Cache internal routes with sw-precache - caching

I'm creating a SPA using vanilla JavaScript and currently setting up sw-precache to handle the caching of resources. The service worker is generated as part of a gulp build and installed successfully. When I navigate to the root url ( whilst offline the app shell displays, illustrating that resources are indeed cached.
I'm now attempting to get the SW to handle internal routing without failing. When navigating to whilst offline I get the message 'Site can't be reached'.
The app handles this routing on the client side via a series of event listeners on the users actions or, in the case of using the back button, the url. When accessing one of these urls, no calls to the server should be made. As such, the service worker should allow these links to 'fall through' to the client side code.
I've tried a few things and expected this Q/A to solve the problem. I've included the current state of the generate-service-worker gulp task, and with this setup I'd expect to be able to access /dashboard_index offine. Once this is working I can adapt the solution to cover other routes.
Any help much appreciated.
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', function(callback) {
var rootDir = './public';
swPrecache.write(path.join(rootDir, 'sw.js'), {
staticFileGlobs: [rootDir + '/*/*.{js,html,png,jpg,gif,svg}',
rootDir + '/*.{js,html,png,jpg,gif,json}'],
stripPrefix: rootDir,
navigateFallback: '/',
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/\/dashboard_index/],
runtimeCaching: [{
urlPattern: /^http:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:8080/getAllData, // Req returns all data the app needs
handler: 'networkFirst'
verbose: true
}, callback);
The code to the application can be found here.
Removing the option navigateFallbackWhitelist does not chage the result.
Navigating to /dashboard_index whilst offline prints the following to the console.
sw.js:1 An unknown error occurred when fetching the script. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
The same An unknown error occurred when fetching the script. is also duplicated in the 'application > service workers' tab of chrome debug tools.
It's also noted that the runtimeCaching option is not caching the json response returned from that route.

For the record, in case anyone else runs into this, I believe this answer from the comments should address the issue:
Can you switch from navigateFallback: '/' to navigateFallback:
'/index.html'? You don't have an entry for '/' in your list of
precached resources, but you do have an entry for '/index.html'.
There's some logic in place to automatically treat '/' and
'/index.html' as being equivalent, but that doesn't apply to what
navigateFallback is doing...


slash command "dispatch_failed"

I have went through creating the custom slash command configuration via slack and installed it on workspace. However when I run it I get this
/testing failed with the error "dispatch_failed"
I tried multiple workspaces but same issue. Anyone experienced this?
So after a few tests, I found out that this is just a generic message of anything that fails at slack at this point. I have first my endpoint that was unreachable. So it was returning this message. I fixed that, used ngrok for tunnel so that I could debug and that is how I found this issue.
Also, this error can occur due to the following reasons as well.
Errors in code
Unreachable backend or Invalidly configured slash command in the app
While the documentation tells you:
"use the Request URL is your base server link + "/slashcommand" after it"
This is incorrect. The request URL should be: "/slack/events"
Of course the command needs to match whats in the 'edit command' window and in the method '.command' in your app.js:
app.command('/flash-card', async ({ ack, body, client })
If you're using ngrok http <port> to test in your localhost, be aware that a new ngrok public URL is created every time you run this command. So in, in your app's Features, you may have to update your Slash Command' request URL with the current ngrok URL generated for you.
You need to set the Method in the Integration Settings to GET, is default to POST
This is also the error for a 404 Not Found.
If you're developing offline with ngrok, the 404 error can be seen in the terminal.
If you're deploying with serverless, ensure that you're handling the new endpoint /slack/command. One solution is to create a separate handler, i.e. /command.js
handler: app.handler
- http:
path: slack/events
method: post
handler: command.handler
- http:
path: slack/command
method: post
[If your code is executing and u still have this error]
In my case using Slackbolt with js I forgot to add
await ack();
in called function so Slack api throw error.

How to properly connect Nuxt.js with a laravel backend?

I am starting a new project, Nuxt.js for the frontend and Laravel for the backend.
How can I connect the two?
I have installed a new Nuxt project using create-nuxt-app, and a new laravel project.
As far as I have searched, I figured I need some kind of environment variables.
In my nuxt project, I have added the dotenv package and placed a new .env file in the root of the nuxt project.
And added CORS to my laravel project, as I have been getting an error.
The variables inside are indeed accessible from the project, and im using them
like this:
And accessing it like this:
process.env.APP_NAME etc'
To make HTTP calls, I am using the official Axios module of nuxt.js, and to test it i used it in one of the components that came by default.
The backend:
Route::get('/', function () {
return "Hello from Laravel API";
and from inside the component:
//But this gives undefined
this.$axios.$get(process.env.API_URL).then((response) => {
What am I doing wrong here?
I have tried to describe my setup and problem as best as I can. If I overlooked something, please tell me and I will update my question. Thanks.
Taking for granted that visiting in your browser you get the expected response, lets see what might be wrong in the front end:
First you should make sure that axios module is initialized correctly. Your nuxt.config.js file should include the following
//inclusion of module
modules: [
<other modules>,
//configuration of module
axios: {
baseURL: process.env.API_URL,
Keep in mind that depending on the component's lifecycle, your axios request may be occurring in the client side (after server side rendering), where the address might be invalid. I would suggest that you avoid using or localhost when defining api_uris, and prefer using your local network ip for local testing.
After configuring the axios module as above, you can make requests in your components using just relative api uris:
this.$axios.$get('/').then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
While testing if this works it is very helpful to open your browser's dev tools > network tab and check the state of the request. If you still don't get the response, the odds are that you'll have more info either from the catch section, or the request status from the dev tools.
Keep us updated!
Nuxt has a routing file stucture to make it easy to set up server side rendering but also to help with maintainability too. This can cause Laravel and Nuxt to fight over the routing, you will need to configure this to get it working correctly.
I'd suggest you use Laravel-Nuxt as a lot of these small problems are solved for you.

Localhost returns 404.3 when fetching json through ajax (Windows 8.1)

So I have been getting the infamous 404.3 error when trying to use AXAJ to access a .json file launching the site (or more of a test app hehe) through WebMatrix on localhost.
Yes, I am aware of the IIS configuration. I am on Windows 8.1(x64), so I had to even turn on MIME types functionality separately. I configured a MIME type for .json with application/javascript. Then I went and added a handler to *.json, pointed it to C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll. I set the verbs to GET and POST (those are what I use in my ajax function). I also tried unchecking the "Invoke the handler only if request is mapped to..." to no avail.
I am using one function to send data to PHP file which writes it to the JSON file and then another to fetch data from the JSON file directly. Writing through PHP works. Fetching doesn't. I am completely at a loss, does anyone have any ideas? The code I am using to fetch the data is your bog-standard ajax:
function getDate(path, callback) {
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
if (httpRequest.status === 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText);
if (callback) callback(data);
};'GET', path);
When I host this on my server space, it works totally fine. But I want to get it to work locally for testing purposes as well.
If writing to the file works but fetching doesn't work. Then you should check for the link of the file.
The error 404 as the name refers to, is an error for the file name. There isn't any other sort of error, even the Ajax request is working fine and giving the error 404 (file not found). So the only thing that you can do is, to make sure that while fetching the data, you use the correct link.
Here can be a help, when you send the Request through Ajax, there is a Network tab in your Browser's console. Open it, and look for the request. It would in red color denoting an error and click it. You'll see that the link you're providing isn't valid.
Look for the errors in the File Link then and update it.
The lengths I go to, to clean up my profile...
When you require a JSON format, or any file for that matter you have to specify in your request what data type you need, IIS will not make any assumptions. So
xhr.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json');
is something one must not forget. I set also the X-Requested-With header. Note that to reproduce this issue I used IIS that is installed on Windows 10 Pro, so not exactly the same system (3 years later - holy crap!).

Symfony2, jQuery Ajax request, web debug toolbar, 500 Internal Server Error

I am developing an application with Symfony2 platform that, at one moment, makes a simple AJAX request on document ready.
url: 'test.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
'test': 'test'
success: function( response ){
jQuery( 'div#container' ).html( response );
The problem is that on app_dev.php, where the debug toolbar is loaded, an 500 error is throwed.
More precisely, the AJAX response from the 'test.php' file is received and loaded in the div container, but then, when it tries to load the toolbar, I receive an alert message:
"An error occured while loading the web debug toolbar (500: Internal
Server Error). Do you want to open the profiler?"
If I open profiler, I don't see anything wrong.
If I open the xhr request for the toolbar, a FastCGI 500 error is displayed:
Module FastCgiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler PHP54_via_FastCGI
Error Code 0x000000ff
If I don't try to make the AJAX request, the toolbar is loaded with no problem.
If I make the request by hand (event on a button) after the toolbar is loaded, again, no problem. If I make the request by hand (event on a button) before the toolbar is loaded the error is throwed.
This error occur only on the local machine (with ISS 7.5, PHP 5.4.14). On the production server (IIS server 8.0, same and PHP) the AJAX request is made, and the toolbar is loaded with no problems. I have replaced the php.ini on the local machine with the php.ini from the production server - same problem.
Initialy AJAX request was loading the result of a simple bundle controller method, but then I have tried with a simple PHP file 'test.php', same problem.
I have tried with post and get methods to make the request.
Does anyone have any ideea what goes wrong?
This is not a serious problem since I have multiple options the develop this app, but is bugging me, and I already lost a enough time with this.
PS: if it make any difference, on same machine I have developed an application - no framework - that makes, multiple simultaneos ajax requests.
The following will not fix your error, but provides an alternative way to possibly achieve your need. It seems you want to load asynchronously a part of your website, Symfony2 provides a solution for that: ESI render.
The doc is here:
This method will create an ajax call only then your page will be rendered.

Crawling Ajax.request url directly ... permission error

I need to crawl a web board, which uses ajax for dynamic update/hide/show of comments without reloading the corresponding post.
I am blocked by this comment area.
In Ajax.request, url is specified with a path without host name like this :
new Ajax(**'/bbs/comment_db/load.php'**, {
update : $('comment_result'),
evalScripts : true,
method : 'post',
data : 'id=work_gallery&no=i7dg&sno='+npage+'&spl='+splno+'&mno='+cmx+'&ksearch='+$('ksearch').value,
onComplete : function() {
try {
} catch(err) {}
If I try to access the url with the full host name then
I just got the message: "Permission Error" :
new Ajax(**''**, {
update : $('comment_result'),
evalScripts : true,
method : 'post',
data : 'id=work_gallery&no=i7dg&sno='+npage+'&spl='+splno+'&mno='+cmx+'&ksearch='+$('ksearch').value,
onComplete : function() {
try {
} catch(err) {}
will result in the same error.
This is the same even when I call the actual php url in the web browser like this:'id=work_gallery&..'
I guess that the php module is restricted to be called by an url in the same host.
Any idea for crawling this data ?
Thanks in advance.
-- Shin
Cross site XMLHttpRequest are forbidden by most browsers. If you want to crawl different sites, you will need to do it in a server side script.
As mentioned by darin, the XMLHttpRequest Object (which is the essence of Ajax requests) has security restrictions on calling cross-site HTTP requests, I believe its called the "Same Origin Policy for JavaScript".
While there is a working group within the W3C who have proposed new Access Control for Cross-Site Requests recommendation the restriction still remains in effect for most mainstream browsers.
I found some information on the Mozilla Developer Network that may provide a better explanation.
In your case, it appears that you are using the Prototype JavaScript framework, where Ajax.Request still uses the XMLHttpRequest object for its Ajax requests.
might well be your problem: the host serving the request likely rejects get requests, which is all you can throw at it from a browser address bar. if this is what's happening, you'll need to find or install some sort of scripting tool capable of doing the job (perl would be my choice, and unless you're running Windows, you'll already have that).
I do have to wonder whether what you're trying to do is legit, though: trawling other sites' comment databases isn't usually encouraged.
I would solve this by running a PHP script locally that will do the crawling from outside pages. That way jQuery doesn't have to go to an outside domain.
