Controllers and ajax in laravel 4 - laravel-4

I'm new at Laravel and I can't figure how to handle controllers (and ajax).
I have a button in a sidebar, and I want to show a page when it's clicked.
I have a view (which is the page i want to display in ajax) located in views/logs/system.blade.php
and a controller located in controllers/LogsController which has the following code -
class LogsController extends BaseController {
public function getLogs() {
return View::make('logs/system');
my routes.php has the code -
Route::get('/', 'HomeController#showWelcome'); // Works fine
Route::get('logs', 'LogsController#getLogs');
First things - how can I access the view I'm gettings in getLogs in a URL (localhost/mysite/public/logs doesn't work...)
Second - how can I access it in an ajax call?
I tried
$.get('logs', function(data) {
but it doesn't work either. It gets 500 Internal Server Error....
Help please!

You should be able to go to: localhost/mysite/public/logs
if not, enable mod_rewrite in your apache and in your apache httpd.conf, set:
AllowOverride All

Most probably the server error 500 (in both cases) is caused by the fact that you have a mistake in the View::make() call. To utilize a view in subfolder you have to use the dot notation.
So correct the code
class LogsController extends BaseController {
public function getLogs() {
return View::make('logs.system');
and you should be good to go, the url should load fine, both in browser and in Ajax.
If you still have problems, check the Laravel Logs (probably path/to/app/storage/logs/...) as well as Apache Error Log (probably /var/log/apache2/error.log). I assume you are using Unix/Linux operating system.

The rewrite module was on.
I solved it by going to localhost/mysite/public/index.php/logs, this is the URL that it expects, maybe something in the .htaccess file is wrong.


Codeigniter 4 - controllers won't work unless I add them directly to Routes.php

Can anyone tell me:
Do I have to declare all of my controllers in Routes.php in Codeigniter 4?
I can't seem to get a controller to work unless I add it directly to the "Routes.php"
I have created my controllers properly and the Home controller is working after install and setup.
If I add the controller My_page.php :
namespace App\Controllers;
class My_page extends BaseController{
public function index(){
echo "Controller 'My_page' -> function index() ";
I get a
: "404 - File Not Found
Sorry! Cannot seem to find the page you were looking for."
If I now add the controller to the rout - i.e.:
$routes->post('my_page', 'My_page::index');
Then my controller works properly and I get the "Controller 'My_page' -> function index() " when I visit
I have also tested:
and this makes no difference.
I am using the .htaccess that comes with the download. I have updated the base URL to
The documentation is confusing to me - ;
it sounds like they are saying have to declare all classes with routes?
Why are my controllers not working without declaring them specifically in Routes.php?
And am I misunderstanding 'setAutoRoute(true)' it also does not seem to work - I expect that I can turn this on and simply create my controllers pretty much like in CI3?
If you don't enable auto-routing you most certainly need to add all routes which you are allowing, anything else will fail with error 404. As #parttimeturtle mentioned - autoroute it is disabled by default since 4.2.
So in short - Yes, you need to add all controllers, their functions and the appropriate http methods. (That includes CLI routes as well)
You can use $route->add(), which will allow all http methods, it's however more secure to explicitly set them with their methods.

Route [add.sp] not defined

i wrote url like that
use App\Http\Controllers\DashController;
Route::get('/admin/special', [DashController::class, 'addSpecializations'])->name('add.sp');
this is controller
public function addSpecializations()
return view('dashboard.add-specializations');
when i tried to open it i can't even though all route work
after that i wrote this code in view's file
<a href="{{route('add.sp')}}">
so i faced this issue
Route [add.sp] not defined.
In case your routes are cached, run php artisan route:clear. In development, don't cache anything, including views and config.

CodeIgniter 4 - No direct script access allowed

After installing and configuring CI 4 I can see the home controller and the debug bar as normal (I'm in development mode).
There is a problem with error reporting. If I try to deliberately write some wrong PHP code, CodeIgniter overrides the normal PHP behaviour and hides the errors (in development mode!!).
Here's an example of deliberately adding a PHP error to the home controller:
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class Home extends BaseController
public function index()
this is an error!! ()
return view('welcome_message');
Here's the output (which is not helpful with real errors):
No direct script access allowed
How can I set CodeIgniter 4 to show PHP errors? (the error is not even logged anywhere inside the server)
this problem happened when u delete this folder (app/view/errors) from view

Laravel 5 This webpage has a redirect loop ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

I'm working on a project on my local machine, and I use XAMPP for OSX
I used to be able to go to localhost/projects earlier today, but I don't know why am I keep getting the redirect loop now. When I take a look at the Networks tab in Chrome, it's redirecting back and forth between projects and projects/.
I've been trying to find redirect in my ProjectsController, but there's none. In fact, I'm using Route::resource('projects', 'ProjectsController'). Has anyone had this before? how do I solve it
I even tried to simply return a string in my controller
class ProjectsController extends controller {
public function index()
return "index";
Yet this still giving me redirect loop
It gives me status code 301 if that helps
Update ==
Here's my route:list

Zend Framework non-existent controller redirects to home page?

When I type an invalid url (non-existent controller), it displays the homepage rather than return a 404 Page Not Found page. Does anyone know the possible reason?
Have checked if there is any plugins are registered in the bootstrap and if is it configured to catch the exceptions or set any ACL mechanisms.
Also check the error controller too. may be there is some forwarding methods implemented there.
Hi i've had the same problem and i now know how to fix it:
within the bootstrap have the following init
function _initModules()
$this->bootstrap('frontController') ;
$front = $this->getResource('frontController') ;
$front->addModuleDirectory(APPLICATION_PATH . "/modules");
$front->setParam("useDefaultControllerAlways", false);
Setting 'useDefault....' will use the default controller when a 404 occurs.
You should also make sure your error controller is setup correctly
