MDX Get Descendants of Named Set - set

I'm looking to return all leaf descendants of a named set in MDX.
The set contains the following members:
CREATE SET [Time].[Quarter].[ActiveBudget_Qtr] AS
'{[Time].[Default].&[2020Q3], [Time].[Default].&[2020Q4],
[Time].[Default].&[2021Q1], [Time].[Default].&[2021Q2]}'
I am trying to return the month (which are leaf) descendants of this set:
DESCENDANTS({[Time].[Default].[ActiveBudget_Qtr]}, , LEAVES)
However, this is not returning any members. Thoughts?

A little bit convoluted but something like the following:


Comparing two nodes in XPath

I am writing an Xpath Query to be used as a rule in PMD.
//Method/ModifierNode[Annotation[#Image = 'Future']]/..[#Image = 'randomMethod']]
gives me one node and
[#MethodName = 'randomMethod']
gives me another.
I want to compare these two and see whether the name of the node in the first query and the name of the node in the second query are same or not.
I am doing this
[#MethodName = //Method/ModifierNode[Annotation[#Image = 'Future']]/..[#Image]]
This is not working at all and is returning zero matched nodes.
You have an issue with the types of values you are comparing
#MethodName is a string.
//Method/ModifierNode[Annotation[#Image = 'Future']]/..[#Image] selects a node (making sure it has a non-empty image).
So when comparing both, it will always be false. You want to get the name of the method node in the second selector, so you can compare strings. You can do so by doing…
//Method/ModifierNode[Annotation[#Image = 'Future']]/../#Image
So your XPath should look like
[#MethodName = //Method/ModifierNode[Annotation[#Image = 'Future']]/../#Image]

XPath: Select following siblings until certain class

I have the following html snippet:
<td class="foo">a</td>
<td class="bar">1</td>
<td class="bar">2</td>
<td class="foo">b</td>
<td class="bar">3</td>
<td class="bar">4</td>
<td class="bar">5</td>
<td class="foo">c</td>
<td class="bar">6</td>
<td class="bar">7</td>
I'm looking for a XPath 1.0 expression that starts at a .foo element and selects all following .bar elements before the next .foo element.
For example: I start at a and want to select only 1 and 2.
Or I start at b and want to select 3, 4 and 5.
Background: I have to find an XPath expression for this method (using Java and Selenium):
public List<WebElement> bar(WebElement foo) {
return foo.findElements(By.xpath("./following-sibling::td[#class='bar']..."));
Is there a way to solve the problem?
The expression should work for all .foo elements without using any external variables.
Thanks for your help!
Update: There is apparently no solution for these special circumstances. But if you have fewer limitations, the provided expressions work perfectly.
Good question!
The following expression will give you 1..2, 3..5 or 6..7, depending on input X + 1, where X is the set you want (2 gives 1-2, 3 gives 3-.5 etc). In the example, I select the third set, hence it has [4]:
/td[not(#class = 'foo')]
= generate-id(
The beauty of this expression (imnsho) is that you can index by the given set (as opposed to index by relative position) and that is has only one place where you need to update the expression. If you want the sixth set, just type [7].
This expression works for any situation where you have siblings where you need the siblings between any two nodes of the same requirement (#class = 'foo'). I'll update with an explanation.
Replace the [4] in the expression with whatever set you need, plus 1. In oXygen, the above expression shows me the following selection:
Selects the first tr.
/td[not(#class = 'foo')]
Selects any td not foo
Gets the identity of the xth foo, in this case, this selects empty, and returns empty. In all other cases, it will return the identity of the next foo that we are interested in.
Gets the identity of the first previous foo (counting backward from any non-foo element) and from there, the first following foo. In the case of node 7, this returns the identity of nothingness, resulting in true for our example case of [4]. In the case of node 3, this will result in c, which is not equal to nothingness, resulting in false.
If the example would have value [2], this last bit would return node b for nodes 1 and 2, which is equal to the identity of ../td[#class='foo'][2], returning true. For nodes 4 and 7 etc, this will return false.
Update, alternative #1
We can replace the generate-id function with a count-preceding-sibling function. Since the count of the siblings before the two foo nodes is different for each, this works as an alternative for generate-id.
By now it starts to grow just as wieldy as GSerg's answer, though:
/td[not(#class = 'foo')]
= count(
The same "indexing" method applies. Where I write [4] above, replace it with the nth + 1 of the intersection position you are interested in.
If the current node is one of the td[#class'foo'] elements you can use the below xpath to get the following td[#class='bar'] elements, which are preceding to next td of foo:
following-sibling::td[#class='bar'][generate-id(preceding-sibling::td[#class='foo'][1]) = generate-id(current())]
Here, you select only those td[#class='bar'] whose first preceding td[#class='foo'] is same as the current node you are iterating on(confirmed using generate-id()).
So you want an intersection of two sets:
following-sibling::td[#class='bar'] that follow your starting td[#class='foo'] node
preceding-sibling::td[#class='bar'] that precede the next td[#class='foo'] node
Given the formula from the linked question, it is not difficult to get:
//td[1]/following-sibling::td[#class='bar'][count(. | (//td[1]/following-sibling::td[#class='foo'])[1]/preceding-sibling::td[#class='bar']) = count((//td[1]/following-sibling::td[#class='foo'])[1]/preceding-sibling::td[#class='bar'])]
However this will return an empty set for the last foo node because there is no next foo node to take precedings from.
So you want a difference of two sets:
following-sibling::td[#class='bar'] that follow your starting td[#class='foo'] node
following-sibling::td[#class='bar'] that follow the next td[#class='foo'] node
Given the formula from the linked question, it is not difficult to get:
count(. | (//td[1]/following-sibling::td[#class='foo'])[1]/following-sibling::td[#class='bar'])
The only amendable bit is the starting point, //td[1] (three times).
Now this will properly return bar nodes even for the last foo node.
The above was written under impression that you need to have a single XPath query and nothing more. Now that it's clear you don't, you can easily solve your problem with more than one XPath query and some manual list filtering on referential equality, as I already mentioned in a comment.
In C# that would be:
XmlNode context = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("//td[8]");
XmlNode nextFoo = context.SelectSingleNode("(./following-sibling::td[#class='foo'])[1]");
IEnumerable<XmlNode> result = context.SelectNodes("./following-sibling::td[#class='bar']").Cast<XmlNode>();
if (nextFoo != null)
// Intersect filters using referential equality by default
result = result.Intersect(nextFoo.SelectNodes("./preceding-sibling::td[#class='bar']").Cast<XmlNode>());
I'm sure it's trivial to convert to Java.
Pretty straightforward (example for 'a' td) but not very optimal:
#class='bar' and
preceding-sibling::td[#class='foo'][1][text() = 'a'] and
not(following-sibling::td[#class='foo']) or
following-sibling::td[#class='foo'][1][preceding-sibling::td[#class='foo'][1][text() = 'a']]

Need some explanation about getting max in XPath

I'm kinda new to XPath and I've found that to get the max attribute number I can use the next statement: //Book[not(#id > //Book/#id) and it works quite well.
I just can't understand why does it return max id instead of min id, because it looks like I'm checking whether id of a node greater than any other nodes ids and then return a Book where it's not.
I'm probably stupid, but, please, someone, explain :)
You're not querying for maximum values, but for minimum values. Your query
//Book[not(#id > //Book/#id)
could be translated to natural language as "Find all books, which do not have an #id that is larger than any other book's #id". You probably want to use
//Book[not(#id < //Book/#id)
For arbitrary input you might have wanted to use <= instead, so it only returns a single maximum value (or none if it is shared). As #ids must be unique, this does not matter here.
Be aware that //Book[#id > //Book/#id] is not equal to the query above, although math would suggest so. XPath's comparison operators adhere to a kind of set-semantics: if any value on the left side is larger than any value on the right side, the predicate would be true; thus it would include all books but the one with minimum #id value.
Besides XPath 1.0 your function is correct, in XPath 2.0:
/Books/Book[id = max(../Book/id)]
The math:max function returns the maximum value of the nodes passed as the argument. The maximum value is defined as follows. The node set passed as an argument is sorted in descending order as it would be by xsl:sort with a data type of number. The maximum is the result of converting the string value of the first node in this sorted list to a number using the number function.
If the node set is empty, or if the result of converting the string values of any of the nodes to a number is NaN, then NaN is returned.
The math:max template returns a result tree fragment whose string value is the result of turning the number returned by the function into a string.

Array Intersection Based Upon A String Comparison

I've got two arrays where I want to find all the elements in Array0 where the full string from Array1 is contained in the string of Array0. Here is the scenario:
I've got a string array that contains the full path of all the xml files in a certain directory. I then get a list of locations and only want to return the subset of xml file paths where the filename of the xml file is the loc id.
So, my Array0 has something like:
And my Array1 has:
...and I only want to have the results from Array0 where the filepath string contains string from Array1.
Here is what I've got...
filesToLoad = (from f in Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("App_Data"), "*.xml")
where f.Contains(from l in locs select l.CdsCode.ToString())
select f).ToArray();
...but I get the following compiler error...
Argument '1': cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>' to 'string'
...which I can understand from an English standpoint, but do not know how to resolve.
Am I coming at the from the wrong angle?
Am I missing just one piece?
Here is what I've changed it to:
filesToLoad = (Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("App_Data"), "*.xml"))
.Where(path => locs.Any(l => path.Contains(l.CdsCode.ToString()))
...but this still gets me all the .xml files even though one of them is not in my locs entity collection. What did I put in the wrong place?
Obviously I'm missing the main concept so perhaps a little explanation as to what each piece is doing would be helpful too?
Edit 2
See Mark's comment below. The answer to my problem, was me. I had one record in my locs collection that had a zero for the CDS value and thus was matching all records in my xml collection. If only I could find a way to code without myself, then I'd be the perfect developer!
You're missing Any:
string[] result = paths.Where(x => tests.Any(y => x.Contains(y))).ToArray();
you can also join them
var filesToLoad = (from f in Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("App_Data"), "*.xml")
from l in locs
where f.Contains(l.CdsCode.ToString())
select f).ToArray();

Create groups from sets of nodes

I have a list of sets (a,b,c,d,e in below example). Each of the sets contains a list of nodes in that set (1-6 below). I was wondering that there probably is a general known algorithm for achieving the below, and I just do not know about it.
I would like to generate a new structure, a list of groups, with each group having
all the (sub)sets of nodes that appear in multiple sets
references to the original sets those nodes belong to
So the above data would become (order of groups irrelevant).
I am assuming I can get the data in as an array/object structure and manipulate that, and then spit the resulting structure out in whatever format needed.
It would be a plus if:
all groups had a minimum of 2 nodes and 2 sets.
when a subset of nodes is contained in a bigger set that forms a group, then only the bigger set gets a group: in this example, nodes 1,2 do not have a group of their own since all the sets they have in common already appear in group2.
(The sets are stored in XML, which I have also managed to convert to JSON so far, but this is irrelevant. I can understand procedural (pseudo)code but also something like a skeleton in XSLT or Scala could help to get started, I guess.)
Go through the list of sets. For each set S
Go through the list of groups. For each group G
If S can be a member of G (i.e. if G's set is a subset of S), add S to G.
If S cannot be a member of G but the intersection of S ang G's set contains more than one node, make a new group for that intersection and add it to the list.
Give S a group of its own and add it to the list.
Combine any groups that have the same set.
Delete any group with only one member set.
For example, with your example sets, after reading a and b the list of groups is
[1,2,5,6] [a]
[1,5] [a,b]
[1,4,5] [b]
And after reading c it's
[1,2,5,6] [a]
[1,5] [a,b,c]
[1,4,5] [b]
[1,2,5] [a,c]
There are slightly more efficient algorithms, if speed is a problem.
Pseudocode algorithm for creating groups data from a set dataset, further explained in the project documentation. This is based on
I am assuming
- Group is a structure (class) the objects of which contain two lists: a list of sets and a list of nodes (group.nodes). Its constructor accepts a list of nodes and a reference to a Set object
- Set is a list structure (class), the objects (set) of which contain the nodes of the list in set.nodes
- groups and sets are both list structures that can contain arbitrary objects which can be iterated with foreach().
- you can get the objects two lists have in common as a new list with intersection()
- you can count the number of objects in a list with length()
//Create groups, going through the original sets
foreach(sets as set){
groups.addGroup(new Group(set.nodes, set));
foreach (groups as group){
if(group.nodes.length() == intersection(group.nodes,set.nodes).length()){
// the group is a subset of the set, so just add the set as a member the group
if (group.nodes.length() < set.nodes.length()){
// if the set has more nodes than the group that already exists,
// create a new group for the nodes of the set, with set as a member of that group
groups.addGroup(new Group(set.nodes, set));
// If group is not a subset of set, and the intersection of the nodes of the group
// and the nodes of the set
// is greater than one (they have more than one person in common), create a new group with
// those nodes they have in common, with set as a member of that group
else if(group.nodes.length() > intersection(group.nodes,set.nodes).length()
&& intersection(group.nodes,set.nodes).length()>1){
groups.addGroup(new Group(intersection(group.nodes,set.nodes), set);
// Cleanup time!
foreach(groups as group){
//delete any group with only one member set (for it is not really a group then)
if (group.sets.length<2){
// combine any groups that have the same set of nodes. Is this really needed?
foreach(groups2 as group2){
//if the size of the intersection of the groups is the same size as either of the
//groups, then the groups have the same nodes.
if (intersection(group.nodes,group2.nodes).length == group.nodes.length){
foreach(group2.sets as set2){
