Recently updated to windows 10, just downloaded the lastest version of git but git-bash won't run on my windows 10 - bash

Recently, I updated my windows to version 10. Just installed the latest version of Git (2.27.0) but git-bash has refused to run after launching. Git-bash worked perfectly on my previous windows 7 but can't launch now. After clicking on the created Git-bash shortcut on desktop nothing happens. The other git tools Git-GUI and Git-CMD launches and works fine, only Git-bash doesn't. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling git but still git-bash fails to launch. I've also gone through related articles here but can't solve this issue. I'm new to git so any help will be very much appreciated. I'm using a 32 bit OS.


Visual Studio Code installation with WSL 2

I have WSL 2 installed and running well and I am trying to install VSC to debug my code.
I already use (and have installed) Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
The first thing I did was to install the .deb package provided on VSC (sudo apt install ./code_1.46.1-1592428892_amd64.deb. Everything went fine. When running code . I was prompted with
To use VS Code with the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please install VS Code in Windows and uninstall the Linux version in WSL. You can then use the 'Visual Studio Code' command in a WSL terminal just as you would in a normal command prompt.
I proceeded to uninstall VSC from my Ubuntu with sudo apt-get purge code and now I am a bit stuck.
On Windows side I installed the Remote - WSL extension and Remote Development on the existing VSC installation, but now I cannot launch it from WSL.
Any workaround?
Later edit : I know it might sound dumb, but it works by just closing all instances of WSL bash and starting all over again. Now I just have the curiosity of what did I install and what did I uninstall? And why is this non persistant?
when you run code . from inside WSL it should install a small vs code server in your home directory (~/.vscode-server) and then lunch vs code. If that doesn't work post the error message.

CygWin mintty.exe (x64) ends immediately on WIndows 7 (64)

After some M$ Windows updates Cygwin mintty (desktop shortcut installed by setup-x86_64.exe) starts but ends immediatelly. I tried to install all missing DLL's which can be observed with dependency walker. I installed 2012 and 2008 Microsoft Redistributable packages which were missed on My Windows 7. I installed both builds (x86 and x64). But it didn't help me to get my CygWin back, because as far as I can see from mintty's logs there is a security issue. I've got a log with the only row:
This account is currently not available.
I tried to create passwd file with CygWin's mkpasswd and with this command:
getent passwd %USERNAME%
It didn't help also and I don't have any ideas what to do next.
Now I've got a CygWin installation (Cygwin DLL 2.9.0) with mintty ends immediatelly. I can run Cygwin.bat and use the most of CygWin's functionality, but mintty is more comfortable than M$ Connhost and I want it back.
Something have happened, but today, after an ordinary reboot, mintty begun working.
P.S. It has begun after "Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.253.822.0)" and ended after "Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.253.973.0)".

Can't install msys2 in windows7 with latest updates

I had previously installed msys2 on Win7. After installing latest updates on Win7, the bash that comes with msys2 did not work any more. I removed msys2 and tried reinstalling it (the latest 64bit version form
The installation process stops at 66%. On details, it shows installing C:\msys64\usr\share\terminfo\6e\nansi.sys and it won't move forward.
In the task manager it shows several bash.exe processes. If I kill these processe, the installation ask if I want to try again? If I agree, a new bash.exe process appears and nothing happens. The installation won't move forward.
Can anyone tell me where the problem might be?

Aptana Studio 3 Blank Terminal

I'm was using Aptana studio 3 specifically for ruby on rails for about 2 months on windows 8.1, Now I've installed fresh windows 8.1 and did a clean windows install, and installed Aptana Studio 3 again but now when I open it the Terminal is not working at all, it is blank and I'm unable to type anything in terminal.
There was another user "Hung ta" at stackoverflow who was having the same issue as mine, but he solved it by going into Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git. At Git Executable he gave path to git.
I've tried that too but still the terminal is not working. I've searched for solution on Google but found nothing there too.
I already have java installed, Git was also installed with aptana studio.
Kindly let me know if there is any solution to this problem, Thanks.
I've had the same issue with the Aptana plugin on Eclipse IDE and solved it by updating my MinGW/MSYS (providing the bourne shell on Aptana) installation.

Why is git slow on my windows machine?

Just typing git at the command prompt (of powershell), takes 2.5 seconds until it returns with the help message.
I'm using the git for windows release, installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git. When I use cygwin (via babun), I get an error: Hint: your prompt is very slow. Check the installed 'BLODA' software. Maybe this is related? If it is, I'm using a corporate laptop, so can't uninstall antivirus or driver software, are there other options?
For me the reason seemed to be the "Inject ConEmuHk" setting in cmder under which I ran git. I've opened a bug
Try and see if the issue persists with the latest 2.4+ git for Windows release.
There is a bug related to the git bash startup time which is actively addressed.
