Styling a disabled RadListView swipe action - nativescript

It appears that if a RadListView swipe action is disabled then it simply disappears from the swipe actions list, although the action's space is still consumed. It's as if both the color and backgroundColor properties were set to white.
Is there a way to control this? I tried several :disabled css options but none seem to take effect.

OK, so this underscores why it's useful to post the code in question - my bad. I noticed I had spelled the css color "grey" instead of "gray". Now the styling is being applied as expected.


Xcode invisible elements

I don't know what happened. Elements items like buttons or segmented control are invisible in main storyboard. Cellphone is the same.
I put the image, of what I mean
It looks like you accidentally changed the view's (or window's) Tint Color to white. (Or you could even have turned it to Clear color, or no color at all.)
This would cause the text of the button or segmented control to be invisible, because it is white on white. The segmented control has a border but it would turn white too. So you wouldn't be able to see anything.
There are two places to look to fix this. Look at the Tint popup of your view controller's View in the Attributes inspector.
Also look at the Global Tint popup in the File inspector for the whole storyboard.
[EDIT It turned out to be the Global Tint.]

How to (enable/disable) seeing scrollable content blurred through titlebar on macOS

The default behavior when scrolling on macOS is to show a blurred version of the scrolled content through the titlebar. I'm wondering what attribute/setting controls this behavior. In particular I'd like to disable this effect for my document windows.
I've found that I can disable the effect app wide by setting the NSScrollViewShouldScrollUnderTitlebar defaults key to false.
I've also found that you can disable the effect for a particular documentView (presented in scroll view) by overriding - (BOOL)_wantsUnderTitlebarView; and returning false. Or you can disable in by creating a custom the NSScrollView and having - (BOOL)_canAddUnderTitlebarView; return false.
This solves the problem, though in a hacky way. Still looking for the proper way to disable this feature.

KendoUI TabStrip on click

I have a little problem with using KendoUI TabStrip. It doesn't matter if I'm at the top of the screen, but when I click a tab, the screen moves to the tabs to the center of the screen and the I have to scroll to view the content, this is not a big problem, but it is annoying, so I would like to know if there's a way to avoid this.
Thank you.
Yes, according to Telerik:
The problem is caused by the fact that during the time that the tabs
are changed, the page get smaller, so the scroll position goes up. The
solution is to set height or min-height style to the TabStrip content
s, so that the overall TabStrip height remains constant.
They also list other potential solutions in the following thread:
I had a similar issue with tabs jumping around when i was removing and adding tabstrips dynamically.
My root cause was due to using jquery and trying to do a $("#tabstrip").remove() instead of clearing out the container holding the tabstrip. My fix was $("#tabstripcontainer").empty() to clear out any remnants that the tabstrip left behind.

scroll bar vertical on c++ builder

I´m doing a bit GUI, this has a Form with a TMemo with the property ScrollBars set to ssVertical but I would like that the vertical scroll only shows when necessary, at present it's always shown. How can I disable when not necessary and enable when necessary?
Thanks you very much.
Unfortunately, TMemo's scrollbars do not work that way. If they are enbled then they are always displayed, regardless of the content. Switch to a TRichEdit instead.

Collapsed PanoramaItem briefly appears when swiping

I have a weird experience when using a panorama control on 7.1... I'm trying to toggle the visibility of a PanoramaItem programmatically. But while it works fine and the PanoramaItem toggles (i.e. PanItemA is hidden, while PanItemB is shown) , the hidden PanoramaItem reappears briefly while swiping right (from first item to last).
I have no clue how to solve it.
Any help is much appreciated.
It's not good idea show/hide Items for Panorama.
Try remove/add them instead.
