I am unable to build A program in codeblocks - codeblocks

enter image description here
I am continuously facing the error in building my code and saving it and running it in codeblocks. For this, I reinstalled codeblocks many a times. I have already gone through stackoverflow for answers on such questions and tried them but nothing is helping me. The bottom lines in the picture can help you guys get an idea of what is happening. Thank you for your cooperation.


Stm32CubeIDE can't flash because of arm-eabi-gcc

I'm on Archlinux trying to flash a Nucleo STM32F446 board using STM32CubeIDE.
While running an example code (correctly build without problem), i get this error :
The quite not fun fact is that the command "arm-none-eabi-gdb --version" works well when i launch it on terminal.
And the same way, the file "libncurses.so.5" is linked in /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 :
well, i'm lost here. i don't know what more to do. Even if i already checked a few forums, i know i'm not the only one with this issue.
Thanks for your help !
Well, kinda figured it out,
an AUR package can solve the problem : ncurses5-compat-libs
Download this package after removing the handmades links helps removing thins error.
Unfortunately, an other error, which seems to come from the code of the package itselfs pops up instead :
But i will create an other topic specifically on this one.
Have a great day, hope it works well for you !

adding libsdl to Xcode

I'm new to both Xcode and SDL so this may sound really NOOB!
I have tried to add sdl to Xcode but I'm not getting any good results, I found these two very good tutorials: 1st, 2nd
In both cases I do exactly as instructed in the tutorials linked above, but face the same problem: when I attempt to build the project, I get multiple errors listed the picture:
I'm really lost and don't know where to go from here... I'd be very grateful if someone would be kind enough to tell me what to do or to point me in the right direction...

Code keeps breaking no matter what I try

Ive been trying to get my very simple code that I posted here: SiftFeatureDetector .detect function broken? to work.
But it keeps breaking, it compiles fine but refuses to run.
I have OpenCV 2.4.2, Windows XP.
Here is what I have done:
I first tried it on Visual C++ 2010 with OpenCV 2.4.2, I have added all the libraries included in F:\opencv\build\include along with the non-free ones I have also linked the bin folder in linker: F:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib
But it continues to break at that same line. It is very frustrating as Aurelius mentioned my code worked on his machine.
I then took out my second laptop and installed codeblocks on it, I linked all the correct libraries and dll files but it gives a different error:
the procedure entry point __gxx_personality_v0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll
Can anyone PLEASE help me fix this issue, its been 3 days now and i dont feel Im near a solution. Its so frustrating when my code is ok but the application refuses to work. Its obviously some wrong setting. Please help me fix this.
Thank you
I would like to mention that simple programs like displaying an image, itterating over pixels, changing color and detecting a color works fine, its this sift that is causing the problem
There are many similiar topics on stackoverflow like libstdc++-6.dll not found
Google: https://www.google.pl/search?q=libstdc%2B%2B-6+opencv&sugexp=chrome,mod=9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
To sum it up as it says about different problems.
First of all you are using downloaded builds. This builds can be done with different compilator version than yours and it's probably the issue.
Solution: compile OpenCV on your computer, link those libs and use dlls then everything should work

Visual Studio: How to activate compile errors?

sorry, this is not a very nice question for here, but I'm very stressed right now and i have to finish sth. now, so...
I accidentially deactivated compile errors in Visual Basic and I cannot find the option to reactivate. Google doesn't help, and manuals, too.
Please help :(
Thx very much!
It's about the errors when, for example, I run the following code:
Dim a As Integer
a = 9999999999999999999
Then, usually, the program gets stopped and a given error message shows (what type of exception, which row etc.).
You're probably looking for View, Error List.

Help me with my first Mozilla Extension

I am new to Mozilla extensions and i have been trying to build the "hello world" following this tutorial https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Building_an_Extension but unfortunately its not showing anything on the right of my status bar when i start Firefox with my development profile. I have checked everything many times and not found any mistake in my code or file pattern. I'm doing everything they say in that tutorial. Now I'm seriously getting doubts on this tutorial is there something wrong with it ? have they missed out on anything that i should know? help me out here please
I would like to post this information about that tutorial on building firefox extensions that it has major flaws in it which result in no output of what is being said in it, i have reported it and for starters here is another very helpful link thanks to which i was able to build my extension.
