C2664 cannot convert to && value - c++11

The compiler wants my lvalue to be a rvalue reference and I dont see why.
My questions are:
Why is "dataLen" const, even though it was declared non const and the lambda is told to catch by reference as default?
Why does the compiler try to convert to rvalue reference "unsigned __int64 &&", even though it was declared "unsigned long long" (no rvalue reference) for tupleByteVector_content?
I think it is because of the lambda capture, but please see this simplified workflow below:
void read_socket()
std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>>> tupleByteVector_content;
read_socket_readSome(tupleByteVector_content, [this, &tupleByteVector_content]() {
//use tuple vector
//catch the tuple vector by reference
void read_socket_readSome(std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned long long, const std::shared_ptr<Session>& session, std::vector<unsigned char>>> & tupleByteVector_content, std::function<void()> && continueReadFunction)
//Read data length from a asio socket
std::shared_ptr<asio::streambuf> len_buffer = std::make_shared<asio::streambuf>();
asio::async_read(session->connection->socket->next_layer(), *len_buffer, asio::transfer_exactly(1), [&,
this, session, len_buffer, tupleByteVector_content, continueReadFunction](const error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred) {
//the first value I want to save
unsigned long long dataLen = BytesToLength(len_buffer);
//Read data from a asio socket
std::shared_ptr<asio::streambuf> data_buffer = std::make_shared<asio::streambuf>();
asio::async_read(session->connection->socket->next_layer(), *data_buffer, asio::transfer_exactly(dataLen), [&, this, dataLen, data_buffer, tupleByteVector_content, session, continueReadFunction](const error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred) {
//ERROR HERE: ----------->
std::tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>> t =
std::make_tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>>(
dataLen, // ERROR C2664, cant convert argument 1 from "const unsigned __int64" to "unsigned __int64 &&"
{ asio::buffers_begin(data_buffer->data()), asio::buffers_end(data_buffer->data()) });
//ERROR HERE: <-----------
I was able to compile this tuple:
std::tuple<unsigned long long, std::vector<unsigned char>> t = { dataLen, { asio::buffers_begin(data_buffer->data()), asio::buffers_end(data_buffer->data()) } };
But then the push_back to the vector gives the error:
error C2663: [...] ::push_back": for 2 overloads there is no conversion for the this-pointer (free translation into english from myself)

dataLen is treated as const because you capture it by value:
[&, this, dataLen,
By default function call operator generated for closure is marked as const, so inside const method you can only read data. Modifications are not allowed, unless you add mutable to definition of lambda.
When you use make_tuple you should rely on template argument deduction instead putting types in explicit way, as you did it. Short version of your issue:
int i;
std::tuple<int> t = std::make_tuple<int>(i);
i is named object, so it is lvalue. By make_tuple<int> you make make_tuple signature look like: make_tuple(int&&). This is the place where compiler complains, because i as lvalue cannot be bound to rvalue reference. With argument deduction, parameter of make_tuple is deduced to be: int&, and in this case i can be bound.
push_back on vector doesn't work, because again you captured vector by value. push_back modifies object, which is not allowed when calling on const object. You should capture it by reference.


Using coeffRef with const CwiseUnaryView - Failing when multiplying two CWiseUnaryViews

I'm having some trouble when using coeffRef() with a CWiseUnaryView function, but only when the function is declared as const
Reproducible example:
#include <Eigen/Core>
struct dummy_Op {
operator()(const double &v) const { return v; }
operator()(double &v) const { return v; }
void foo(Eigen::MatrixXd &out)
Eigen::CwiseUnaryView<dummy_Op, Eigen::MatrixXd> view(out);
//Doesn't Compile
const Eigen::CwiseUnaryView<dummy_Op, Eigen::MatrixXd> const_view(out);
<source>: In function 'void foo(Eigen::MatrixXd&)':
<source>:21:28: error: passing 'const Eigen::CwiseUnaryView<dummy_Op,
Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1> >' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers
In file included from /opt/compiler-explorer/libs/eigen/v3.3.4/Eigen/Core:413,
from <source>:1:
/opt/compiler-explorer/libs/eigen/v3.3.4/Eigen/src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h:340:33: note:
in call to 'Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Scalar&
Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::coeffRef(Eigen::Index, Eigen::Index)
[with Derived = Eigen::CwiseUnaryView<dummy_Op, Eigen::Matrix<double,
-1, -1> >; Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Scalar = double; Eigen::Index = long int]'
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar& coeffRef(Index row, Index col)
Compiler returned: 1
Compiler explorer: https://godbolt.org/z/kPHPuC
The side-effect of this, is that the multiplication of two (non-const) CWiseUnaryViews also fails, see example here: https://godbolt.org/z/JYQb3d
The bottom line is that you're calling a non-const method of a constant instance. The (first) coeffRef that is being called is the one (and only) in DenseCoeffsBase.h (DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, WriteAccessors>), which is not const qualified. The DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors> class does not have a coeffRef method. You can get around this error (and get a warning) if you enable the -fpermissive compiler flag.
In the dense case, you probably want to use the operator()(Index, Index) method anyway, which does have a const qualified version. I just noticed the documentation explicitly says to use that method anyway, even for the non-const version. This is obviously not going to return a const reference, but at least in your example as a double, it shouldn't matter too much.
CwiseUnaryView is intended to be used for L-value like expression, e.g.,
MatrixXcd A;
A.real() = something; // `A.real()` is writable
If you want to apply an element-wise functor and use it as an R-value, you should use CwiseUnaryOp instead:
void foo(Eigen::MatrixXd &out)
Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp<dummy_Op, Eigen::MatrixXd> view1(out);
// shorter:
auto view2 = out.unaryExpr(dummy_Op());
Eigen::MatrixXd result = view1 * view2;
// or directly write: out.unaryExpr(dummy_Op()) * out.unaryExpr(dummy_Op());

Is there a way to create unique type Id at compile time in C++

I can create a unique type id the following way:
template<typename T>
struct TypeId
static size_t value()
return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(&TypeId<T>::value);
auto intType = TypeId<int>::value();
It works at runtime but is there a way to do it at compile time ?
I would like to use it in a switch statement like this:
switch (typeId)
case TypeId<int>::value():
// do something
case TypeId<double>::value():
// do something
case TypeId<MyClass>::value():
// do something
The problem here is that I cannot convert a pointer to the size_t at compile time:
template<typename T>
struct TypeId
static constexpr size_t value()
return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(&TypeId<T>::value);
constexpr auto id = TypeId<int>::value();
The example above gives the following error:
error: conversion from pointer type ‘size_t (*)() {aka long unsigned int (*)()}’ to arithmetic type ‘size_t {aka long unsigned int}’ in a constant expression
constexpr auto id = TypeId<int>::value();
I would like to understand why returning an address is fine in a constexpr but converting it to an int is not. The following code compiles (but I cannot use pointers in a switch statement):
template<typename T>
struct TypeId
static constexpr void* value()
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&TypeId<T>::value);
constexpr void* id = TypeId<int>::value();
std::cout << "id: " << id << std::endl;
This sounds like an XY problem. If you want to get compile-time type information, then use compile-time ways to do this. The right way to do this is with std::is_same.
if(std::is_same<int, T>::value) {
// do something
} else if (std::is_same<double, T>::value) {
// do something else
} // ...
This can cause certain problems. if you're using methods for specific types, like std::string::length() in your conditions, you'll have a compile error. There are ways to solve this:
Use if constexpr
Use std::enable_if to create template specializations that are dependent on the type
If you have only pointer-type problems, you have to reinterpret_cast all your pointers to T
There is currently no way in C++ to automatically allocate a unique integer type id and make it availabe compile time.
This is why libraries that need it use manual type registration, e.g.:
template<class T> struct TypeId;
#define REGISTER_TYPE_ID(T, id_value) template<> struct TypeId<T> { static constexpr int id = id_value; };
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(unsigned char, 3)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(unsigned short, 4)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(unsigned int, 5)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(unsigned long, 6)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(unsigned long long, 7)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(signed char, 8)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(signed short, 9)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(signed int, 10)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(signed long, 11)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(signed long long, 12)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(double, 14)
REGISTER_TYPE_ID(long double, 15)

g++ compiler error on deleted assignment operator of pair<string,string>

I think the following reduced C++11 code should be valid.
unordered_map<string,string> test;
auto it = remove_if( test.begin(), test.end(),
[] (const decltype(test)::value_type &entry) { return true; } );
But it fails to compile with g++ 6.3, complaining about a deleted assignment operator of std::pair, but AFAIK that operator is not deleted.
/usr/include/c++/6/bits/stl_algo.h:868:16: error: use of deleted function ‘std::pair<_T1, _T2>& std::pair<_T1, _T2>::operator=( ...
*__result = _GLIBCXX_MOVE(*__first);
Is this a compiler/glibc bug or is the code really invalid for some reason I fail to see?
Let's look at remove_if documentation:
The type of dereferenced ForwardIt must meet the requirements of MoveAssignable.
That is, “given t, a modifiable lvalue expression of type T and rv, an rvalue expression of type T, the expression t = rv must be valid and [behave as expected]”.
Here, you pass unordered_map<string, string>'s iterator to remove_if. Let's have a look. According to unordered_map documentation,
value_type is defined as std::pair<const Key, T>
So, std::pair<const string, string>.
Let's look at pair's operator=. Most notably:
template< class U1, class U2 >
pair& operator=( const pair<U1,U2>& other ); does not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_assignable_v<first_type&, const U1&> and std::is_assignable_v<second_type&, const U2&> are both true.
Here, std::is_assignable_v<const string&, const string&> is not true, therefore the operator is not available. Therefore the pair is not MoveAssignable. Therefore remove_if cannot be used on those iterators.
So that would make your code invalid.
std::pair<const string, string> does have deleted assignment operator(s), because you can't change first.
The key_type of all the map-like containers in the STL are const, because otherwise you could break the lookup of elements.
I had a need to assign to a std::pair<A const, B> that was a copy of something I got by dereferencing a std::map<A,B> iterator. I finally used destructor/constructor logic.
// For the placement allocator
#include <new>
typedef std::pair<A const, B> PairType;
PairType &rPairWrite(...some source...);
PairType const &rPairRead(...some source...);
// rPairWrite = rPairRead;
new (&rPairWrite) PairType (someAValue, someBValue);
Stupid syntax games...

casting void* to std::function

I have an issue. I'm trying to convert a void* to std::function.
This is just a simple example, any suggestions will be appreciated
#.h file
class Example {
int foo(void* hi);
int fooFunc(std::function<int(int, int)> const& arg, int x, int y) {
foo(arg.target<void*>(), x, y);
return 2;
#.cpp file
Example::Example() {
int Example::foo(void * func, int x, int y)
//cast back to std::function
func(x, y);
std::cout << "running in foo: " << a << "\n";
return a;
Every casting i tried did not work.
I know i can send a std::function in this example, but it's for something bigger and i'm working on an example to make it work here.
The whole meaning of void*, is for sometimes to use it, in these situations, when you don't know what you will receive, and then cast it to the specific usage you need.
You can't.
You can cast a data pointer to void* and then back to the same pointer type you have started with. std::function is not a pointer type, so the cast is statically invalid, and it's not the same thing you have started with. You have started with a .target of type void(*)() but it's not a data pointer, it's a function pointer, so casting it to void* and back is implementation-defined.
You can:
Ignore the issue and cast to void(*)() anyway. Will work on most (but not all) platforms.
Use void(*)() instead of void* as a universal function pointer (you can cast it to other function types).
Use whatever tools C++ offers to avoid the cast altogether.

C++11 rvalue reference and const-ness

The following code is a snippet of a tuple-like class where it is possible to get a reference to a given type in the tuple, or if that type is not found, the provided default value will be returned instead.
If the default value is a lvalue a reference must be returned, if the default value is a rvalue then a rvalue must be returned.
The following code illustrates the problem I'm having:
struct Foo {
Foo(int d) : data(d) {}
template <typename T, typename TT>
const TT get_or_default(TT&& t) const {
return data;
template <typename T, typename TT>
TT get_or_default(TT&& t) {
return data;
int data;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int i = 6;
const Foo foo1(5);
Foo foo2(5);
// compile error
// works
foo2.get_or_default<int>(i) = 4;
return 0;
When compiling this I get the following error:
cxx.cxx:6:20: error: binding of reference to type 'int' to a value of type 'const int' drops qualifiers
return data;
cxx.cxx:23:14: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Foo::get_or_default<int, int &>' requested here
1 error generated.
There is a special rule for template argument deduction when the function parameter is of type T&& where T is a template parameter. That rule is:
If the function argument is an lvalue of type U, then U& is used in place of U for type deduction in this case.
It's used to allow perfect forwarding. Basically, it means that T&& for a template parameter T is a "universal reference."
In your case, since i is indeed an lvalue, TT is deduced to int&. Applying a const to that is ignored (it would apply to the reference itself, not to the type referred to), so the fucntion instantiated from the template looks something like this:
int& get_or_default(int& t) const {
return data;
And since the function is const, data is considered const as well and so it cannot bind to a non-const reference.
