Automate website log-in and form filling? - webforms

I'm trying to log in to a website and save an HTML page automatically (I want to be able to do this on a regular time interval). From the surface, this is a typical modern website where, if the user navigates directly to a "locked" URL, a log-in form pops up, and after logging in, the user is redirected to the intended page.
I gave mechanize a shot ( but it wasn't finding some form elements which were needed for login (hidden elements that have some values put in by a javascript function that runs when the user clicks the "log in" button).
I played a bit with the "web browser" control in .NET but quickly lost interest because I couldn't even get it to submit a query on the Google page.
I don't care what the language is; I'll learn it to solve this problem. At a minimum it has to work in Windows.
A simple example, say, typing in a query into the Google search box would be a great bonus.

In my experience, the most reliable way is to use javascript. It works well in .Net. To test, browse to the following addresses one after another in Firefox or Internet Explorer:
javascript:function f(){document.forms[0]['q'].value='stackoverflow';}f();
That performs a search for "stackoverflow" on Google. To do it in VB .Net using the webbrowser control, do this:
Do While WebBrowser1.IsBusy OrElse WebBrowser1.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) 'wait for javascript to run
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) 'wait for javascript to run
Notice how the space in the URL is converted to %20. I'm not certain if this is necessary but it can't hurt. It is important that the first javascript be in a function. The calls to Sleep() are to wait for Google to load and also for the javascript stuff. The Do While Loop might run forever if the page fails to load so for automation purposes have a counter that will timeout after, say, 60 seconds.
Of course, for Google you can just navigate directly to but if your site has hidden input fields, etc, then this is the way to go. Only works for HTML sites - flash is a whole other matter.

If I understand you right, you want to log in to only one webpage, and that form always stays the same. You could either reverse engineer the java script, or debug it via a javascript debugger in the browser (e.g. firebug for firefox). Or you can fill in the form in your browser and look at the http request via a network packet sniffer. Once you have all required form data to submit, you can do the same with your program (thats what I did the last time I had a pretty similar task to do). dont forget to store all cookie data you requested back from the webserver and send it with the next request, to 'stay logged in'.

Its being already discussed here.
Basically its gist is you can use selenium, an open source web automation tool, which has api library available in various languages like java, ruby, etc.

Neoload can handle the form filling with authentication, assuming you don't want to collect data, just perform actions. It's a web stress tool, so it's not really meant to be used as a time-based service, but you COULD just leave it running.

I've used Ruby and Watir (a web app testing suite) for something similar, but it was a very small task (basically visiting URLs from a text file and downloading an image).
There's also an extension called iMacros that can do some automation, but I'm not personally familiar with it (just aware of it).

"I'm trying to log in to a website and save an HTML page automatically"
This commands played in iMacros addon will save the page on C: drive and name it page.html
Goes on the particular website you want to save. You can also use scripting in iMacros and set different websites in macro.


Monitoring AJAX requests between a Flash applet and a server via a Google Chrome extension

I am playing a Flash-only game that uses AJAX to communicate with the server. The problem is that all the data is "drawn" and most of it not copy/pastable, so I end up retyping URLs and similar stuff from parts of it (i.e., from the chat).
I thought I'd make a simple page action extension for Chrome that would intercept all the AJAX communication between the game and the server, the way Developer tools can do it, and display only the data I'm interested in (parsing URLs and similar stuff is a no-brainer).
However, looking around the internet, I've found no info on how to do this. Many sites (including answers to some questions here) mention using Developer Tools (I'd prefer having a page action extension, simple enough to share with other players, but any other automation is welcome as well), some mention chrome.webRequest (which seems to be able to provide only the headers),...
I also thought of making a content script along the lines of this answer, but since I'm trying to read the data between a Flash applet (not a web page) and a server, I don't think injecting a JavaScript code is possible.
So, my question is: can this be done and, if yes, how?
In case anyone got the wrong idea, the aim of this is only to monitor the communication and extract the parts I'd want to be able to copy/paste, not change any data (i.e., the purpose is simplification of the game play, not cheating).

Scraping pages that do not seem to have URLs

I'm trying to scrape these listings and provide more exposure for these job listings on a site that belongs to a client of mine. The issue is that I need to be able to link to the specific job listing in order for the job seeker to apply. This is the page I'm trying to save listing links from.
It would be ideal if I could save an address for the job seeker to click on to see the original listing and then apply.
What is this website doing to not feature a URL for these pages
Is it possible to provide a listing specific address
If that's possible how could I generate that address?
If I can't get a specific address I think I could get it so that the user clicks a link that triggers an internal script on my client's site which takes the listing ID and searches the site I found that listing on, and then redirects the user to that specific listing.
The downside to this is that the user will have to wait a little while depending on how far back the listing is on a directory. I could put some kind of progress bar with a pleasant "Searching for your listing! Thanks for being patient" message.
If I can avoid having to do this, though, that'd be great!
I'm using Nokogiri and Mechanize.
The page you refer to appears to be generated by an Oracle product, so one would think they'd be willing to construct a web form properly (and with reference to accessibility concerns). They haven't, so it occurs to me that either their engineer was having a bad day, or they are deliberately making it (slightly) harder to scrape.
The reason your browser shows no href when you hover over those links is that there isn't one. What the page does instead is to use JavaScript to capture the click event, populate a POST form with some hidden values, and call the submit method programmatically. This can cause problems with screen-readers and other accessibility devices, as well as causing problems with the way in which back buttons have to re-submit the page.
The good news is that constructions of this kind can usually be scraped by creating a form yourself, either using a real one on a third party page, or via a crawler library. If you post the right values to the target URI, reverse-engineered from examining the page's script, the resulting document should be the "linked" page you expect.

Screen scraping an ASP.NET web page to retrieve data displayed in the grid view

I am using RUBY to screen scrap a web page (created in which uses gridview to display data. I am successfully able to read the data displayed on page-1 of the grid but unable to figure out how I can move to the next page in the grid to read all the data.
Problem is the page number hyperlinks are not normal hyperlinks (with URL) but instead are javascript hyperlink which causes postback to the same page..
An example of the hyperlink:-
I recommend using Watir, a ruby library designed for browser testing, if you're already using ruby for processing. For one thing, it gives you a much nicer interface to the DOM elements on the page, and it makes clicking links like this easier:, '6').click
Then, of course you have easier methods for navigating the table as well. It's easy enough to automate this process:
1..total_number_of_pages.each do |next_page|, next_page).click
# table processing goes here
I don't know your use case, but this approach has its advantages and disadvantages. For one thing, it actually runs a browser instance, so if this is something you need to frequently run quietly in the background in completely automated way, this may not be the best approach. On the other hand, if it's ok to launch a browser instance, then you don't have to worry about all that postback nonsense, and you can just click the link as if you were a user.
You'll need to figure out the actual URL.
Option 1a: Open the page in a browser with good developer support (e.g. firefox with the web development tools) and look through the source to find where _doPostBack is defined. Figure out what URL it's constructing. Note that it might not be in the main page source, but instead in something that the page loads.
Option 1b: Ditto, but have ruby do it. If you're fetching the page with Net:HTTP you've got the tools to find the definition of __doPostBack already (the body as a string, ruby's grep, and the ability to request additional files, such as those in script tags).
Option 2: Monitor the traffic between a browser and the page (e.g. with a logging proxy) to find out what the URL is.
Option 3: Ask the owner of the web page.
Option 4: Guess. This may not be as bad as it sounds (e.g. if the original URL ends with "...?page=1" or something) but in general this is the least likely to work.
Edit (in response to your comment on the other question):
Assuming you're using the Net:HTTP library, you can do a postback by just replacing your get with a post, e.g. instead of my_http.get(my_url)
Edit (in response to danieltalsky's answer):
watir may be a really good solution for you (I'm kicking myself for not having thought of it), but be aware that you may have to manually fire the event or go through other hoops to get what you want. As a specific gotcha, with any asynchronous fetch like this you need to make sure that the full response has come back before you scrape it; that isn't a problem when you're doing the request inline yourself.
You will have to perform the postback. The data is pass with a form POST back to the server. Like Markus said use something like FireBug or the Developer Tools in IE 8 and fiddler to watch the traffic. But honestly this is a web form using the bloated GridView and you will be in for a fun adventure. ;)
You'll need to do some investigation in order to figure out what HTTP request the javascript execution is performing. I've used the Mozilla browser with the Firebug plugin and also the "Live HTTP Headers" plugin to help determine what is going on. It will likely become clear to you which requests you will need to make in order to traverse to the next page. Make sure you pay attention to any cookies getting set.
I've had really good success using Mechanize for scraping. It wraps all of the HTTP communication, html parsing and searching(using Nokogiri), redirection, and holding onto cookies. But it doesn't know how to execute Javascript, which is why you will need to figure out what http request to perform on your own.

Pass information back from an iframe?

Right now i'm building a firefox plugin that duplicates some functionality on my website. It takes in an email address and then returns information to the user. The easiest way to do this in the plugin is to use an Iframe and render that super simple form on my website. All of this works great, but to make the plugin really useful, i would like the plugin to have access to the information that the iframe renders, so it can use it in the current window that the user is in.
Is it possible to pass information back through an Iframe in this manner? I know there are quite a few domain access restrictions with Iframes, so any help or insight is appreciated!!
I've done this two ways.
If the iframe is on the same domain as the parent website, you can just, in javascript, access window.parent.
If it isn't, however...I've done a dirty trick. I'll share it here, though, as it may help.
We created a page on the other domain, which would call to window.parent.parent. We put that in a hidden iframe inside the iframed page, and send it a querystring argument or two. It's not pretty, but it gets around cross-domain scripting problems.
This basically means that you have this sort of thing: - iframe - hidden iframe that makes a window.parent.parent call.
Is the point of this whole exercise functional testing of your website? If so, instead of your custom Firefox plugin, consider using Selenium to automate interactions with websites. It works with all major browsers and supports the inspection of page elements you are trying to do (using XPath). It also features a Firefox plugin called Selenium IDE that allows you to conveniently "record" your interactions with a website for automated playback later.

Reverse Engineer A Web Form

I have a web site which I download 2-3 MB of raw data from that then feeds into an ETL process to load it into my data mart. Unfortunately the data provider is the US Dept. of Ag (USDA) and they do not allow downloading via FTP. They require that I use a web form to select the elements I want, click through 2-3 screens and eventually click to download the file. I'd like to automate this download process. I am not a web developer but somehow it seems that I should be able to use some tool to tell me exactly what put/get/magic goes from the final request to the server. If I had a tool that said, "pass these parameters to this url and wait for a response" I could then hack something together in Perl to automate this process.
I realize that if I deconstructed all 5 of their pages and read through the JavaScript includes and tapped my heals together 3 times I could get this info from what I have access to. But I want a faster and more direct path that does not require me to manually parse all their JS.
Restatement of the final question: Is there a tool or method that will show clearly what the final request request sent from a web form was and how it was structured?
A tamperer's best friends (these are firefox extensions, you could also use something like Wireshark)
Tamper Data
Best of luck
Use Fiddler2 as a proxy to see what is being passed back and forth. I've done this with success in other similar circumstances
Home page is here:
As with the other responses, except my tool of choice is Charles
What about using a web testing toolkit, like Watir and Ruby ?
Easy to fill in the forms.. just use the output..
Use WatiN and combine it with WatiN TestRecorder (Google for it)
It can "simulate" a user sitting in front of the browser punching in values which you can supply from your own C# code...
