Something strange happens with routing in my Blazor application. If I put wrong URL like http://localhost:57222/xxxx - error in URL captures and processed normally, but if I put wrong URL like http://localhost:57222/xxxx/yyyy - Blazor engine not found anything, even http://localhost:57222/xxxx/yyyy/_framework/blazor.server.js, as a result I can not see a correct page "Sorry, there's nothing at this address."
In other case I try to use Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI with Blazor, but I can not receive debugging message "Route matched with {page = "/Account/Login", area = "Identity"}. Executing page /Account/Login" I expected and I have no redirection to Identity.UI components.
I have configured route in the same way
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapAreaControllerRoute("admin_route", "Admin", "Admin/{controller}/{action}/{id?}");
endpoints.MapAreaControllerRoute("identityUI_route", "Identity", "Identity/Account/{action}/{id?}");
Admin panel and main branch without Areas working fine, but (1) something strange happens in error handling and (2) I have not call Identity.UI.
How is possible to trace and debugging this issue?
I'm creating a SPA using vanilla JavaScript and currently setting up sw-precache to handle the caching of resources. The service worker is generated as part of a gulp build and installed successfully. When I navigate to the root url ( whilst offline the app shell displays, illustrating that resources are indeed cached.
I'm now attempting to get the SW to handle internal routing without failing. When navigating to whilst offline I get the message 'Site can't be reached'.
The app handles this routing on the client side via a series of event listeners on the users actions or, in the case of using the back button, the url. When accessing one of these urls, no calls to the server should be made. As such, the service worker should allow these links to 'fall through' to the client side code.
I've tried a few things and expected this Q/A to solve the problem. I've included the current state of the generate-service-worker gulp task, and with this setup I'd expect to be able to access /dashboard_index offine. Once this is working I can adapt the solution to cover other routes.
Any help much appreciated.
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', function(callback) {
var rootDir = './public';
swPrecache.write(path.join(rootDir, 'sw.js'), {
staticFileGlobs: [rootDir + '/*/*.{js,html,png,jpg,gif,svg}',
rootDir + '/*.{js,html,png,jpg,gif,json}'],
stripPrefix: rootDir,
navigateFallback: '/',
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/\/dashboard_index/],
runtimeCaching: [{
urlPattern: /^http:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:8080/getAllData, // Req returns all data the app needs
handler: 'networkFirst'
verbose: true
}, callback);
The code to the application can be found here.
Removing the option navigateFallbackWhitelist does not chage the result.
Navigating to /dashboard_index whilst offline prints the following to the console.
sw.js:1 An unknown error occurred when fetching the script. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
The same An unknown error occurred when fetching the script. is also duplicated in the 'application > service workers' tab of chrome debug tools.
It's also noted that the runtimeCaching option is not caching the json response returned from that route.
For the record, in case anyone else runs into this, I believe this answer from the comments should address the issue:
Can you switch from navigateFallback: '/' to navigateFallback:
'/index.html'? You don't have an entry for '/' in your list of
precached resources, but you do have an entry for '/index.html'.
There's some logic in place to automatically treat '/' and
'/index.html' as being equivalent, but that doesn't apply to what
navigateFallback is doing...
I want to have an error Page if My Aplication cannot connect to Database.
But for now I have sth like this:
Then If I step over I have an error in Layout where I check if IsAuthenticated it also shows an error in
<li>#if (WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
if (User.IsInRole("admin"))
{#Html.ActionLink("Admin Panel", "Index", "Admin")}
But it only happens if I am logged in.
If I am not logged in then it only shows an error which I showed in Picture,
Then if I click step over I get an error page in web browser which is a result I want to have.
Q: How to get an error Page if Database is not connected without going to VS10 to code view ?
I also have an error controller and it works for displaying error page if someone types wrong www address.
Can't get my head around $urlRouterPovider...
basically whenever I go to a link it should load associated view and controller. So that works.
$stateProvider.state('views', {
url: "/:view",
templateUrl: function(stateParams, formResolver) {
return "views/" + stateParams.view + "/" + stateParams.view + "-view.html";
controllerProvider: function($stateParams) {
return "" + $stateParams.view + "Ctrl";
So whenever user goes to http://localhost:3030/#/foo, it loads "views/foo/foo.html" with controller as "fooCtrl", and goes to home by default, and for all other cases errror.
That is cool. What I need though, whenever user goes to http://localhost:3030/#/auth it would redirect to "/auth" on the server, skipping stateProvider. Currently it sees that as a state and tries to find corresponding view and controller.
If you need to redirect them to the server you need to leave out the #/ part of the URL.
The browser ignores the the #/ portion of the URL, which is how AngularJS is able to allow the page you server from localhost:3030/#/ handle the request. This is essentially still just requesting localhost:3030/
If you are wanting to do a true redirect or navigation to /auth on your server, ignore state for that request - you want your browser to make a straight-up HTTP request pointed directly at your server. Use /auth as the action in your form, or post to /auth from within your controller. When you are done on the server, redirect the user back to your Angular application.
Remember as well that you need to have some mechanism for your AngularJS application to know ehnIn our applications, we have the server set a cookie with a JWT token in it that is then used by the AngularJS application to retrieve the user information. This way the AngularJS application knows how to tell when a the user is really logged in (vs. a user going to a URL that represents a logged-in state).
I am developing an application with Symfony2 platform that, at one moment, makes a simple AJAX request on document ready.
url: 'test.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
'test': 'test'
success: function( response ){
jQuery( 'div#container' ).html( response );
The problem is that on app_dev.php, where the debug toolbar is loaded, an 500 error is throwed.
More precisely, the AJAX response from the 'test.php' file is received and loaded in the div container, but then, when it tries to load the toolbar, I receive an alert message:
"An error occured while loading the web debug toolbar (500: Internal
Server Error). Do you want to open the profiler?"
If I open profiler, I don't see anything wrong.
If I open the xhr request for the toolbar, a FastCGI 500 error is displayed:
Module FastCgiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler PHP54_via_FastCGI
Error Code 0x000000ff
If I don't try to make the AJAX request, the toolbar is loaded with no problem.
If I make the request by hand (event on a button) after the toolbar is loaded, again, no problem. If I make the request by hand (event on a button) before the toolbar is loaded the error is throwed.
This error occur only on the local machine (with ISS 7.5, PHP 5.4.14). On the production server (IIS server 8.0, same and PHP) the AJAX request is made, and the toolbar is loaded with no problems. I have replaced the php.ini on the local machine with the php.ini from the production server - same problem.
Initialy AJAX request was loading the result of a simple bundle controller method, but then I have tried with a simple PHP file 'test.php', same problem.
I have tried with post and get methods to make the request.
Does anyone have any ideea what goes wrong?
This is not a serious problem since I have multiple options the develop this app, but is bugging me, and I already lost a enough time with this.
PS: if it make any difference, on same machine I have developed an application - no framework - that makes, multiple simultaneos ajax requests.
The following will not fix your error, but provides an alternative way to possibly achieve your need. It seems you want to load asynchronously a part of your website, Symfony2 provides a solution for that: ESI render.
The doc is here:
This method will create an ajax call only then your page will be rendered.
I'm trying to get my MVC3 site to redirect from HTTPS back to HTTP when the user browses to a page where it's not required (and they aren't logged in). I Don't want to have the load of running the whole site HTTPS but it's looking like thats the way I'll have to go.
I've been having loads of trouble with remote debug and symbols, but having gone back in time to 1985 and using message box equivalents to debug with I've come to the following conclusion:
if (filterContext.ActionDescriptor
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequireHttpsAttribute), true)
return true;
return false;
Always returns false.
The controller def starts as:
ConfigurationKeyAllowedSingleIPs = "AllowedAdminSingleIPs",
ConfigurationKeyAllowedMaskedIPs = "AllowedAdminMaskedIPs",
ConfigurationKeyDeniedSingleIPs = "DeniedAdminSingleIPs",
ConfigurationKeyDeniedMaskedIPs = "DeniedAdminMaskedIPs"
public class AccountController : Controller
And it doesn't seem to work for any actions in this controller (although they do get successfully routed to SSL).
Any suggestions? I'd love to see an answer for what I perceive as my own nubery ;)
Custom NotRequreHttpsAttribute tutorial
I use the above link post to implement my custom attribute, and redirect from https to http. Hope this helps.
My problem was discovered to be related to the bindings on the server published to. We use the same server for stage and production, and the stage https bindings were not set, so whenever it was calling an https page it was resolving into our production site (which looked the same so it was hard to spot).
Once I added a binding it was all solved. My code was ok...