Can i add custom icon to "outlook" item? - outlook

I am trying to add a custom icon to outlook items (inbox items list) using officejs addon for outlook.
If this is not possible with officejs then how can I achieve this using Exchange service or with any other tool or library?

You can change the icon, however, you have a choice of icons. You would need to use C# or VB.NET (eg VSTO Outlook-addin) or VBA.
I could not find a list of icon values you can use but here is an image of an old list - in case the link gets lost.
Source of the image and also partly answering your question.
To change the icon you need to use the MailItem.PropertyAccessor
Couple of Examples Const (these are hex values but you can use a Long as well)
Const OL_PHONE = &H15D
Const OL_GROUP = &H202
Const OL_NOTE = &H1BD
Const PR_ICON_INDEX As String = ""
Using the below helper methods
'use the Get to see the value of an icon
'prior to this code you would need to get a reference to an Outlook mailitem
Dim res As New Object
GetExtendedPropertyValue(oMailItem, PR_ICON_INDEX, res)
'check the value of res or call Hex(res) to see its hex value
'here you can set the icon eg OL_GROUP etc
SetExtendedPropertyValue(oMailItem, PR_ICON_INDEX, OL_PHONE)
Couple of helper methods I have made
Private Function GetExtendedPropertyValue(ByVal aMailItem As Outlook.MailItem, ByVal aProperty As String, ByRef res As Object) As Boolean
Dim oPropAcc As Outlook.PropertyAccessor = Nothing
oPropAcc = DirectCast(aMailItem.PropertyAccessor, Outlook.PropertyAccessor)
res = oPropAcc.GetProperty(aProperty)
Return True
Catch ex As System.Exception
'Put your own logging here
If Not oPropAcc Is Nothing Then
oPropAcc = Nothing
End If
End Try
Return False
End Function
Private Function SetExtendedPropertyValue(ByVal aMailItem As Outlook.MailItem, ByVal aProperty As String, ByVal value As Integer) As Boolean
Dim oPropAcc As Outlook.PropertyAccessor = Nothing
oPropAcc = DirectCast(aMailItem.PropertyAccessor, Outlook.PropertyAccessor)
oPropAcc.SetProperty(aProperty, value)
Return True
Catch ex As System.Exception
'Put your own logging here
If Not oPropAcc Is Nothing Then
oPropAcc = Nothing
End If
End Try
Return False
End Function
These three examples look like this
The PR_ICON_INDEX PidTagIconIndex Canonical Property can be found here and note that they do say
This property, if it exists, is a hint to the client. The client may ignore the value of this property.
However this does not seem to be the case.
Of course the icon change will not be permanent. If the user forwards the emails or replies then it would be changed.
By the way here is a nice way to find out the possible icons. Make a temp folder and copy a rubbish email into this folder 2048 times. Then run this code
Public Sub PrIconIndex()
Dim objItems As Items
Dim mail As MailItem
Dim i As Integer
Set objItems = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
For i = 1 To 2048
Set mail = objItems(i)
Call mail.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("", i)
mail.Body = CStr(i)
End Sub
The above come from this forum link

Currently the feature to add a custom icon to outlook items is not there. We track Outlook add-in feature requests on our user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered, when we go through our planning process.


Outlook add-in mailitem.display not working Visual Basic

I'm in the process of converting some outlook VBA macros to an Add-in. I am having difficulty with my macros that create emails based on a template. I decided to code a simple button to create and display a new email with the subject test.
Everything is working up to displaying the email which doesn't happen.
Private Sub ButtonGenEmail_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonGenEmail.Click
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
objApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application
objMail = objApp.CreateItem(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
objMail.Subject = "test"
End Sub
At one point I added msgbox "Done" after objMail.Display(False) and the message never appears.
Thanks in advance
This should obviously work. I'm not so skilled in Outlook but I guess the problem here is that you run it from a form (I see the Me.Close)
Isn't then Outlook blocking to display the mail because the form is still open (I guess modal = ShowDialog())?
I think you will have to either change the form to be not modal (use Show() instead of ShowDialog()) or handle the event after the form is closed, something like
All code below written from top of my mind, so I may miss something
A method from where you initialize the form
Dim frm as new YourForm()
if frm.MyState = TheyClickOnButton Then
' Run your mailItem code here
End If
in the form code
Public Enum State
Unknown = 0
End Enum
Public Property MyState as State
Private Sub ButtonGenEmail_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonGenEmail.Click
MyState = TheyClickedOnButton
End Sub

Unbound imagecontrol ONLY show First image when imagelink is added in a 1:N relation

Entry is via a subform for adding/showing/linking images.
I do not want to store the image files within my DB, the image folder is separate. The DB will grow rather large in time.
I have created a click-control enabling a popup for user to browse and click on the imagePATH to be added in a Bound Textfield (called Bildadress, no not misspelled in My country, Grin ) in the subform.
See code below.
Then I add a new unbound Image-control and specify its Controlsource = the Textfield mentioned above.
For the firs image this works wonderful, but for the following the Image-control returns NULL (not show att all). The data in the Textfield updates as it should.
Will the 2nd stage only work in a 1:1 relationship OR can I (with your help) use VBA code to make this work?
OPTIMAL would be to get this to work and also a 2nd Bound Textfield just displaying the actual image file name. .
I hope someone out there have encountered this problem who also didnt want to use Attachment to store the files within the databae.
Private Sub AddFilePath_Click()
Call Selectfile
End Sub
Public Function Selectfile() As String
Dim Fd As FileDialog
Set Fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
With Fd
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Välj önskad fil"
If .Show = True Then
Selectfile = .SelectedItems(1)
Me.Bildadress = Selectfile
Exit Function
End If
End With
Set Fd = Nothing
End Function
If you use a bound textbox that holds the image-path then you can use
Me.Imagecontrol.Picture = Me.BoundTextControl.Value
to load the picture into an unbound image control. In your case that would be something like
If .Show = True Then
Me.Bildadress.value = .SelectedItems(1)
Me.Bild.Picture = Me.Bildadress.value
It would be best to also load the respective picture in the OnCurrent Event.
Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.Bild.Picture = Me.Bildadress.value
End Sub
However, keep in mind that access is a one-file-database and you break that paradigm when using links to external files where the files would belong into the DB.

textbox validation in vb6 (disable paste option)

validation on textbox in vb 6.0
i tried
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If Not (KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = vbKeyDelete Or KeyAscii = vbKeySpace Or (KeyAscii >= Asc("1") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9"))) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
but now i want that paste option should disable when i right click on textbox
If you want to prevent right-click menu items from being used on the textbox you can create your own context menu.
Then, using API calls you need to unhook the default menu from the textbox and hook up the custom menu.
(I'm not aware of other APIs which only let you disable/hide items in the existing context menu)
The downside off course is that any menu item you want to keep such as copy or delete you need to write the code for yourself.
You can find a very good explenation on how to do this here Disable right click menu inside a textbox and here Weird reaction on a popup menu
What next,.. what is if the user uses CTRL+V to paste? Or what if the user has paste mapped to different key combinations, other than CTRL+V?
Validate the data instead?
You can end up writing a lot of code trying to prevent data entry. Why not save that work and instead let the user enter what they like and use the validate event to validate the data?
I wrote a sample on another site on using the validate event of a textbox here: Validate Value Is Numeric. That link also has a vb6 demo project I put together attached in the post.
The type of validation is irrelevant I suppose, it simply demonstrates using the validate event allows you to focus on validating the data, rather than trying to code every single possible way you can think of trying to prevent data to be entered in the first place.
The Validate event is triggered before lostfocus and before the next control's getfocus.
Only if the validate event is not told to cancel the action, will the lostfocus event and any subsequent event be executed.
The Validate event is intended to be used to ensure the control's value is validated before executing any other event.
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Text1.Tag <> Text1.Text Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Tag
Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Text1.Tag = Text1.Text & Chr(KeyAscii)
End Sub
Old problem but still relevant with legacy projects.
The solution proposed by Sam Sylvester is interesting but doesn't allow you to delete characters (use backspace) and appends the 22 ASCII character (Ctrl + V) in the textbox (which is bad).
This solution I found worked for me (prevents paste using Ctrl + V and also using the context menu):
Dim preventPasteFlag As Boolean
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If preventPasteFlag Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Tag
preventPasteFlag = False
Text1.Tag = Text1.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 22 Then
preventPasteFlag = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
preventPasteFlag = True
End If
End Sub
this is quite similar:
Private Sub Text1_Change()
Dim i As Long, sTemp As String
For i = 1 To Len(Text1)
If InStr(1, "0123456789", Mid$(Text1, i, 1)) > 0 Then sTemp = sTemp & Mid$(Text1, i, 1)
Text1 = sTemp
End Sub

Dynamically created LinkButton not firing any events

I'm customising the Group Headers on a Telerik RadGrid by injecting a LinkButton into it during the ItemDataBound event. The button renders perfectly, but I can't get it to hit any event handlers.
Here is the code for the button creation:
Private Sub rgWorkRequestItemCosts_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemEventArgs) Handles rgWorkRequestItemCosts.ItemDataBound
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridGroupHeaderItem Then
Dim oItem As GridGroupHeaderItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridGroupHeaderItem)
Dim lnkAdd As New LinkButton()
lnkAdd.ID = "lnkAdd"
lnkAdd.CommandName = "CustomAddWorkRequestItemCost"
lnkAdd.CommandArgument = DirectCast(oItem.DataItem, DataRowView).Row("nWorkRequestItemID").ToString()
lnkAdd.Text = String.Format("<img style=""border:0px"" alt="""" width=""12"" src=""{0}"" /> Add new cost", ResolveUrl(String.Format("~/App_Themes/{0}/Grid/AddRecord.gif", Page.Theme)))
lnkAdd.Style("color") = "#000000"
lnkAdd.Style("text-decoration") = "none"
AddHandler lnkAdd.Click, AddressOf lnkAdd_Click
Dim tcPlaceholder As GridTableCell = DirectCast(oItem.Controls(1), GridTableCell)
Dim litText As New LiteralControl(String.Format(" {0}", tcPlaceholder.Text))
tcPlaceholder.Text = String.Empty
End If
End Sub
This code explicitly adds a handler for the LinkButton, but that handler is never hit. I've also tried events on the RadGrid (ItemCommand, ItemEvent) but none seem to get hit.
Has anyone got any suggestions of other events to try, or ways to make this work?
I wasn't able to find a "nice" solution to this. In the end I did the following:
Created the button in the
ItemCreated event handler, setting
its CommandArgument to a counter
which was incremented for every
group header created
Again created the button in the
ItemDataBound event, again settings
its CommandArgument to the counter
value. At this point I added a
record to a dictionary object
(stored in ViewState) linking the
counter to the actual value of the
Handled the click event of the
button, extracting the group value
from the dictionary in viewstate to
complete the processing.
Ugly, but it works.

How to call a visio macro from a stencil

i have written some Macros for Visio. Now I copied these to a Stencil called Macros.vss
How can I call my Macros now?
It all depends on what the macros do and how you'd like to call them. I'm going to assume they're simply macros that will execute something within the active Visio page.
By default in Visio VBA, any public subs with no arguments get added to the Visio Tools->Macros menu, in a folder named by the document holding the macros (in this case Macros) and then separated into folders by module name. If you're the only person using the macros then you probably don't need to do anything else.
However, since you put them in a vss file I'll assume you'd like to distribute them to other people.
There's something funny (and by funny I mean irritating) about Visio and how toolbars and buttons work, when added programmatically. Unfortunately, when you create a toolbar using the UIObject and Toolbar and ToolbarItem classes, Visio is going to assume the code you're calling resides in the active drawing, and cannot be in a stencil. So I can give you a little guidance on using those classes, but basically it consists of distributing a .vst template along with your .vss files, with just a single required sub in the .vst file.
So, instead of using a custom toolbar, you can attach code to shape masters in your .vss file that execute the code when they get dropped on a drawing document (using CALLTHIS and the EventDrop event in the shapesheet). With this method I just have a sub that gets called using callthis that takes a shape object as an argument, executes some code, then deletes the shape (if I don't want it around anymore).
And lastly, you can manipulate the Visio UI programmatically to add a toolbar and buttons for your macros. Below is some sample code, basically the way I do it with a solution I developed. As I mentioned above, the most important part of using this method is to have a document template (.vst) that holds a sub (with the below code it must be named RunStencilMacro) that takes a string as an argument. This string should be the "DocumentName.ModuleName.SubName". This sub must take the DocumentName out of the string, and get a Document object handle to that document. Then it must do ExecuteLine on that document with the ModuleName.SubName portion. You'll have to step through the code and figure some things out, but once you get the hang of what's going on it should make sense.
I'm not sure of any other ways to execute the macros interactively with VBA. I think exe and COM addons may not have this issue with toolbars...
Private Sub ExampleUI()
Dim UI As Visio.UIObject
Dim ToolbarSet As Visio.ToolbarSet
Dim Toolbars As Visio.Toolbars
Dim Toolbar As Visio.Toolbar
Dim ToolbarItems As Visio.ToolbarItems
Dim ToolbarItem As Visio.ToolbarItem
Dim TotalToolBars As Integer
Dim Toolbarpos As Integer
Const ToolbarName = "My Toolbar"
' Get the UIObject object for the toolbars.
If Visio.Application.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then
If Visio.ActiveDocument.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then
Set UI = Visio.Application.BuiltInToolbars(0)
Set UI = Visio.ActiveDocument.CustomToolbars
End If
Set UI = Visio.Application.CustomToolbars
End If
Set ToolbarSet = UI.ToolbarSets.ItemAtID(visUIObjSetDrawing)
' Delete toolbar if it exists already
TotalToolBars = ToolbarSet.Toolbars.Count
For i = 1 To TotalToolBars
Set Toolbar = ToolbarSet.Toolbars.Item(i - 1)
If Toolbar.Caption = ToolbarName Then
Toolbar.Visible = False
Exit For
End If
' create toolbar
Set Toolbar = ToolbarSet.Toolbars.Add
Toolbar.Caption = ToolbarName
Dim IconPos As Long ' counter to determine where to put a button in the toolbar
IconPos = IconPos + 1
Dim IconFunction As String
IconFunction = """Macros.Module1.SubName"""
Set ToolbarItem = Toolbar.ToolbarItems.AddAt(IconPos)
With ToolbarItem
.AddOnName = "RunStencilMacro """ & IconFunction & """"
.Caption = "Button 1"
.CntrlType = Visio.visCtrlTypeBUTTON
.Enabled = True
.state = Visio.visButtonUp
.Style = Visio.visButtonIcon
.Visible = True
.IconFileName ("16x16IconFullFilePath.ico")
End With
' Now establish the position of this toolbar
With Toolbar
.Position = visBarTop 'Top overall docking area
.Left = 0 'Puts it x pixels from the left
.RowIndex = 13
.Protection = visBarNoCustomize
Toolbar.Enabled = True
.Visible = True
End With
Visio.Application.SetCustomToolbars UI
Visio.ActiveDocument.SetCustomToolbars UI
End Sub
