myDate:1:4}/${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8} - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i" || mv -- "$i" "${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8} - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"
How can I modify that script to identify if a conflicting year/MMDD file exists, and if so, append an appropriate suffix to the episode number so that plex will interpret them as distinct episodes?
I ended up implementing an array, counting the number of elements in the array, and using that to append the integer:
echo mySuff="$mySuff"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
for i in $mySuff
prb=`ffprobe -- "$i" 2>&1`
myDate=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'date\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myartist=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'artist\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myTitle=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'title\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
cwd_stub=`pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
readarray -t conflicts < <(find . -maxdepth 2 -iname "*s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}*" -type f -printf '%P\n')
[ ${#conflicts[#]} -gt 0 ] && _inc=${#conflicts[#]} || _inc=
if [ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]; then echo "Directory found" > /dev/null; else mkdir "s${myDate:1:4}"; fi
[ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]
&& mv -- "$i" "s${myDate:1:4}/${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}$_inc - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"
|| mv -- "$i" "${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}$_inc - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"

Unix shell - how to filter out files by number of lines?

I am trying to extract all files with a line count greater than x using the following code.
for i in massive*;
if [ wc -l $i | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > 50 ]; then
mv $i subset_massive_subcluster_num_gt50/;
However I am getting the following error everytime it goes through the loop:
cut: ]: No such file or directory
-bash: [: missing `]'
Any ideas?
Change this:
for i in massive*;
if [ wc -l $i | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > 50 ]; then
mv $i subset_massive_subcluster_num_gt50/;
To this:
for i in massive*;
if [ "$(wc -l "$i" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" -gt 50 ]; then
mv "$i" subset_massive_subcluster_num_gt50/;
Maybe you can try:
for file in massive*
[[ $(grep -c '' "$file") > 50 ]] && echo mv "$file" subset_massive_subcluster_num_gt50/
the grep -c '' is nicer (and safer) than wc -l | cut
The above is for "dry run". Remove the echo if satisfied.

Bash Syntax error in conditional expression

I'm trying to make a simple bash script that will iterate through a text file containing IP addresses,
ping them one time, and see if they are alive or not.
This is my work so far:
for ip in $(cat ips.txt); do
if [[ "1" == "$(ping -c 1 $ip | grep 'packets transmitted' | cut -d ' ' -f 4)"]]
echo $ip
Any Suggestions?
This seems to work:
for ip in $(cat ips.txt); do
if [ "1" == "$(ping -c 1 $ip | grep 'packets transmitted' | cut -d ' ' -f 4)" ]; then
echo $ip
You needed the ; then after the if [ ... ] statement (same thing goes for elif, not else), and a space between the last bracket of the statement and the statement's contents. Also this appears to work fine with just single brackets, and this may be more portable (see here).
Works on Bash 4.2.47
Yes. You can use a newline instead of ; if you like, but you always need the then keyword.
if [ "1" == "$(ping -c 1 $ip | grep 'packets transmitted' | cut -d ' ' -f 4)" ]
then echo $ip
# or
if [ "1" == "$(ping -c 1 $ip | grep 'packets transmitted' | cut -d ' ' -f 4)" ]
echo $ip

I cannot seem to run this properly... It stucks and does not display an output

Here's my script:
while [[ $startTime -le $endTime ]]
thisfile=$(find * -type f | xargs grep -l $startDate | xargs grep -l $startTime)
fordestination=`cut -d$ -f2 $thisfile | xargs cut -d ~ -f4`
echo $fordestination
startTime=$(( $startTime + 1 ))
I think your cut and grep commands could get stuck. You probably should make sure that their parameters aren't empty, by using the [ -n "$string" ] command to see if $string isn't empty. In your case, if it were empty, it wouldn't add any files to the command that would use it afterwards, meaning that the command would probably wait for input from the command line (ex: if $string is empty and you do grep regex $string, grep wouldn't receive input files from $string and would instead wait for input from the command line). Here's a "complex" version that tries to show where things could go wrong:
while [[ $startTime -le $endTime ]]
thisfile=$(find * -type f)
if [ -n "$thisfile" ]; then
thisfile=$(grep -l $startDate $thisfile)
if [ -n "$thisfile" ]; then
thisfile=$(grep -l $startTime $thisfile)
if [ -n "$thisfile" ]; then
thisfile=`cut -d$ -f2 $thisfile`
if [ -n "$thisfile" ]; then
forDestination=`cut -d ~ -f4 $thisfile`
echo $fordestination
startTime=$(( $startTime + 1 ))
And here's a simpler version:
while [[ $startTime -le $endTime ]]
thisfile=$(grep -Rl $startDate *)
[ -n "$thisfile" ] && thisfile=$(grep -l $startTime $thisfile)
[ -n "$thisfile" ] && thisfile=`cut -d$ -f2 $thisfile`
[ -n "$thisfile" ] && cut -d ~ -f4 $thisfile
startTime=$(( $startTime + 1 ))
The "-R" tells grep to search files recursively, and the && tells bash to only execute the command that follows it if the command before it succeeded, and the command before the && is the test command (used in ifs).
Hope this helps =)

rake - running shell command returns error

I am trying to run in Rake the following shell command:
sh "d='jps -l | grep jar | cut -d ' ' -f 1'; if [ -z \"$d\" ]; then :; else kill \"$d\"; fi;"
However I get:
sh: -f 1: not found
If I run it in linux shell it works fine.
What is wrong?
I interpreted your question wrong earlier. This is what you want.
d='jps -l | grep jar | cut -d " " -f 1; if [ -z "$d" ]; then :; else kill "$d"; fi;'
If you want output of the command (which I guess you don't in this case)
output = `jps -l | grep jar | cut -d " " -f 1; if [ -z "$d" ]; then :; else kill "$d"; fi;`
You need to escape your single quotes and quote the whole string:
d='jps -l | grep jar | cut -d \' \' -f 1; if [ -z "$d" ]; then :; else kill "$d"; fi;'
