Reactive Spring Security PostAuthorize annotation doesn't work - spring-boot

Using Webflux and Reactive Spring Security, how do you do post processing via annotations to control access to methods?
Trying a very basic sample, I'm not able to get the value from the PostAuthorize annotation. For example
#PostAuthorize("#email ==")
public Flux<Project> sampleTest(final String email) {"email: {}", email);
return Flux.empty();
The email will always be null. I have the basic wiring working to the fact if I set something like #PreAuthorize("hasRole('ADMIN')") I'll get back a 403.
I can extract the Authentication out with a helper like:
public Mono<Authentication> getAuthentication() {
return ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()

I may not be understanding your question correctly, but the PostAuthorize uses the return object - the body of the method doesn't have access to anything in the SPEL expression.
Something like this might work -
#PostAuthorize("returnObject == someCondition")
public Flux<Project> sampleTest(final String email) {
// get some data and return it
But maybe you want to filter the items in the Flux?
You might look at the #PostFilter annotation -
// assuming there's an email property on your Project object.
#PostFilter("filterObject.getEmail() ==")
public Flux<Project> sampleTest() {
// get some data and return it


Wrapped Response by ResponseBodyAdvice in Spring Boot not showing up in Swagger. Any idea how could it be done?

public class CA implements ResponseBodyAdvice<Object> { }
This class will wrap the response
public Person getPerson()
return new Person();
In Swagger I want it to show WrappedResponse but instead it shows response of return type here(Person).
What changes to make so that it will show the wrapped response ?
Tried different combinations of APIReponse, APIModel, APIResponses of swagger but nothing seems to work

Spring Boot - mapping

In the code below there are two methods annotated with #GetMapping annotation, one expects empty path, another one expects a path variable.
public class BasicController {
public String get(Model model) {
// doing something
public String getWithPathVar(#PathVariable("variable") String variable, Model model) {
// doing something different
Problem: When the app is running and I hit "" it enters both methods even though there is no path parameter. How can I fix this?
If so it sounds like a bug or some misconfiguration with filters. I can't reproduce this behaviour on the Spring 5.2.7. Here's an article that explains how Spring works under the hood.
If you can't upgrade the Spring version you can use only single endpoint as a workaround.
public String getWithPathVar(#PathVariable("variable") String variable, Model model) {
// doing something different
if(variable != null) {
// fulfill the normal workflow
} else {
// call ex get() workflow

How to validate request parameters on feign client

Is there a way to add validation to feign clients on the request parameters.
For example:
public interface ZipCodeClient {
Optional<ZipCodeView> findByZipCode(#PathVariable("zipCode") String zipCode);
It would be nice to verify that zipcode is not empty and is of certain length etc, before sending the HTTP call to the server.
If your validations are simple, apply to only headers and query string parameters, you can use a RequestInterceptor for this, as it provides you the opportunity to review the RequestTemplate before it is sent to the Client.
public class ValidatingRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
// use the methods on the request template to check the query and values.
// throw an exception if the request is not valid.
If you need to validate the request body, you can use a custom Encoder
public class ValidatingEncoder implements Encoder {
public void encode(Object object, Type type, RequestTemplate template) {
// validate the object
// throw an exception if the request is not valid.
Lastly, if you want to validate individual parameters, you can provide a custom Expander for the parameter and validate it there. You can look at this answer for a complete explanation on how to create a custom expander that can work with Spring Cloud.
How to custom #FeignClient Expander to convert param?
For completeness, I've included an example for how to do this with vanilla Feign.
public class ZipCodeExpander implements Expander {
public String expand(Object value) {
// validate the object
// throw an exception if the request is not valid.
public interface ZipCodeClient {
#RequestLine("GET /zipcodes/{zipCode}")
Optional<ZipCodeView> findByZipCode(#Param(expander = ZipCodeExpander.class) ("zipCode") String zipCode);
As pointed out in this comment, a solution using the Bean Validation API would be nice. And indeed, I found in a Spring Boot project that merely placing #org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated on the interface is sufficient for enabling Bean Validation.
So for example:
public interface ZipCodeClient {
Optional<ZipCodeView> findByZipCode(#PathVariable("zipCode") #NotEmpty String zipCode);
triggering a ConstraintViolationException in the case of violations.
Any standard Bean Validation feature should work here.
UDPATE Note that there seems to be a potential issue with this solution that might require setting a Hibernate Validator configuration property like this: hibernate.validator.allow_parallel_method_parameter_constraint=true

How to get certain fields from spring boot health endpoint

I have successfully created a springboot app that returns all the basic endpoints. Now I want to return just few fields from that endpoint in my request. For instance, return status from /health page to my rest call. How do I filter this or make my rest call more specific?
The actual requirement is two return few fields from /env, /health of different apps in one call. For which I am able to do it by returning all fields for both env and health. I just need to return specific fields from them. Also can I use in memory json objects, if so how should I do it?
Finally I figured out as how to create it. So the incoming json object consists of fields in LinkedHashMap type. So I consumed its field values using key
LinkedHashMap response = (LinkedHashMap)restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/env",Object.class);
EnvProperties variables = new EnvProperties (response);
Wrapper POJO for all fields,
public EnvProperties (LinkedHashMap body) {
this.sysProperties = new SysEnvProperties((LinkedHashMap) body.get("systemProperties"));
POJO for this field,
public SysEnvProperties(LinkedHashMap body) {
this.javaVersion = body.get("java.version").toString();
later creating a new json string
public String toString() {
String s = null;
try {
s = mapper.writeValueAsString(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return s;
I repeated the same for fields of interest, creating a POJO for each. Finally called these fields using similar wrapper class whose toString method returned the expected json object of desired fields only.
You can create Custom health endpoint or custom heath checker too.
For e.g.
public class CustomHealthCheck extends AbstractHealthIndicator {
protected void doHealthCheck(Health.Builder bldr) throws Exception {
// TODO implement some check
boolean running = true;
if (running) {
} else {
For further reading:
You can find a tutorial here. However, the interfaces you want to look into implementing are:
Similar to creating a Controller. This is your /custom-health endpoint.
You can count integer-value metrics which will be available at /metrics.
Or, you can measure double-value metrics which will be available at /metrics.
Add metrics to the /health endpoint.

AOP for Spring Controllers

Spring's AOP functionality is pretty great, and it makes it easy to add cool and useful annotations to controllers. For example, I wrote an #Authenticated annotation that either allows authenticated users through to the controller method or redirects to the login page. Fun stuff.
However, Spring's controllers can return all sorts of different types. They can return Strings, ModelAndView objects, or even void. There are methods in my code base that use all three types. However, I'd like to change my #Authenticated annotation to render and return a particular page, which I was hoping to do by returning a ModelAndView object. Is the only way to accomplish this by requiring all of my controller methods to return a ModelAndView?
Example of a controller I'd like to have:
public class MyController() {
public String myScorePage(ModelMap model) {
return "myScorePage";
public ModelAndView something() {
return new ModelAndView("anotherPage",someModelStuff());
public class NotVeryUsefulAspect {
public Object doBasicProfiling(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
if( isAuthenticated() ) {
return pjp.proceed();
} else {
return /* Oh no what goes here, I want to render a FAILURE page without redirecting */
Ha, figured it out!
I decided to use the ProceedingJoinPoint passed to the aspect method to figure out the return type of the original method. Then I made a set of possible "failure" results for the aspect method based on what type of return is passed. For example, if the method originally returned a String, I return "failure_page", and if the method returned a ModelAndView, I return a new ModelAndView("failure_page").
Works quite well! Unfortunately, I may not have an opportunity to set a model object if it returns a string and doesn't take a ModelMap as a parameter, but I can deal with that for an error page just fine.
Yes it seams that you are right.
You need to change your methods so that all return an ModelAndView.
Or you need two Aspects, one for return type ModelAndView and one for String - and then all your controller methods must match
But Authorization is already build in in Spring Security and you do not need to implement it by your own.
