Clickatell Triggering During Market Days - clickatell

I am developing an app and I noticed it sometimes sends texts before I click Html link should I be doing this with C# not Html? Also, my project html page is going to wait each day then check metals API(which checks the market mainly metals). I'd like to text myself different messages based on price. Am not planning on releasing this app as I would not because this is for me only. Right now clicking before running is causing it to send too soon.
I put this in a alt link
href="**********==&to=1********&content='Test Alert'"
It should be noted on my end i used my key
My question what javascript object to use for time...and also to make sure i don't send myself too many messages.


Event sourcing data flows for a simple web application

Read through a lot of the CQRS/DDD/ES blog posts, still unsure a simple blog engine would work.
In the case of publishing a post, for instance...
User clicks publish → PostPublished event added to Event Store → Triggers the Aggregate Objects (for instance, Archive and FrontPage) to be updated to reflect most recent event.
On the user side, I click the publish button and am redirected to the front page of my blog, where I expect to see the new post on the top. However, if the Event Store is behind (say by 1-2 seconds), my new post will not show up.
Is the answer to have a system that waits for all the Aggregates to be updated before returning the redirect to the user?
Your question is how to deal with eventual consistency, and there really isn't a fool proof one size fits all solution.
The best solution IMO would be to simply put a 'Post published, it will show up in a moment' notification up there. Some people will also do queries over and over until they get the recent change THEN display the front page. Which delays the front page for a second or two if the ES is behind.

Scraping pages that do not seem to have URLs

I'm trying to scrape these listings and provide more exposure for these job listings on a site that belongs to a client of mine. The issue is that I need to be able to link to the specific job listing in order for the job seeker to apply. This is the page I'm trying to save listing links from.
It would be ideal if I could save an address for the job seeker to click on to see the original listing and then apply.
What is this website doing to not feature a URL for these pages
Is it possible to provide a listing specific address
If that's possible how could I generate that address?
If I can't get a specific address I think I could get it so that the user clicks a link that triggers an internal script on my client's site which takes the listing ID and searches the site I found that listing on, and then redirects the user to that specific listing.
The downside to this is that the user will have to wait a little while depending on how far back the listing is on a directory. I could put some kind of progress bar with a pleasant "Searching for your listing! Thanks for being patient" message.
If I can avoid having to do this, though, that'd be great!
I'm using Nokogiri and Mechanize.
The page you refer to appears to be generated by an Oracle product, so one would think they'd be willing to construct a web form properly (and with reference to accessibility concerns). They haven't, so it occurs to me that either their engineer was having a bad day, or they are deliberately making it (slightly) harder to scrape.
The reason your browser shows no href when you hover over those links is that there isn't one. What the page does instead is to use JavaScript to capture the click event, populate a POST form with some hidden values, and call the submit method programmatically. This can cause problems with screen-readers and other accessibility devices, as well as causing problems with the way in which back buttons have to re-submit the page.
The good news is that constructions of this kind can usually be scraped by creating a form yourself, either using a real one on a third party page, or via a crawler library. If you post the right values to the target URI, reverse-engineered from examining the page's script, the resulting document should be the "linked" page you expect.

How would I accomplish this? Automated 3rd party page refresh + Alert

I'm faced with an interesting task:
Our transport guys have to monitor a 3rd-party webpage the entire day, clicking every 5 seconds on a button, to refresh the page and get available transport slots. The slots section is only updated when the button is clicked. When slots become available, the available slot label changes from "0" to "1", or "2", depending on the amount of open slots...
Is there any way of writing a script that would automatically click on the button, and raise an alert when that specific value on the page changes? Maybe some sort of UI Testing framework that could automated this?
Any suggestions?
Pressing a button on such webpage always boils down to a HTTP request, which you can do with pretty much plain Ruby's net/http. However, I guess there is some authentication going on there, so cookies may have to be preserved. For such uses, Mechanize is very nice library. It relies on Nokogiri, and pages you get are really easy to scan for such changes, as number of open slots you need.
Without more detailed information about the pages you need to scrape, this is pretty much all the advice you can get.

Access and display web sourced data as 'messages' in Outlook

I have data I provide on an http connection that's essentially message information.
I'd like to create an AddOn for Outlook that will consume/interface with that http service as if it were a mail source and display sender, recipient, subject, date etc and then be able to download the actual message and display it.
I envision this service being accessed either via a folder in the left-hand panel. (Uber feature would be if I could drag a message out of this service into the inbox!)
Unfortunately, I don't normally write code on the MS Stack -- I'm a linux guy. So I'm looking for either a follow-the-dots tutorial or an example of something similar. Failing that, I'll hire someone to write this so would love to know the specific skillsets I should be looking for when I contract someone to write it.
EDIT / Additional Thoughts
I have considered changing the web service (or at least creating a middle-man) that spoke IMAP, but only implemented a sub-set of commands (eg, there's no delete or create-folder or move)
One problem with that is that retrieving the actual message needs to be a different opperation (one that has a quota cost to the end user) so I can't just show the message. An option would be to show a "retrieve" button rather than the actual message (I found a great resource here: for doing something like that) and then having that button do the retrieve and then reload itself. Maybe.
As Pekka says this could turn into a big project .. your description is pretty general and as you know the devil is in the detail ! but there are a number of options ..
you may be able to use Folder.WebViewURL Property of a folder that you have created in outlook and show your app via a web app (you can build that on any tech stack you like)
ok drag and drop may become a little tricky to do.
Outlook forms could also be used. A form can call out to your web service and display what you want. There is some info about form on SO but is the best place.
Subclassing .. you can then create your own tree under the outlook tree and display whatever you want in the right hand pane such as grids forms etc. these can interact with the normal outlook folders and you can do your drag and drop though you woudl have to create Outlook Items to display them in the inbox. There is a tutorial on the technique though not doing exactly what you want but the technique is sound.
Next up build your own MAPI Message Store Provider which is probally the hardest thing to do on the list.
As I said your question is no functional spec and there are always many ways to skin the cat but 2 or 3 are probaly where you shoudl look at unless it simple enough just a display a web app.
Maybe our product could help you in order to avoid writing your own MAPI Message Store Provider.
Kayxo Insight : .Net Custom Framework for MAPI Message Store Provider

Automate website log-in and form filling?

I'm trying to log in to a website and save an HTML page automatically (I want to be able to do this on a regular time interval). From the surface, this is a typical modern website where, if the user navigates directly to a "locked" URL, a log-in form pops up, and after logging in, the user is redirected to the intended page.
I gave mechanize a shot ( but it wasn't finding some form elements which were needed for login (hidden elements that have some values put in by a javascript function that runs when the user clicks the "log in" button).
I played a bit with the "web browser" control in .NET but quickly lost interest because I couldn't even get it to submit a query on the Google page.
I don't care what the language is; I'll learn it to solve this problem. At a minimum it has to work in Windows.
A simple example, say, typing in a query into the Google search box would be a great bonus.
In my experience, the most reliable way is to use javascript. It works well in .Net. To test, browse to the following addresses one after another in Firefox or Internet Explorer:
javascript:function f(){document.forms[0]['q'].value='stackoverflow';}f();
That performs a search for "stackoverflow" on Google. To do it in VB .Net using the webbrowser control, do this:
Do While WebBrowser1.IsBusy OrElse WebBrowser1.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) 'wait for javascript to run
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) 'wait for javascript to run
Notice how the space in the URL is converted to %20. I'm not certain if this is necessary but it can't hurt. It is important that the first javascript be in a function. The calls to Sleep() are to wait for Google to load and also for the javascript stuff. The Do While Loop might run forever if the page fails to load so for automation purposes have a counter that will timeout after, say, 60 seconds.
Of course, for Google you can just navigate directly to but if your site has hidden input fields, etc, then this is the way to go. Only works for HTML sites - flash is a whole other matter.
If I understand you right, you want to log in to only one webpage, and that form always stays the same. You could either reverse engineer the java script, or debug it via a javascript debugger in the browser (e.g. firebug for firefox). Or you can fill in the form in your browser and look at the http request via a network packet sniffer. Once you have all required form data to submit, you can do the same with your program (thats what I did the last time I had a pretty similar task to do). dont forget to store all cookie data you requested back from the webserver and send it with the next request, to 'stay logged in'.
Its being already discussed here.
Basically its gist is you can use selenium, an open source web automation tool, which has api library available in various languages like java, ruby, etc.
Neoload can handle the form filling with authentication, assuming you don't want to collect data, just perform actions. It's a web stress tool, so it's not really meant to be used as a time-based service, but you COULD just leave it running.
I've used Ruby and Watir (a web app testing suite) for something similar, but it was a very small task (basically visiting URLs from a text file and downloading an image).
There's also an extension called iMacros that can do some automation, but I'm not personally familiar with it (just aware of it).
"I'm trying to log in to a website and save an HTML page automatically"
This commands played in iMacros addon will save the page on C: drive and name it page.html
Goes on the particular website you want to save. You can also use scripting in iMacros and set different websites in macro.
