Create a fragment for a form in Thymeleaf (and spring) - spring

First I created a form in a simple HTML with Thymeleaf and everything was fine. Then moved to step 2 and I relocated my form to a fragment. I called the fragment like this:
<div th:insert="~{address::form($(address)}"></div>
and the fragment (which is in address.html) is like this:
<form th:fragment="form(address)" action="#" th:action="#{/address}" th:object="${address}" method="post">
<label>Street<label><span><input type="text" th:field="*{street}"></span>
<select th:field="*{county}">
<option th:each="s : ${countyList}" th:value="${s.value}" th:text="${s.text}"></option>
but this is not working and it's throwing:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'street' available as request attribute
Please help with how to move an entire form into a Thymeleaf fragment? Also please add ideas for combos, so I can get their list from the model bean. Thank you!
PS the controller looks like this for now (add and edit ) buti will work to make it 1 function instead:
public String newAddress(AddressModel address, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("address", address);
model.addAttribute("countyList", countyService.listCombo());
return "index";
public String editAddress(Model model, #PathVariable("id") Long id) {
AddressModel address = addressService.load(id);
model.addAttribute("address", address);
model.addAttribute("countyList", countyService.listCombo());
return "index";

In my case the problem was coming from an unexpected direction. I have put 2 fragments address::form (for creating the form) and address::list (for showing a list of addresses) in the same file and somehow, for some yet unknown reason these 2 fragments are not working fine when in the same file. And the error was not very helpful. But as soon as I put them in 2 separate files like this: addressForm::form and addressList::list everything was ok. Interesting that if I keep the fragments in the same file but swap the order in which they are defined I can render the page correctly but I still get the error in the logs. Strange things.


Pass data from Thymeleaf template to springboot controller

I have simple web application written using Springboot and Thymeleaf templates. Report controller receives the data from form and builds the TestPlanReportResponse object which is added as model attribute like this:
public String homeSubmit(#ModelAttribute HomeFormInput homeFormInput, Model model, Errors errors) {
final TestPlanReportResponse response = new TestPlanReportResponse(homeFormInput);
model.addAttribute("allData", response);
return "charts";
I can work with that data in "charts" thymeleaf template and show the data I need, but I need to send exactly the same object back to controller when button is clicked, but i getting TestPlanReportResponse
object as parameter with nulls set.
public String sendReport(#ModelAttribute TestPlanReportResponse reportData, Model model) {
//reportData contains just nulls
Here is how my button is set in charts template:
<form action="#" th:action="#{/report/send}" th:object="${allData}" method="post">
<button type="submit">Send the report</button>
So my question is how to send the object back from thymeleaf template? Should i create a hidden input and put there the "allData" object just to send it back? It looks for me like dirty hack. What would be the appropriate way to pass data back? I want to have this app stateless so don't to store the data on a server side.
When I used to work with Spring and Thymeleaf and form, we had the same issue, passing the data back and forth between a form, the template, and different controllers.
And what you suggest is what we did, we used hidden input as dirty as it may look,it was the standard suggested answer, we did not find anything better.
You need to create an input, with a type a value and link it to a field, like this:
<form action="#" th:action="#{/report/send}" th:object="${allData}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" th:value="*{allDataValue1}" th:field="*{allDataField1}" />
//Do this for all your attributes/values that you wish to pass to the controller
<button class="btn btn-info btn-lg btn-block" type="submit">Send the report</button>
Though, i found this answer, you can try looking into this thread

retain model values in case of error and showing same thymeleaf template

As per my understanding, model attributes are associated with every request and they can not survive multiple requests, until we add them as flashAttributes.
I have a simple controller method which shows a couple of options to user to select from. However, those options are being attached to thymeleaf template using model attributes.
<div class="input-group mb-3" th:each="ingredient : ${recipes.ingredients}">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<div class="input-group-text">
<input aria-label="Checkbox for following text input" name="ingredient"
th:value="${}" type="checkbox">
<input aria-label="Text input with checkbox" class="form-control" disabled
th:value="${ + ' ' + ingredient.price + 'Rs.'}"
assume "recipes" as model attribute here, which was injected to modelMap inside the controller.
when bean validation fails, below line exectutes.
if (errors.hasErrors()) return "selectItem";
and selectItem template is re-rendered, but whatever model attributes I have set inside previous controller vanishes.
I have solved this using a #ModelAttribute method inside the same controller to set model attributes for every HTTP requests for the specific controller(until it is not in controllerAdvice for global effect).
I am being confused if I am on right way || is there any elegant way to achieve this.
Setting Model attribute for every request is kind of overhead, when I want them to be available for handful of request mappings.
When you say:
selectItem template is re-rendered, but whatever model attributes I
have set inside previous controller vanishes.
You mean that when the page reloads due to validation errors, your model attributes are no longer existing and Thymeleaf probably returns an error, because it cannot find them, correct?
If this is the case, then you have to manually prepare the same model attributes within the if statement (i.e. adding them to your MapModel):
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
map.addAttribute("recipes", recipes);
return "selectItem";
Alternatively, if you need this model attribute also on other pages in your controller, you can reduce code duplication by declaring a method with the ModelAttribute annotation, which will add this attribute to all models in your controller:
public Recipes loadRecipes() {
// get list of Recipes
return list;

spring model binding with disabled input

sorry for a dumb question but i can't understand quite what happens, and if it is what i suspect.. well i am really at a loss.
i am using spring boot + thymeleaf + materialize css to show and validate a form.
now what i don't meet in many examples that i see is this case:
some form fields are pre-filled and should seem disabled to the client, showing their pre-filled values. this pre-filling takes place in the controller, while i handle some other request, and redirect to this view
i am binding a pojo to the form using th:object like this
<form id="register_form" action="#" th:action="#{/showform}" th:object="${userInfo}" method="post">
<div class="input-field">
<label th:text="#{label.surname}" for="surname"></label>
<input type="text" th:field="*{surname}" id="surname" th:attr="value=${userInfo.surname}" />
<div class="input-field">
<label th:text="#{}" for="givenname"></label>
<input type="text" th:field="*{givenname}" id="givenname" th:attr="value=${userInfo.givenname}" disabled="disabled" />
and getting it in the POST handler of the controller like this:
#RequestMapping(value = {"/showform"}, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView submitFormPage(#ModelAttribute("userInfo") #Valid UserInfo userInfo,
BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes redir)
ModelAndView mview = new ModelAndView();
if (bindingResult.hasErrors())
// show form again with error messages
mview.addObject("userInfo", userInfo);
// ...
return mview;
RedirectAttributes is there for some other reason. As you can see, there are two elements on a form, and first one is enabled, and the second disabled.
Their values are populated correctly with pre-filled values from the POJO i pass to the view via the ModelMap. i can also trace it in the GET handler.
but the ModelMap i get back from the view contains the aforementioned POJO with NULL values in place of the elements that are bound to the disabled controls. i would expect them to be populated by the contents of the value attribute, even though those controls are disabled. the enabled controls carry their values alright.
or is it just that disabled controls simply are not included in the postback? if this is the case, how would you suggest me to do it? some suggested adding an obscure CSS that would "fake" the behaviour of a disabled control. or have i missed something in the general wiring?
i think with horror of possible workarounds - but i must be doing something wrong.. th:attr was one of the workarounds i tried, but it doesn't seem to do the trick. i also tried using th:id and th:disabled but it didn't help either.
There is a misunderstanding here I think about the use of disabled.
A readonly element is just not editable, but gets sent when the
according form submits. a disabled element isn't editable and isn't
sent on submit. Another difference is that readonly elements can be
focused (and getting focused when "tabbing" through a form) while
disabled elements can't.
More detailed comparison
So to answer your question: you should opt for readonly if you want to bind your attributes to your pojo and still the user can't edit them.

Spring mvc: I cant map form action url to controller action

I apologize in advance if this or a similar question has already been asked, but I could not find a suitable answer.
I have a simple form like this in EditUser.jsp (mapped to: .../admin/users/edit/{userId}):
<form action="/admin/users/edit/addRole/${user.userId}" method="POST">
<select name="role">
<c:forEach var="role" items="${roles}">
<option value="${role}">${role}</option>
<button type="submit" value="AddRole">Add Role</button>
And #RequestMapping like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/admin/users/edit/addRole/${userId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addUserRole(
Model model,
#RequestParam("role") String role,
#PathVariable(value="userId") long userId)
return "redirect:/admin/users/edit/${userId}";
The problem is the result of the request: HTTP Status 404 - /admin/users/edit/addRole/7- "The requested resource is not available" (7 is some user id). A cannot map the POST request to the controller action. I already tried with th:action but it redirects me to the previous page .../admin/users.
Any help pointers appreciated .
I think you url is wrong. As long as you do not deploy the application in the servlets container root path, it will not work because the url is missing the applications name. So a correct url would be something like:
<form action="myAppName/admin/users/edit/addRole/${user.userId}" method="POST">
But better would been using <c:url> or <spring:url>-tag this adds the application name to the url (if the given url starts with an /)
<form action="<c:url value="/admin/users/edit/addRole/${user.userId}" />" method="POST">
for some more information have a look at this two answers:
How to use relative paths without including the context root name? (the highes ranked answer of BalusC is for an quite old jsp version (<2.0)) so take the answer with the c:url tag
How to use with an tag?
I finally found the error - $ sign in #RequestMapping annotation. A just removŠµ $ from annotation and from return "...url" and that's all.

Spring MVC JSP Form not pre-populating (or just back)

I am new to Spring MVC (and front end for that matter). I have a jsp with a form on. In my controller's GET method I add the command to the ModelMap. The page does some validation (greys out things when checkboxes clicked, etc). Then I go to the next page. The user is suppose to be able to click the back button (which is wired up in an tag - for graphics reasons apparently) and then make changes to their form. Except...the form is empty.
So my main question - what is the best way to go back (to my .do) and retain all the values in the form? There are some things that runs on my GET this still needs to happen.
What I tried: I read somewhere that the command is suppose to pre-populate the form? So I allready have a command which I use to get the info....this is what I did (but it doesn't work). (I debugged and the command is populated with the values)
<form class="form-horizontal" commandName="myCommand" name="formdetail" id="formdetail" method="post">
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public View handleSubmit(#ModelAttribute MyCommand myCommand, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest){
WebUtils.setSessionAttribute(aHttpServletRequest, "goalDetailCommand", goalDetailCommand);
//Then do some redirecting
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String show(ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest, #ModelAttribute MyCommand myCommand) throws Exception {
myCommand = (MyCommand)WebUtils.getSessionAttribute(aHttpServletRequest, "myCommand");
model.addAttribute("myCommand", myCommand);
I didn't have the path part in. Added it but still no luck. Is something else wrong?
<input type="text" class="amount input-medium" path= "amountToSave" id="amountToSave" name="amountToSave" placeholder="0000.00">
I debugged and the command is populated with the values
its working as expected, just reference the command object's values/fields in the form, if the command object has a getTitle for example do this :
<form:input path="title" maxlength="90" id="title"/>
