CodeName One, Action event not created normally - need explanation - events

Good morning, Everyone.
I have a simple Hello World application created from basic "Hello World" template.
I've added simple button on the main form (in a CodeNameOne GUI designer) and I'm trying to fire an action event by clicking "Action Event". I am saving GUI designer contains before to make an event as it described here - CodeName One, Action event not working- need explanation
But GUI designer ask me to choose some filename instead to simply auto-create an event handler in NetBeans IDE as it shown in every manual. The main problem - I can not to select any file in this window. I don't know which file types GUI Designer need, but all *.java files from my projects are gray in this window and not accessible accordingly.
Event handler is created too in "", but not always.
For example, event handler created for button, but not created for Tabs.
Mac OS version is 10.8.3 (under Oracle Virtual Box)
NetBeans IDE is 7.3 and Java version is 1.6.0_43
Help me, please, this project is very nice,
but I can not continue to develop my application while this problem not resolved.

In some cases NetBeans install isn't detected correctly by the plugin. You need to point at the file not at the source file. You can force this by selecting the menu option "File->Setup NetBeans".
This is a known issue in the issue tracker with several artifacts e.g.: once you pick the right copy of NetBeans this should "just work".


Opening existing project in Delphi 10.2 reports error that "Class TBarSeries not found."

This is a strange one, and is related to the Delphi IDE environment, but I'm hoping someone has some insight, cos I'm at a loss.
Basically, the problem is that I'm now in a situation where any project I create that uses a TChart with a TBarSeries gives me the "Class TBarServices not found" error when I re-open it from a fresh start of the IDE.
As an example, currently if I do the following:
Create a new VCL forms application,
add a TChart component to the form,
edit the chart through the designer and add a Series, choosing Bar as the type.
Build the project,
run it, everything is fine.
Close the IDE and restart it.
Open the previously saved project. Immediately get the Error Reading Form message about Class TBarSeries not found.
But if I then:
Close the broken project without saving, and leave the IDE running.
Create a new VCL form with or without a project,
add the TChart and bar Series to the form,
close the form/application without saving.
Reopen the previously saved project that threw the error. No error any more.
Creating a new TForm with a TChart and TBarSeries is changing the Delphi IDE in some way that is not persistent, so that the next time the IDE is started, those projects no longer load properly.
I have included VCLTee in the Unit Scope Names, but the Enterprise version of Delphi 10.2 does not include the source for these components, so there are no additional paths I can add to the Library Path.
Once I have created a new form and set up the chart, everything is fine with any project that uses the TBarSeries so long as I don't close the IDE, so that's the workaround I currently employ.
Do you use DevExpress?
I had the same problem when DevExpress Printing System for DBTeeChart was installed.
Probably DevExpress uses old version of TeeChart different than this installed by you.
I just disabled this DevExpress Printing System and now it's OK.

Trying to publish ASP.NET Core React app with Electron.NET

So my understanding from the documentation to perform a publish is I need to call 'electronize build /target win'. This builds the project. However, there are some issues I'm unsure how to address.
The content path when I try to run it says the content root is C:\Windows\system32 instead of the actual working directory where the .exe resides. That isn't correct. Any ideas why? I think some of the other issues are caused by this.
Edit: I found out #1 uses the correct directory if it is ran as administrator. Unsure why.
How does one hide the command menu that comes up? all i want is the electron window to show on publish.
I see an electron window come up like when i run 'electronize start' but not after publishing. Any ideas?
Please try the latest version of Electron.NET. During development, a development menu is displayed. A standard behavior of Electron if you not have your own menu. With a build, the development menu is hidden again.

Is there any Editor in which I click on a line and it takes me to its definition defined in another page

I am working in a mobile app testing project. We do write feature files (like scenarios) in a simple Xcode editor as of now. What I want is if I click on any step written in my feature file, it should take me to its step definition which is written in another document and open that in that editor.
I don't know if this facility is available with Xcode editor but if it is, please let me know how I can use it.
Also I thought if Eclipse or any of its plugin could be used but I don't know how.
Please let me know if there is any Editor which could be used for that (selecting an step and it takes me to the page where it is defined). And also it should be able to get executed on my mac with terminal.
Thank you very much for any help. really!
P.S. I am using git (SourceTree, Xcode etc) and working for an iOS app.
I suppose you use standard XCTest framework for testing? The feature you're looking for is present in Calabash framework. See tutorial at

Debugging Haxe with HaxeCpp and IntelliJ. DebugSocket not Found

I am currently trying to get the Haxe Debugger working with IntelliJ, using information from This video tutorial and This blog post.
At one point, the tutorial says that a DebugSocket object must be created in the "create" method of the main file. However, when I type this in, I get an unknown symbol error.
From what I understand, the DebugSocket object should be available from the hxcpp library (which I have included). However, the only options I am given if I type new hxcpp. are:
What am I doing wrong? Have I included the wrong library? Are these tutorials referencing an older version of the library? Is there anywhere I can find comprehensive documentation on how to use the hxcpp debug tools properly?
If this is easier with a flash build then I would consider this.
i haven't gotten hxcpp debugging to work (but i m sure it does). However, i find flash debugging to be easier. I assume you already have the project setup in idea (and isn't just using it as a simple text editor). This is the set of steps i took to get it to work:
Open the project structure (from the menu 'file', then 'project structure')
find the 'modules' section on the left, and select your module, then find the 'haxe' tab.
in the haxe tab, select compile with 'openfl', and target flash.
in the bottom part of the haxe tab, select a flex sdk.
if you don't have flex+air sdk installed, you can easily install it by going to, and make sure you remember where you installed it. An alternative place you can find it is via flashdevelop's 'tools', 'install software' menu (which by default installs to your C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/FlashDevelop/Apps/flexairsdk/4.6.0+4.0.0/.
you can add the sdk to intellij by selecting 'SDKs' on the left, and click on the '+', and then select 'flex/air' sdk. You need the flex plugin installed (whcih should be by default).
once you got your debug SDK setup, you can create a run configuration, and debug like you normally do (click on the debug run menu item or toolbar button).
One complication is that on windows, you potentially have a deadlock with haxelib not starting your app, and intellij hanging to wait for it. See - i have outlined a solution in the issue comment if you find that you also have this problem.
use this website : for some screenshots (it's an older version of intellij tho).

How should I add images using PhoneGap and Windows Phone 7?

I am new to using PhoneGap for windows phone 7.
I'm not entirely sure what the problem is - when I try to add an existing image, it's not added to the CordovaSourceDictionary.xml file, but if I manually add the image to CordovaSourceDictionary.xml, it is deleted when I build. How should I fix this problem?
Here is a tutorial by Daniel Egan. Also I have some other links for you
Tutorial: how to create HTML5 applications on Windows Phone thanks to PhoneGap.
Getting Started with Windows Phone.
Getting Started with Windows 8.
Apache Cordova Documentation.
Hope this will help you.
Check image Build Action property (Solution explorer, item Properties view). It must be set to Content, (when you add image, by default this property value is Resource)
CordovaSourceDictionary.xml is updated by the build process which relies on the way Visual Studio works. You need to trigger a file update, you know, like Right click on the Solution > Add > Add new folder / Existing item etc.
What I do is drag the file from Windows Explorer into the Visual Studio project and drop it in the images folder. NOW Visual Studio knows you have add a new file and when you run the project CordovaSourceDictionary.xml gets automagically updated with your changes.
Keep up the good fight!
This probably isn't what is breaking your system, but the JS framework I use adds a url query to each image when in a debugging mode (in order to force browsers to reload image, instead of using cached). So, my image "image/background.jpg" would be accessed as "image/background.jpg?d=34342233". But, when running on phoneGAP for Windows Phone, it won't recognize the image, and thus it shows up as broken. So, I had to turn off debugging for the framework I use, and suddenly the images showed up. Don't forget to set the Build Action to "Content" as mentioned earlier.
