Laravel export downloadable CSV file - laravel

I am trying to write an endpoint which exports the data from the users table i currently have into a CSV file which is downloaded upon clicking of a button. I have setup the controller, routes, export file, and added in the button within the view but everytime i go to click the button it just directs me to the admin/user/export then gives me a 404 but shouldnt it just stay on the same URL then just add the file to my downloads file?
This is the package i am using for Laravel
web route
Route::get('users/export', 'Admin\UserController#export')->name('users.export');
class UsersExport implements FromCollection
public function collection()
return User::all();
Controller Function
public function export()
return Excel::download(new UsersExport, 'users.csv');
Summarise problem:
Everytime i click the button on the view page it directs to admin/users/export then gives me a 404 when i want it to just download the CSV file for the users.
Some help to see where i am wrong would be helpful!

The problem is that two of your routes conflict with each other.
Given the following two routes:
Route::get('users/{user}', 'Admin\UserController#show')->name('');
Route::get('users/export', 'Admin\UserController#export')->name('users.export');
Currently Laravel assumes that when you are trying to access users/export you actually want to access users/{user} with export as the route parameter {user}.
Making sure that users/export is registered before users/{user} should solve your issue:
Route::get('users/export', 'Admin\UserController#export')->name('users.export');
Route::get('users/{user}', 'Admin\UserController#show')->name('');


Blade template does not want to load from Laravel Package

I am loading the view in the package with
$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'../../resources/views', 'admin');
But when I request the page I get an error
View [test] not found.
Interesting twist, when I put the complete path to the view folder in the loadViewsFrom method the template loads.
I load the blade template with the following code
public function showTest()
return view('admin::test');
Right above the loadViewsFrom method, I call loadRoutesFrom method
And this loads without any issue.
Any suggestions what could be the issue? The code of the package is very plain, load a blade template when a route is called.
The problem was solved by fixing the paths to view folder.
After verifying the exact location of my file by
I worked my way back to the correct path of the view folder, which was just one folder lower and not to.

Dompdf Laravel Test

I am having problems resolving this issue. I want the user to be able to download a report when pressing the button. I keep on getting Action not defined, and if I change my route it will simply not load the app.
Any help would be appreciated.
<button>Download PDF</button>
public function pdf($id){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('', compact('report'));
return $pdf->download('server_report.pdf');
You need to have your action defined in a route.
For example:
Also, make sure that if ReportController has a resource route then the pdf route goes above it.

Laravel Route to Standalone WebApp

I am trying to build a portal in Laravel to serve some other, standalone web apps (not built in Laravel), but I am struggling to find out how to route to these apps if I want to place them outside the public folder.
In the past, I would use (temporary) symlinks for this kind of things, but I was wondering if Laravel provides another solution.
So, I have a folder:
and I want a route /modules/1 to link to index.php in the module-folder in such a way that the resources in this folder (js/css/img) are also accessible.
Any suggestions?
You can include other PHP files with require_once.
Route::any('/webapp/{assets?}', 'WebAppController#index');
class WebAppController {
public function index(Request $request) {
require_once '../module/index.php';
if ($request->assets) {
// check from session if user is logged in
// require asset as well
// (or download them

Controllers and ajax in laravel 4

I'm new at Laravel and I can't figure how to handle controllers (and ajax).
I have a button in a sidebar, and I want to show a page when it's clicked.
I have a view (which is the page i want to display in ajax) located in views/logs/system.blade.php
and a controller located in controllers/LogsController which has the following code -
class LogsController extends BaseController {
public function getLogs() {
return View::make('logs/system');
my routes.php has the code -
Route::get('/', 'HomeController#showWelcome'); // Works fine
Route::get('logs', 'LogsController#getLogs');
First things - how can I access the view I'm gettings in getLogs in a URL (localhost/mysite/public/logs doesn't work...)
Second - how can I access it in an ajax call?
I tried
$.get('logs', function(data) {
but it doesn't work either. It gets 500 Internal Server Error....
Help please!
You should be able to go to: localhost/mysite/public/logs
if not, enable mod_rewrite in your apache and in your apache httpd.conf, set:
AllowOverride All
Most probably the server error 500 (in both cases) is caused by the fact that you have a mistake in the View::make() call. To utilize a view in subfolder you have to use the dot notation.
So correct the code
class LogsController extends BaseController {
public function getLogs() {
return View::make('logs.system');
and you should be good to go, the url should load fine, both in browser and in Ajax.
If you still have problems, check the Laravel Logs (probably path/to/app/storage/logs/...) as well as Apache Error Log (probably /var/log/apache2/error.log). I assume you are using Unix/Linux operating system.
The rewrite module was on.
I solved it by going to localhost/mysite/public/index.php/logs, this is the URL that it expects, maybe something in the .htaccess file is wrong.

Laravel Controller not working

I'm very new to the Laravel framework and am trying to load a simple controller in my browser to slowly get the hang of things.
I have a file that's titled users.php inside of the the laravel/app/controllers/ folder and it looks like this:
class UsersController extends BaseController
public $restful = true;
public function action_index()
echo 'hi';
In the routes.php file, I have
Route::get('users', 'UsersController#index');
But, when I go to
I'm greeted with a message that says "ReflectionException
Class UsersController does not exist"
I'm not sure if this is because I didn't install the mcrypt extension of PHP. But, when I checked the php.ini file on MAMP, it said that it was enabled. Upon entering
which PHP
in my terminal, it said /usr/bin/php. So, it might not be using the correct version of PHP.
I'm not entirely sure if this is a routes problem or if it's stemming from an absence of a vital PHP extension.
Thanks a bunch!
You need to use the Route::controller method to reference your Controller:
Route::controller('test', 'TestController');
...and rename your file (as Cryode mentions ) to be TestController.php.
Note - if you want to use the filename as test.php, then you will need to use composer to update the autoload settings.
Finally, the format of names for Controller methods changed in Laravel 4, try renaming the method
public function action_index() {}
to be
public function getIndex() {}
the get represents a HTTP GET request... the same applies for post (HTTP POST) and any (GET or POST.. )
I'm not familiar with that part of Laravel's source, so I'm not entirely certain that this is the issue, but your controller file name should match the controller class name, including capitalization.
So users.php should be UsersController.php. Now, when I do this myself on purpose, I get a "No such file or directory" error on an include() call, so that's why I'm not certain that's the sole cause of your problem. But it may be a start.
