In AWS, how do I configure SSM for an instance joined to an AWS AD Domain in a Private Subnet? - amazon-ec2

I am trying to set up SSM on Windows.
I have an ASG in a private subnet (absolutely 0 internet access). I can not use NAT, only VPC endpoints.
In the instance launch configuration, I have a PowerShell script that uses Set-DnsClientServerAddress so that the instance can find and join an AWS Managed MS AD service. I would also like to set up the instance so it can be fully managed with SSM.
The problem comes with the DNS Client Server Address.
When I set it to match the address of the AD service SSM will not work.
When I leave the DNS Client Server Address default, SSM works but I can not join the AD.
I tried forcing the SSM Agent to use the endpoints by creating a amazon-ssm-agent.json file and setting all three endpoints in there. This allowed the instance to show on the Managed Instance list, but its status never changed from pending and requests from within the instance still timed out.
Does anyone know the magic sauce to get these things all working at the same time?
I also tried adding a forward as described in this thread, however I'm either missing somethign or it is not working for my case:

It turns out that adding the forwarder as described in the link above worked. The part I was missing was joedaws comment, "I would also remove the existing entry so that only the ip address is in the list".
Of course, my IPs are different, but once I removed the preexisting forward so that my x.x.x.2 IP was the only one in the list (I did this for both of the AD DNS servers) the instance was discoverable by SSM.
So, I would make a minor change to the list that saugy wrote:
On a domain joined windows instance, log in with AD domain Admin user
Open DNS manager
Connect to one of the DNS IP addresses for the AWS AD
Select forwarders
Add the VPC's DNS IP (x.x.x.2 from you VPC's CIDR range)
Remove the existing IP (so you VPCs IP is the only one)
Click Apply
Repeat from step 3 with the other DNS IP address for the AWS AD (not 1
Also, as mentioned in the other post. This only has to be done once and the settings persist in the AD DNS.


Adding a CNAME to an AWS EC2 Public Domain Name

I have a test application running at
(This is a Test application, it wont be live for long. When I try to add a CNAME to this, like the screenshot below
. is added by the DNS system.
However, my app seems to be accessible only via or
I can make it to resolve it either one of them.
But adding anything, does not seem to resolve with a CNAME. It gives 503 Service Unavailable.
I am using AWS EC2 to host the app with a HAProxy Load Balancer.
Using Google Domains for DNS Name.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting this problem?
All dns entries have a dot in the end like
It's not suggested to create CNAMEs to your ec2 instance because that IP may vary in time and it's not reassignable, that's what elastic ip's are made for, just create an elastic IP, assign it to your ec2 instance and assign it as an A record on your DNS provider.
Amazon AWS documentation
First create elastic IP and assign to your instance. Then create A record and point IP. Your site should work normal.

Why can't I join my AWS EC2 instance to Active Directory?

I'm unable to join an EC2 instance to my Directory Services Simple AD in Amazon Web Services manually, per Amazon's documentation.
I have a Security Group attached to my instance which allows HTTP and RDP only from my IP address.
I'm entering the FQDN
I've verified that the Simple AD and the EC2 instance are in the same (public, for the moment) subnet.
DNS appears to be working (because tracert to my IP gives my company's domain name).
I cannot tracert to the Simple AD's IP address (it doesn't even hit the first hop)
I cannot tracert to anything on the Internets (same as above).
arp -a shows the IP of the Simple AD, so it appears my instance has received traffic from the Simple AD.
This is the error message I'm receiving:
The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service
location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory
Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain "":
The error was: "This operation returned because the timeout period
expired." (error code 0x000005B4 ERROR_TIMEOUT)
The query was for the SRV record for
The DNS servers used by this computer for name resolution are not
responding. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the
following IP addresses:
Verify that this computer is connected to the network, that these are
the correct DNS server IP addresses, and that at least one of the DNS
servers is running.
The problem is the Security Group rules as currently constructed are blocking the AD traffic. Here's the key concepts:
Security Groups are whitelists, so any traffic that's not explicitly allowed is disallowed.
Security Groups are attached to each EC2 instance. Think of Security Group membership like having a copy of an identical firewall in front of each node in the group. (In contrast, Network ACLs are attached to subnets. With a Network ACL you would not have to specify allowing traffic within the subnet because traffic within the subnet does not cross the Network ACL.)
Add a rule to your Security Group which allows all traffic to flow within the subnet's CIDR block and that will fix the problem.
The question marked as the answer is incorrect.
Both of my AWS EC2 instances are in same VPC, same subnet, with same security group.
I have the same issue. Here are my inbound rules on my security group:
Here is the outbound rules:
I can also ping from the between the dc and the other host, bi-directional with replies on both side.
I also have the DC IP address set as the primary and only DNS server on the other EC2 instance.
AWS has some weird sorcery preventing a secondary EC2 instance from joining the EC2 domain controller, unless using their managed AD services which I am NOT using.
The other EC2 instance has the DC IP address set as primary DNS. And bundled with the fact I can ping each host from each other, I should have ZERO problems joining to domain.
I had a very similar problem, where at first LDAP over UDP (and before that, DNS) was failing to connect, even though the port tests were fine, resulting in the same kind of error (in network traces, communication between standalone server EC2 instance and the DC instance stopped at "CLDAP 201 searchRequest(4) "" baseObject", with nothing being returned). Did all sorts of building and rebuilding, only to find out that I was inadvertently blocking UDP traffic, which AWS needs for both LDAP and DNS. I had allowed TCP only, and the "All Open" test SG I was using was also TCP only.

Amazon - can't connect to instance behind VPC

For testing purposes, I set up a VPC on Amazon and created an instance within the VPC. I've added a gateway for the address to the attached routing table, and given the instance an elastic IP address. I'm unable to ssh or ping it, even when I set the security group to allow all traffic. I must be missing something obvious. What am I doing wrong?
It turns out that when I created the instance, I accepted the default security group, which only allows access from a specific IP address. When I added another instance, I created it with a security group which allowed all traffic, and I was able to ping it.

amazon ec2 - name server issue

i have created new instance in amazon ec2, and assigned the elastic ip for instance. But i need to know how to get ip for name server (, ns2,
I have installed whm in amazon instance. Only domain cannot point to the correct name server. That is because ip cannot load.
Now, my problem is that how i get new ip. Can i add another two elastic ip in amazon? But i configured two elastic ip for name server in dns zone within whm. The name server is not working. And i cannot open the elastic ip in browser. I am confuse for it. Please anyone help me.
There are lots of things that can go wrong here. I'll try to troubleshoot step by-step:
I'll assume the goal is "You want to type '' and see your WHM"
1) Go to your domain registrar and make an entry that points "" to your EIP. (Depending on what you want, maybe you should setup a "*" wildcard for that EIP.
2) Test that step #1 worked by typing "ping" or "dig" (one linux/mac, not sure about Windows). This should return your EIP. If not, go back to step 1.
3) Check that WMH is acually running. Read the docs to find what port it's running on. (Usually 2083, or 2082 for insecure access)
On your instance, run "curl -v localhost:2083" (or whatever port. It should return a login screen. If it says "couldn't connect to host", then you have the wrong port or it's not running.
4) run "netstat -na | grep :2083" (or whatever port). It should say "*". If it says "*", then you need to configure it to allow outside access.
5) Make sure your WHM port is enabled in the AWS firewall. Go to the AWS control panel and find the security group for your box. Make sure that port is allowed. Ideally, you'd only add your personal IP instead of opening it up to the world. (If there is a bug in WHM, people will scan all IPs trying to exploit it. They can't exploit your server if the AWS firewall denies them access.)
6) Now type "" (or whatever port) in your browser. (or for insecure access). It should work!
i need to know how to get ip for name server (, ns2,
As rdrey said, you need to go to your DNS provider (most registrars also do DNS) and tell them what boxes should point to your EIP.
That is because ip cannot load.
There is no such thing as "ip cannot load". Either "DNS is giving the wrong IP" or "some IP operations (TCP ports) were blocked by a firewall somewhere".
Now, my problem is that how i get new ip
I don't think that should be your goal. You can easily change EIPs, but it won't fix the problem. Nothing works unless everything in between is set up correctly. The goal should be understanding all the steps in the process and verifying that each step was done correctly.
OK, you have two options here:
Use the DNS servers provided by your Domain Registrar OR
Use AWS Route53 to let Amazon provide DNS services for you.
Option 1:
You bought your domain name from a registrar, like one of these:
Most, if not all, registrars run a free DNS service for their customers. You should be able to log into some kind of management console and set your domain's DNS zone entries to point at your AWS EIP. (I am using and used to use godaddy. You simply leave the DNS Servers as they are and set your AWS EIP as the 'A' record.)
Option 2:
Go to and follow instructions. I haven't read up on Route53's pricing, so this option might not be free.
---- EDIT:
Some more help:
The site you've linked to ( states that you've used your EIP ( as the nameserver for the domain. You don't want that. You're running a cPanel installation, NOT a DNS nameserver.
Put as your site's A record. (Sometimes called the www field.) Remove it from the NS fields and put & into those.

Amazon AWS - Windows Instance Setup

I have a domain which is pointed to the right DNS server and verified by someone else and is working correctly:
However, even though I setuped the domain correctly on the server with IIS, it's not working correctly.
Can anyone point me to the right direction? Is there any additional setup I need to make to get it working?
Server IP :
Using the internal IP, it works but not with the server ip with port/url.
I am not sure if I understand your problem, but my approach would be:
Allocating EC2 Elastic IP Address.
Associating such an address with your running EC2 instance.
Pointing your domain name to this IP address.
Adding inbound TCP rule for all IP sources ( in Security Group settings belonging to your EC2 instance.
Keep in mind that windows instances in AWS come with the software (windows) firewall enabled by default. Make sure that you have the correct firewall policies in place in the software firewall as well as the security group.
