How can I efficiently calculate ak mod m where a,k,m are very large numbers and k might be up to 109 or more, a might be up to 106.
Here a is a prime but k and m might not be primes.
Is my only option is calculating a1 mod m, a2 mod m, a4 mod m etc based on binary representation of k or is there any easy way to reduce k to a smaller number?
This problem is similar to the "skip ahead" for linear congruential random number generators. There is formula for this in
Brown, Forrest, B.: Random Number Generation with Arbitrary Strides. Argonne National Laboratory, 1994.
For example:
Let's say N = 128.
We want to divide each positive integer up to and including N, by say, 8.
So we would perform integer division for:
In looking this up, I see that bit shift operations are the way to go and that any good compiler will automatically do it that way in the first place. But nonetheless, I can't seem to find any big O function for this type of algorithm.
To sum up: given a positive integer N, and a number Y which is a power of 2, what is the efficiency of an algorithm which divides each of the numbers 1,2,3,...,N by Y?
Suppose n, a, b are positive integers where n is not a prime number, such that n=ab with a≥b and (a−b) is small as possible. What would be the best algorithm to find the values of a and b if n is given?
I read a solution where they try to represent n as the difference between two squares via searching for a square S bigger than n such that S - n = (another square). Why would that be better than simply finding the prime factors of n and searching for the combination where a,b are factors of n and a - b is minimized? answer why your approach
simply finding the prime factors of n and searching for the combination where a,b are factors of n and a - b is minimized
is not optimal:
Suppose your number is n = 2^7 * 3^4 * 5^2 * 7 * 11 * 13 (=259459200), well within range of int. From the combinatorics theory, this number has exactly (8 * 5 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 960) factors. So, firstly you find all of these 960 factors, then find all pairs (a,b) such that a * b = n, which in this case will be (6C1 + 9C2 + 11C3 + 13C4 + 14C5 + 15C6 + 16C7 + 16C8) ways. (if I'm not wrong, my combinatorics is a bit weak). This is of the order 1e5 if implemented optimally. Also, implementation of this approach is hard.
Now, why the difference of squares approach
represent S - n = Q, such that S and Q are perfect squares
is good:
This is because if you can represent S - n = Q, this implies, n = S - Q
=> n = s^2 - q^2
=> n = (s+q)(s-q)
=> Your reqd ans = 2 * q
Now, even if you iterate for all squares, you will either find your answer or terminate when difference of 2 consecutive squares is greater than n
But I don't think this will be doable for all n (eg. if n=6, there is no solution for (S,Q).)
Another approach:
Iterate from floor(sqrt(n)) to 1. The first number (say, x), such that x|n will be one of the numbers in the required pair (a,b). Other will be, obvs, y = x/n. So, your answer will be y - x.
This is O(sqrt(n)) time complex algorithm.
A general method could be this:
Find the prime factorization of your number: n = Π pi ai. Except for the worst cases where n is prime or semiprime, this will be substantially faster than O(n1/2) time of the iteration down from the square root, which won't divide the found factors out of the number.
Recall that the simplest, trial division, prime factorization is done by repeatedly trying to divide the number by increasing odd numbers (or by primes) below the number's square root, dividing out of the number each factor -- thus prime by construction -- as it is found (n := n/f).
Then, lazily enumerate the factors of n in order from its prime factorization. Stop after producing half of them. Having thus found n's (not necessarily prime) factor that is closest to its square root, find the second factor by simple division.
In case this must repeatedly run many times, it will greatly pay out to precalculate the needed primes below the n's square root, to use in the factorizations.
I'm interested in tips for my algorithm that I use to find out the divisors of a very large number, more specifically "n over k" or C(n, k). The number itself can range very high, so it really needs to take time complexity into the 'equation' so to say.
The formula for n over k is n! / (k!(n-k)!) and I understand that I must try to exploit the fact that factorials are kind of 'recursive' somehow - but I havent yet read too much discrete mathematics so the problem is both of a mathematical and a programming nature.
I guess what I'm really looking for are just some tips heading me in the right direction - I'm really stuck.
First you could start with the fact that : C(n,k) = (n/k) C(n-1,k-1).
You can prouve that C(n,k) is divisible by n/gcd(n,k).
If n is prime then n divides C(n,k).
Check Kummer's theorem: if p is a prime number, n a positive number, and k a positive number with 0< k < n then the greatest exponent r for which p^r divides C(n,k) is the number of carries needed in the subtraction n-k in base p.
Let us suppose that n>4 :
if p>n then p cannot divide C(n,k) because in base p, n and k are only one digit wide → no carry in the subtraction
so we have to check for prime divisors in [2;n]. As C(n,k)=C(n,n-k) we can suppose k≤n/2 and n/2≤n-k≤n
for the prime divisors in the range [n/2;n] we have n/2 < p≤n, or equivalently p≤n<2p. We have p≥2 so p≤n < p² which implies that n has exactly 2 digits when written in base p and the first digit has to be 1. As k≤n/2 < p, k can only be one digit wide. Either the subtraction as one carry and one only when n-k< p ⇒ p divides C(n,k); either the subtraction has no carry and p does not divide C(n,k).
The first result is :
every prime number in [n-k;n] is a prime divisor of C(n,k) with exponent 1.
no prime number in [n/2;n-k] is a prime divisor of C(n,k).
in [sqrt(n); n/2] we have 2p≤n< p², n is exactly 2 digits wide in base p, k< n implies k has at most 2 digits. Two cases: only one carry on no carry at all. A carry exists only if the last digit of n is greater than the last digit of p iif n modulo p < k modulo p
The second result is :
For every prime number p in [sqrt(n);n/2]
p divides C(n;k) with exponent 1 iff n mod p < k mod p
p does not divide C(n;k) iff n mod p ≥ k mod p
in the range [2; sqrt(n)] we have to check all the prime numbers. It's only in this range that a prime divisor will have an exponent greater than 1
There will be an awful lot of divisors. If you only need prime divisors, then this is easy for each prime: the exponent of p in n! is [n/p] + [n/p^2] + [n/p^3] + ... where [x] denotes the integer part of x. There will be only a finite number of non-zero terms. You can reuse the result of [n/p^t] to calculate [n/p^(t+1)].
As an example, how many zeroes are at the end of 2022!? Let's find the number of times 5 divides 2022!
[2022/5] = 404
[404/5] = 80
[80/5] = 16
[16/5] = 3
[3/5] = 0
So 5 divides 2022! 404+80+16+3=503 times, and 2 obviously more times than that, so 10=5*2 does it 503 times. Check.
So in order to find how many times a prime p divides a binomial coefficient C(n,k), di the above calculation for n, k and n-k separately, and subtract:
the exponent of p in C(n,k) = (the exponent of p in n!) -
(the exponent of p in k!) -
(the exponent of p in (n-k)!)
Now repeat this for all prime numbers less or equal than sqrt(n), and you are done.
This is essentially the same calculation as in the other answer but without computing numbers base p explicitly, so it could be a bit easier to perform in practice.
I'm looking for a speedy algorithm to find the roots of a univariate polynomial in a prime finite field.
That is, if f = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ... + anxn (n > 0) then an algorithm that finds all r < p satisfying f(r) = 0 mod p, for a given prime p.
I found Chiens search algorithm but I can't imagine this being that fast for primes greater than 20 bits. Does anyone have experience with Chien's search algorithm or know a faster way? Is there a sympy module for this?
This is pretty well studied, as mcdowella's comment indicates. Here is how the Cantor-Zassenhaus random algorithm works for the case where you want to find the roots of a polynomial, instead of the more general factorization.
Note that in the ring of polynomials with coefficients mod p, the product x(x-1)(x-2)...(x-p+1) has all possible roots, and equals x^p-x by Fermat's Little Theorem and unique factorization in this ring.
Set g = GCD(f,x^p-x). Using Euclid's algorithm to compute the GCD of two polynomials is fast in general, taking a number of steps that is logarithmic in the maximum degree. It does not require you to factor the polynomials. g has the same roots as f in the field, and no repeated factors.
Because of the special form of x^p-x, with only two nonzero terms, the first step of Euclid's algorithm can be done by repeated squaring, in about 2 log_2 (p) steps involving only polynomials of degree no more than twice the degree of f, with coefficients mod p. We may compute x mod f, x^2 mod f, x^4 mod f, etc, then multiply together the terms corresponding to nonzero places in the binary expansion of p to compute x^p mod f, and finally subtract x.
Repeatedly do the following: Choose a random d in Z/p. Compute the GCD of g with r_d = (x+d)^((p-1)/2)-1, which we can again compute rapidly by Euclid's algorithm, using repeated squaring on the first step. If the degree of this GCD is strictly between 0 and the degree of g, we have found a nontrivial factor of g, and we can recurse until we have found the linear factors hence roots of g and thus f.
How often does this work? r_d has as roots the numbers that are d less than a nonzero square mod p. Consider two distinct roots of g, a and b, so (x-a) and (x-b) are factors of g. If a+d is a nonzero square, and b+d is not, then (x-a) is a common factor of g and r_d, while (x-b) is not, which means GCD(g,r_d) is a nontrivial factor of g. Similarly, if b+d is a nonzero square while a+d is not, then (x-b) is a common factor of g and r_d while (x-a) is not. By number theory, one case or the other happens close to half of the possible choices for d, which means that on average it takes a constant number of choices of d before we find a nontrivial factor of g, in fact one separating (x-a) from (x-b).
Your answers are good, but I think I found a wonderful method to find the roots modulo any number: This method based on "LATTICES". Let r ≤ R be a root of mod p. We must find another function such as h(x) such that h isn't large and r is root of h. Lattice method find this function. At the first time, we must create a basis of polynomial for lattice and then, with "LLL" algorithm, we find a "shortest vector" that has root r without modulo p. In fact, we eliminate modulo p with this way.
For more explanation, refer to "Coppersmith D. Finding small solutions to small degree polynomials. In Cryptography and lattices".
Given two numbers N and p, let k be the maximum power of p such that p^k divides N! and let d = N!/(p^k). So d and p are coprimes.
How do I find d mod p? Direct iterations will be impractical as N! will be very high when N is high. A more efficient algorithm is required to find the expression.
Here is O(N) algorithm:
int d=1;
for(int i=1;i<=N;++i)
It doesn't require storing huge numbers, so may be acceptable. I suspect that O(p) algorithm is possible (because numbers will repeat after every k*p), but the code will be a bit more complex.