AOP for Spring Controllers - spring

Spring's AOP functionality is pretty great, and it makes it easy to add cool and useful annotations to controllers. For example, I wrote an #Authenticated annotation that either allows authenticated users through to the controller method or redirects to the login page. Fun stuff.
However, Spring's controllers can return all sorts of different types. They can return Strings, ModelAndView objects, or even void. There are methods in my code base that use all three types. However, I'd like to change my #Authenticated annotation to render and return a particular page, which I was hoping to do by returning a ModelAndView object. Is the only way to accomplish this by requiring all of my controller methods to return a ModelAndView?
Example of a controller I'd like to have:
public class MyController() {
public String myScorePage(ModelMap model) {
return "myScorePage";
public ModelAndView something() {
return new ModelAndView("anotherPage",someModelStuff());
public class NotVeryUsefulAspect {
public Object doBasicProfiling(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
if( isAuthenticated() ) {
return pjp.proceed();
} else {
return /* Oh no what goes here, I want to render a FAILURE page without redirecting */

Ha, figured it out!
I decided to use the ProceedingJoinPoint passed to the aspect method to figure out the return type of the original method. Then I made a set of possible "failure" results for the aspect method based on what type of return is passed. For example, if the method originally returned a String, I return "failure_page", and if the method returned a ModelAndView, I return a new ModelAndView("failure_page").
Works quite well! Unfortunately, I may not have an opportunity to set a model object if it returns a string and doesn't take a ModelMap as a parameter, but I can deal with that for an error page just fine.

Yes it seams that you are right.
You need to change your methods so that all return an ModelAndView.
Or you need two Aspects, one for return type ModelAndView and one for String - and then all your controller methods must match
But Authorization is already build in in Spring Security and you do not need to implement it by your own.


Check request param beginning of each controller method

I am working on spring mvc project. Here in each controller i have multiple method assigned to specific url. e.g.
#RequestMapping(value = "/accountDetails")
public String home(HttpServletRequest request){
Book book = (Book) request.getSession().getAttribute("Book");
if (book == null) return "redirect:/";
//other things to do here
return "home";
Here I want to check session variable Book is empty or not at the beginning of each method. if it is return to / otherwise do some operation.
Is there any other way to check this null and return rather that the i have done it in the above code. I don't want write the same code at the beginning to each controller method.
So please suggest me an alternative way
These are several solutions. As pointed out by #chrylis, you can use #ControllerAdvice, HandlerInterceptor or even a plain Filter (or it's DelegatingFilterProxy Spring flavour) for a generic, cross-cutting solution. Depending on your current project setup and your requirements one may be easier to implement than the other and it may or may not fit your needs, so make sure to just read the docs and decide if it fits your purpose.
Another approach with a fully programmatic solution would be to use a utility method with Java 8 lambda for the code block that you want to be executed in case book is available.
public static String withBook(Function<Book, String> bookOperation) {
Book book = (Book) RequestContextHolder
.getAttribute("Book", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION);
if (book == null) {
return "redirect:/";
} else {
return bookOperation.apply(book);
RequestContextHolder gives you access to the attributes of the current request and session.
You can use the utility method like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/accountDetails")
public String home() {
return withBook(book -> {
// just implement the part where book is not null
return "home";

Can I "inject" values from message resources into model objects before implicit Jackson serialisation?

I have a REST API built with Spring Boot / Spring MVC, using the implicit JSON serialization via Jackson.
Now, just before the implicit serialization, I would like to "inject" some UI texts from message resources into the objects that Jackson converts into JSON. Is there some neat, simple way to do this?
As a much simplified example, below I'd like to set Section title to a user-visible value, based purely based on its SectionType.
(Sure, I could hardcode the UI texts in SectionType, but I'd rather keep them separate, in resource files, because it's cleaner, and they might be localised at some point. And I can't autowire MessageSource in the entities / model objects which are not Spring-managed.)
public class Entry {
// persistent fields omitted
public List<Sections> getSections() {
// Sections created on-the-fly, based on persistent data
public class Section {
public SectionType type;
public String title; // user-readable text whose value only depends on type
public enum SectionType {
public String getUiTextKey() {
return String.format("section.%s", name());
Somewhere in a #RestController:
#RequestMapping(value = "/entry/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Entry entry(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return service.findEntry(id);
UI texts that I'd like to keep separate from code (
section.MAIN=Main Section
section.FOO=Proper UI text for the FOO section
section.BAR=This might get localised one day, you know
And what I'd like to do in a Spring-managed service/bean somewhere (using Messages, a very simple helper wrapping a MessageSource):
section.title = messages.get(section.type.getUiTextKey())
Note that if I call entry.getSections() and set the title for each, it will not affect the JSON output, since the Sections are generated on the fly in getSections().
Do I have to go all the way to custom deseriazation, or is there a simpler way to hook into the model objects just before they get serialized by Jackson?
Sorry if the question is unclear; I can try to clarify if needed.
As I said in the comment you can write an Aspect around every controller method that returns Section.
I wrote a simple example. You have to modify it with the message source.
public class HomeController {
public Person index(){
Person person = new Person();
return person;
public class MyAspect {
#Around("execution(public Person com.example..*Controller.*(..))")//you can play with the pointcut here
public Object addSectionMessage(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
Object retVal = pjp.proceed();
Person p = (Person) retVal; // here cast to your class(Section) instead of Person
p.setAge(26);//modify the object as you wish and return it
return p;
Since the aspect is also a #Component you can #Autowire in it.

Add a Model Attribute using ControllerAdvice

I have marked a class with #ControllerAdvice
Added a method
public void setSourceAppId(Model model)
But this method is not getting called at all.
I have not yet used modelattribute with a setter method so i cannot tell that thats a wrong approach, but changing it to a getter will do the job. Also, you dont need to add it to the model yourself. Modelattribute is handling exactly that.
public int getSourceAppId()
return 1234;

Force Initialization of #ModelAttributes in Spring MVC 3.1

I am writing a wizard-like controller that handles the management of a single bean across multiple views. I use #SessionAttributes to store the bean, and SessionStatus.setComplete() to terminate the session in the final call. However, if the user abandons the wizard and goes to another part of the application, I need to force Spring to re-create the #ModelAttribute when they return. For example:
#RequestMapping(value = "/order")
public class OrderController
#RequestMapping("/*", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getCustomerForm(#ModelAttribute("commandBean") Order commandBean)
return "customerForm";
#RequestMapping("/*", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String saveCustomer(#ModelAttribute("commandBean") Order commandBean, BindingResult result)
[ Save the customer data ];
return "redirect:payment";
#RequestMapping("/payment", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getPaymentForm(#ModelAttribute("commandBean") Order commandBean)
return "paymentForm";
#RequestMapping("/payment", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String savePayment(#ModelAttribute("commandBean") Order commandBean, BindingResult result)
[ Save the payment data ];
return "redirect:confirmation";
#RequestMapping("/confirmation", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getConfirmationForm(#ModelAttribute("commandBean") Order commandBean)
return "confirmationForm";
#RequestMapping("/confirmation", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String saveOrder(#ModelAttribute("commandBean") Order commandBean, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status)
[ Save the payment data ];
return "redirect:/order";
public Order getOrder()
return new Order();
If a user makes a request to the application that would trigger the "getCustomerForm" method (i.e.,, and there's already a "commandBean" session attribute, then "getOrder" is not called. I need to make sure that a new Order object is created in this circumstance. Do I just have to repopulate it manually in getCustomerForm?
Thoughts? Please let me know if I'm not making myself clear.
Yes, sounds like you may have to repopulate it manually in getCustomerForm - if an attribute is part of the #SessionAttributes and present in the session, then like you said #ModelAttribute method is not called on it.
An alternative may be to define a new controller with only getCustomerForm method along with the #ModelAttribute method but without the #SessionAttributes on the type so that you can guarantee that #ModelAttribute method is called, and then continue with the existing #RequestMapped methods in the existing controller.

Spring MVC 3.0: How do I bind to a persistent object

I'm working with Spring MVC and I'd like it to bind a a persistent object from the database, but I cannot figure out how I can set my code to make a call to the DB before binding. For example, I'm trying to update a "BenefitType" object to the database, however, I want it to get the object fromthe database, not create a new one so I do not have to update all the fields.
public String save(#ModelAttribute("item") BenefitType benefitType, BindingResult result)
...check for errors, etc.
There are several options:
In the simpliest case when your object has only simple properties you can bind all its properties to the form fields (hidden if necessary), and get a fully bound object after submit. Complex properties also can be bound to the form fields using PropertyEditors.
You may also use session to store your object between GET and POST requests. Spring 3 faciliates this approach with #SessionAttributes annotation (from the Petclinic sample):
#SessionAttributes("pet") // Specify attributes to be stored in the session
public class EditPetForm {
public void setAllowedFields(WebDataBinder dataBinder) {
// Disallow binding of sensitive fields - user can't override
// values from the session
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String setupForm(#PathVariable("petId") int petId, Model model) {
Pet pet =;
model.addAttribute("pet", pet); // Put attribute into session
return "pets/form";
#RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST })
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet,
BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
new PetValidator().validate(pet, result);
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "pets/form";
} else {;
// Clean the session attribute after successful submit
return "redirect:/owners/" + pet.getOwner().getId();
However this approach may cause problems if several instances of the form are open simultaneously in the same session.
So, the most reliable approach for the complex cases is to create a separate object for storing form fields and merge changes from that object into persistent object manually.
So I ended up resolving this by annotating a method with a #ModelAttribute of the same name in the class. Spring builds the model first before executing the request mapping:
BenefitType getBenefitType(#RequestParam("id") String id) {
// return benefit type
While it is possible that your domain model is so simple that you can bind UI objects directly to data model objects, it is more likely that this is not so, in which case I would highly recommend you design a class specifically for form binding, then translate between it and domain objects in your controller.
I'm a little confused. I think you're actually talking about an update workflow?
You need two #RequestMappings, one for GET and one for POST:
#RequestMapping(value="/update/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getSave(ModelMap model, #PathVariable Long id)
model.putAttribute("item", benefitDao.findById(id));
return "view";
then on the POST actually update the field.
In you example above, your #ModelAttribute should already be populated with a method like the above method, and the properties be bound using something like JSTL or Spring tabglibs in conjunction with the form backing object.
You may also want to look at InitBinder depending on your use case.
