Do you know how to install Janet on Ubuntu 20.04?
I've downloaded the latest release Janet 1.10.1 for Linux but it's not explained how to install it on README.
I got my answer :
git clone
cd janet
make -j 4
make test
sudo make install
This assumes you have git and a gcc installed.
I'm new on Heroku and trying to deploy my project here. After I typed this command in the terminal: curl | sh
and I also typed the administrative password correctly , I got this error message: unsupported arch: arm64
The script does not support arm64 (see line 40 pf the script).
The easier option is to install via brew
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
or download the tarball for macOS (if you still prefer doing it manually)
Download the tarball macOS
tar xvf heroku-darwin-x64.tar
sudo mv heroku /usr/local/lib
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/local/lib/heroku/bin/heroku .
heroku --help
Apple Silicon Issues
If you’re getting the following error on a machine with an Apple M1 chip, you haven’t installed or declined to install Rosetta 2.
Bad CPU type in executable
Installing Rosetta 2 resolves this issue.
If you don’t want to install Rosetta 2 on your machine, you can install the Heroku npm package globally and use your own Node binary locally. Only v16 of Node has M1 ARM support and npm isn’t the recommended install method.
ref: heroku install
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
This command doesn't work for me
==> Installing heroku from heroku/brew
Error: Your Xcode (14.0.1) is too outdated.
Please update to Xcode 14.1 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from the App Store.
but there is no update in theApp Store.
arch -arm64 brew install heroic
arch -arm64 brew install heroku
How do I force brew to install latest version of neovim (ver 0.5.0) when brew's formula only has 0.4.3?
I have tried:
brew update
brew upgrade neovim
And it says: Warning: neovim 0.4.3 already installed
I went brew's git repo and checked on neovim formula. Brew has neovim's 0.4.3, not 0.5.0. So brew update/upgrade is not going to help.
I'm thinking of just downloading neovim from neovim repo and installing it manually, but I'm afraid I'll have to manage updates and dependencies if I do this manual install.
curl -LO
tar xzf nvim-macos.tar.gz
What should I do?
I fixed this with the following steps:
1) Unlink old neovim version:
brew unlink neovim ... and 2)
Install pointing to head:
brew install --HEAD neovim
... This installed neovim 0.5.0.
According to the brew doc, brew install --HEAD will install the master branch of the package. For neovim, it means that the latest version of neovim will be built for you, which may not be stable enough or even compile.
I suggest you install the nightly binary version of neovim. The best way to get the nightly version is to download from the binary release. No dependency is required to install if you download the binary release.
If you don't want to do this manually, you can write a bash script to automate this.
Currently I have Erlang version 5.10.4 and OTP "R16B03".
Now I have to update Erlang from version 6.1 and OTP greater than 17.1 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64 bit) in order to install the latest version of ejabberd (16.02).
For this I have tried instructions at this URL:
but when I am hitting the make command an error is coming:-
Makefile:247: /home/Hemant/otp_src_18.2/make/i686-pc-linux-gnu/ No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/Hemant/otp_src_18.2/make/i686-pc-linux-gnu/'. Stop.
I tried another way:
$ sudo apt-get install erlang
But I am getting the same version (Erlang 5.10) while I have updated the apt-get.
Now how can I get the latest version of Erlang?
When installing erlang do the following from this link:
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
Now the repository is added simply install esl-erlang with:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install esl-erlang
Installing ejabberd follow Mickaël's blog post:
git clone
cd ejabberd
chmod +x
sudo make && make install
Now I do remember getting quite a few compiler errors and all the errors were due to packages not being installed on my system. So when you receive an error from say libexpat then install the package sudo apt-get install libexpat1 and so on for all the following errors.
Good luck!
As your question is more on ejabberd than Erlang itself, you can download ejabberd prepackaged with its own Erlang version from ProcessOne site:
If you want to learn about alternative ways to install ejabberd, you can follow the official documentation:
You can for example see at bottom of the page instructions to build ejabberd from source if you prefer.
I am trying to check the file in your error but I don't see it in the sources: Can you try to clone it directly from GitHub and then compile? Or...
I recommend you to download Erlang packages specifically precompiled for Ubuntu from Erlang Solutions:
I was using them whenever I had to install Erlang on Ubuntu and never had problems. The codename for your Ubuntu would be Trusty Tahr.
I installed lua on my OSX 10.10 machine using brew install lua. The version that got installed was 5.2.4. LuaRocks was installed along with the lua package. But when i run luarocks install <package_name> i get Error: ##HOMEBREW_PREFIX## does not exist and your user does not have write permissions in. i tried using sudo luarocks install <package_name> as well, but it gives the same error. How to fix this ?
Please Help.
This was a bug in the way we relocate text files to ensure wider bottle portability for non-/usr/local users.
It was resolved a couple of weeks back, July 31st I believe. Presuming your Homebrew is in a standard location, if you do:
rm /usr/local/etc/luarocks52/config-5.2.lua && brew update && brew reinstall lua
The problem should be resolved now. Apologies!
I had the same problem when using the luarocks when installed with homebrew, try installing luarocks again like this:
$ wget
$ tar zxpf luarocks-2.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd luarocks-2.2.1
$ ./configure; sudo make bootstrap
I took this code snippet from here:
I managed to install all the modules that I required without problems after doing this.
Can anyone tell me where I can find a Ruby 1.8.6 so I can istall it in my Centos 5 machine?
Thank you.
Download tarball with your version of Ruby from here
tar -xjvf ruby-1.8.6-pxxx.tar.bz2
cd ruby-1.8.6
make install
I had to do exactly what you are asking for, I just used version 1.8.7
You probably want this:
"To use with yum, create /etc/yum.repos.d/ruby.repo and add the following:"
"Sample usage:"
yum --enablerepo=ruby list *RUBY*
yum erase ruby ruby-libs
rpm -Uvh
yum install ruby
More info:
yum install ruby
If this will not install the Ruby for you, add appropriate repository to yum.
If the Ruby version in repositories is outdated, get the source, build, install by yourself.
RPM for CentOS 5.1, x86:
Failing that, the source code is available from the Ruby site, and you can compile and install it:
"To use with yum, create /etc/yum.repos.d/ruby.repo and add the following:"
yum --enablerepo=ruby list RUBY
yum update ruby -y
Another option would be to install ruby with the RVM utility, which lets you easily switch between versions.
Note: On CentOS 5, at least, RVM compiles of Ruby barf because autoconf is too old. There are instructions for fixing this here
you can install ruby and all its dependencies including Gems withi this bash script
The previous repos posted only had the i686 package, this is the repo I'm using for x86_64
The yum repo at is DOA.
I found another CentOS-compatable yum repo at with full instructions here. They explicitly support RHEL/CentOS 4 & 5, but not 6 (yet)