Quasar sigened apk refused by Google play store - apk

i’m unable to publish my app in google play store, trying to sign my apk with 10000 days, but when upload in play store getting an error “You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle signed with a certificate that expires too soon. You need to sign your APK or Android App Bundle with a certificate that expires farther into the future.” please help me…

Try increasing the validity to at least 20000. Quasars default is at 20000.


expo-notifications not working properly with android. "Error encountered while updating server registration with latest device push token."

I have a problem setting notifications with expo-notifications on android.
So I followed all the steps of expo documentation. Everithing works very well with iOS but when it comes to android, I get the following error:
[expo-notifications] Error encountered while updating server registration with latest device push token. Error: Fetching the token failed: Please set your Project ID. A valid Firebase Project ID is required to communicate with Firebase server APIs: It identifies your application with Firebase.Please refer to https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/init-options.
I think I did everything I had to do:
Set up a firebase account with a given ID,
add an android application (the package name is the same of the one that apperas on app.json)
download google-services.json file and copy it on app's root directory
check that the key generated on google cloud is the same than the one on google-services.json file
add on app.json file "googleServicesFile": "./google-services.json" and "useNextNotificationsApi": true,
copy the server token from firebase and upload to the project using command expo push:android:upload --api-key
build the project
I really tried to look for information but I can't find a solution.
the error appears only on android devices, and it appears as soon as the command import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications'; is called.
Please help!

couldn't understand app review process on google play

Does google review app everytime when we upload new android app bundle because I uploaded new .aab file in production and status is written "in review".
Yes it does review the app every time except for the internal test track.

Push Notificaion capability

I am developing mobile app by using nativescript with angular. For earlier version of the app, we didn't include Push Notification when we published the app on both stores. Now, we included Push Notification in the app. It is OK when I published the app on Google Play Store. But when I built the app to upload on the Apple Store, I got the following error.
If you already this problem and solved, please let me know how you solved it.
You need to activate Push Notification capabilities from xcode for your provisioning profile.
Check this questionXcode Push notifications
Go to https://developer.apple.com/ and edit your App Id settings.
Should be under App Ids inside Identifiers in left hand side. and then select your app id's Setup and configure services for this App ID. Enabled the Push Notifications.
You need to regenrate the provison profile for this is.

Can I safely sign an APK for a third party?

I'm developing an App for a third party.
The client should receive an APK for him to manually upload to the Google Play Store.
For this, I created a new Keystore, and saved the signed APK to disk. Do I need to do anything else before sending the client the APK?
I'm asking this because for iOS I had to walkthrough the client to create and send me the appropriate certificates and private key for me to sign the .ipa file.
Is it this simple for Android? Or do I need to take additional steps into consideration?
Thank you

SDwebimage cannot get image from an unverified https

I question for my ios app development.
I used sdwebimage to get some image from my own server which is a https one.
However, i did not buy a certificate and the server address was not verified.
Therefore, the app failed to get the image. I've tried to get an image from amazon via https. It worked.
Is there any configuration should I do to my app so that it could get the image from my server?
